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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #641
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    I took the 24 hr urine collection GH test from AAL Reference Labs that my doctor administered to me.

    Age expected levels were from Low-500 to High2275 and I tested 1230 the first time and 1345 the second test which were low to moderate as stated by the test.
    Thanks bud, just to clarify though - what I am asking is - what are those numbers? 500-2275 what?

    I am highly surprised that GH levels can be tested in urine considering how hard it is to test for in blood.

  2. #642
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Thanks bud, just to clarify though - what I am asking is - what are those numbers? 500-2275 what?

    I am highly surprised that GH levels can be tested in urine considering how hard it is to test for in blood.

    Ha, I was surprised too when he walked back in witht the kit and said this is what I prefer to use to be accurate for actual GH.

    On the test it just says "Urinary HGH(asr)" whatever that means and
    " 500-2275 pg24hr(expected range is age and gender specific) "

    That's all I got man lol.
    Last edited by fossilfuel7; 07-23-2010 at 02:58 AM. Reason: forgot

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Where is the bloat mate?
    Fingers, wrists and face seem to be the worst but this morning my fingers and wrists felt alittle painful. Not to bad but enough to make me feel uncomfortable...

    Supposing my gh is real when should i expect these sides to subside??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Fingers, wrists and face seem to be the worst but this morning my fingers and wrists felt alittle painful. Not to bad but enough to make me feel uncomfortable...

    Supposing my gh is real when should i expect these sides to subside??
    They are usually gone within about a month or so, maybe a little longer if you increase the dose within that time though.

    jing jai

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by boss4romdabay View Post
    ok well if you would have read my complete post you would have read where i said i was only "3 weeks in at 3iu" if i could start higher i would, and im going 7 days a week
    it was a simple harmless statement. maybe i didnt feel like looking back 15 f#cking pages to find your goal sheet. but then again, it doesnt matter to me.

  6. #646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I agree..... here are my thoughts.....

    I've had better results while running my HGH..... if it's not HGH then it's still making me grow better. I look better now than I ever have...... Also.... my HGH is paid for (up to 8iu's 5/2) so i'm not spending the cash on it myself. I wont go into details regarding it but just to clarify - I AM NOT SELLING..... DON'T ASK.

    When the time is right.... I will try pharm grade but as of right now I can't do that. Do I think pharm grade will be better.... yea i'm sure. Maybe this generic is underdosed..... idunno what the deal is but i'm seeing results and i'm happy. If in the near future I have to pay for it..... i'll no longer take it until I can afford pharm grade stuff.

    I mean..... this all happened so damn fast. Everyone here was going on their merry way with the generics up until a month ago. Now all of a sudden every one of us has fake HGH because theres no label, or because theres a pinwheel on the top..... Come on. While I agree that the generic HGH is not up to par with pharm grade HGH - i'm sure my personal hgh is not just some random powder.

    idunno..... just my .02


    Right on. i guess my HGH pinwheel tops was a diuretic, for exactly the time i was injecting it i had to pee every half hour of the night. the day after i quit the "HGH" my half hourly peeing has stopped. but atleast i peed some body fat off and didnt get a forehead tumor.

    but a good point with this HGH stuff, is that test and fina and lotsa protein gets shit done. and if someone doesnt have serious money to just throw away on pharm HGH its best to just stick with the good juice. gamble with juice you may lose 43 bucks, gamble with HGH and thats a corvette payment. i just pissed away 400 bucks, ive never done that on test. and i got away with only losing 400 bucks because XtraLarg alerted me early on.

    i just wish test gave those youthfull benefits, instead it always give me thick facial skin.

  7. #647
    Hey Xtra can you help?

    I just got purchased 100iu's of yellow tops and everytime I inject I have a red circle and itching as well. I only inject 3iu each morning subQ. I alternate site from the front of my belly to the love handles. I have read a few other treads and a few people were saying that it could be I am allergic to the BA water. I know alot of people that take the same kind and have great gains so I am thinking its purely allergy related. The vials are 10iu's each and are kept in the fridge before and after mixing. I only mix one vial at a time and it lasts me 3 days. Do you think it would be ok if I used sterile water?

  8. #648
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    Hey Xtra can you help?

    I just got purchased 100iu's of yellow tops and everytime I inject I have a red circle and itching as well. I only inject 3iu each morning subQ. I alternate site from the front of my belly to the love handles. I have read a few other treads and a few people were saying that it could be I am allergic to the BA water. I know alot of people that take the same kind and have great gains so I am thinking its purely allergy related. The vials are 10iu's each and are kept in the fridge before and after mixing. I only mix one vial at a time and it lasts me 3 days. Do you think it would be ok if I used sterile water?
    I have done some research on this for you and my findings are 'adverse reactions to intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of 0.9% benzyl alcohol are not known to occur in man'

    I can only assume that:

    1. You are injecting 192aa and this is causing the reaction.
    2. You are injecting an unknown substance that is causing this adverse reaction

    If you know other people who have had great gains from the same substance and they know what they are talking about then all I can assume is that you have 192aa rHGH and this IS known to cause red welts and sore injection sites in some people. I have used 192aa myself and experienced a very similar reaction.

