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I haven't started any cycles yet, but I had a question about this.
Do any of you use filters (like a Whatman filter) when drawing out of an ampoule?
I've done a search on here and couldn't find much. The only thing I found was a link to a youtube video showing how to properly break open an ampoule and in that video they use a filter-needle, not one of the filters that AR-R sells.
There's actually a couple videos on youtube about how to administer medication from an ampoule, but in every single one of them they use filter-needles.
The point in using the filter-needles is because some tiny glass fragments might be in the ampoule after breaking it, so what is the solution to this? If you use ampoules do you use filter-needles, or can you use on the filters AR-R sells? Or do you just draw and inject without a filter?