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Thread: Using a filter with an ampoule

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.

    Using a filter with an ampoule

    I haven't started any cycles yet, but I had a question about this.

    Do any of you use filters (like a Whatman filter) when drawing out of an ampoule?

    I've done a search on here and couldn't find much. The only thing I found was a link to a youtube video showing how to properly break open an ampoule and in that video they use a filter-needle, not one of the filters that AR-R sells.

    There's actually a couple videos on youtube about how to administer medication from an ampoule, but in every single one of them they use filter-needles.

    The point in using the filter-needles is because some tiny glass fragments might be in the ampoule after breaking it, so what is the solution to this? If you use ampoules do you use filter-needles, or can you use on the filters AR-R sells? Or do you just draw and inject without a filter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The Shore
    I personally have never used a filter and haven't had any problems. I suppose if an amp shattered instead of just cracking open I would be scared to draw from it though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.
    I haven't found any posts with people complaining of injecting any glass I didn't know if people used filters or if there just isn't that big of a chance of it happening and so people aren't too worried. Thanks for the response though, anyone else?

  4. #4
    I know one case who actually got class in his butt but that was like 13 years ago and he was very careless with those injections and tools anyway. I have no proof of that other than scars he had and what he told how he got that. Yes there might have been small glass particles with huge needles he used but there must have been something else to get inflammation like that causing actually piece to be cut off. Personally if amp shatters bit badly i just use smaller drawing needle.

  5. #5
    no need to use a filter at all ,if you are carefull you wont be getting any galss into the amp ,also if you do filter you could lose some of the gear ,i havenevr had any problems at all with amps and i have used a damm lot of them

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.
    ok, good to know, thanks guys!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The Shore
    Cheers. Good luck bro!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan111 View Post
    I haven't started any cycles yet, but I had a question about this.

    Do any of you use filters (like a Whatman filter) when drawing out of an ampoule?

    I've done a search on here and couldn't find much. The only thing I found was a link to a youtube video showing how to properly break open an ampoule and in that video they use a filter-needle, not one of the filters that AR-R sells.

    There's actually a couple videos on youtube about how to administer medication from an ampoule, but in every single one of them they use filter-needles.

    The point in using the filter-needles is because some tiny glass fragments might be in the ampoule after breaking it, so what is the solution to this? If you use ampoules do you use filter-needles, or can you use on the filters AR-R sells? Or do you just draw and inject without a filter?
    We have used amps for numerous years and never a problem.
    No need to filter these.

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