    Either way I would advise you to stop injecting it as it is obviously not suiting you.

    I hope this helps you.

    jing jai

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Will your friend produce a detailed report or just give you the thumbs up/down?
    Hey XT, sorry about the late response I work during the week and only really get the chance to get on here at the end of the week.

    I'm still in process of asking him what tests he could perform, he did mention, though slightly more complicated he could tell us what is exactly in the vial but the analysis of the data from the test may take a few weeks as it's not really simple to analyze such information but initially will tell me if it is HGH in the vial and how much.

  10. #650
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    ** Update **

    In week 8 of HGH, and starting to see the real effects of it, getting much leaner on my arms and abdominal area, still at 4iu's. Will be starting a test/tren cycle this monday so pondering if to increase dosage to 6iu's for the duration of the cycle. Any advice?

  11. #651
    Thx for the help, but what do you think about trying sterile water instead .... Also I was wondering if I should use Igf-1 instead? trying to get lean and drop some weight

  12. #652
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    ** Update **

    In week 8 of HGH, and starting to see the real effects of it, getting much leaner on my arms and abdominal area, still at 4iu's. Will be starting a test/tren cycle this monday so pondering if to increase dosage to 6iu's for the duration of the cycle. Any advice?
    so 4ius is adequate for you? not saying that it wouldnt be, but theres been alot of back and forth about how many iu's a day are needed for substantial changes. are you doing 4iu once or twice daily? fina really rolls fat off especially running with test, so why do you feel you need to up the dosage of HGH if its doing a good job cutting you down already? without upping the dosage, fina on its own with the test is going to increase the cutting effect. all of your cutting and building effects are getting ready to be raised substantially with the addition of tren/test so im just wondering what makes you interested to up your iu's. at 8 weeks on 4iu are you getting what you expected all the way around?

  13. #653
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    Here is an interesting read on the new baseball testing protocol for HGH being implemented in the minor leagues.

    NEW YORK -- A scientist who has worked to develop a urine test for human growth hormone says the blood test baseball plans to use for minor leaguers can only detect the substance for 6 to 12 hours.

    Don Catlin said Friday that the test, announced a day earlier by baseball commissioner Bud Selig, is of limited use. In February, a British rugby league player became the first athlete suspended following a positive HGH test.

    "The fact that it's been around for a few thousand tests and only one positive suggests that either there's much less growth hormone being used than we thought, which is doubtful, or the period of detectability is really pretty short -- a few hours. It's probably the latter," said Catlin, adding detection probably would work only with "middle-of-the-night testing."

    It wouldn't take much of an IQ for a player to circumvent this proposed HGH testing procedure. A baseball player could possibly inject HGH as soon as leaving a ballpark and test negative from a blood sample collected postgame the following day. HGH injections are routinely done at night before bed, so a morning blood sample would be the target.

    -- Victor Conte on MLB's HGH blood testing in minor leagues

    Players with minor league contracts will be given the blood test, which Selig called "a significant step."

    Victor Conte, whose Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative triggered a federal investigation of steroids use and distribution among athletes, also criticized the blood test. He said it would detect little and called it "flawed" because baseball will collect only postgame blood samples.

    "It wouldn't take much of an IQ for a player to circumvent this proposed HGH testing procedure," he wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "A baseball player could possibly inject HGH as soon as leaving a ballpark and test negative from a blood sample collected postgame the following day. HGH injections are routinely done at night before bed, so a morning blood sample would be the target. The available test for HGH requires a random blood collection protocol to be considered anything more than a PR move by MLB."

    Rob Manfred, baseball's executive vice president of labor relations, said baseball was taking whatever steps it could.

    "We are using the best available technology for the detection of HGH," he said.

    Gary Wadler, who leads the World Anti-Doping Agency committee that determines the banned-substances list, said any test is better than none. Plus, he said HGH likely will be detected by it.

    "It's not the kind of drug you take once and now you get tested weeks later, it's gone," he said. "Sure, it will be gone. But that's not how you use it. You use it, you basically take it every day. So the detection window becomes less important in something you take on a regular basis."

    And he argues testing will make athletes think harder about using.

    "It does work. It is a deterrent," he said. "Even though it's not anywhere near where we are with steroid testing, it's sufficiently developed and validated to say it should be incorporated into anti-drug testing."

    Because no independent data on the HGH test has been published, no steps have been taken toward implementing it for unionized players on 40-man major league rosters. The current drug plan and labor contract run until December 2011, but the Major League Baseball Players Association has said it would agree to a validated urine test for HGH.

    "I think they're starting it in the minor leagues to make sure there are no flaws," said San Diego pitcher Heath Bell, the Padres player representative. "If it was a urine test, I think we'd be all for it. And if it's a blood test, you can't tell a guy who's going to pitch nine innings or play nine innings, 'Here, I need a little vial of blood first,' because some guys get a little queasy."

    Minnesota Twins outfielder Michael Cuddyer said minor leaguers would be guinea pigs for the test.

    "That's how it's always been," he said. "But at the same time, if it helps us get to a point where you test, I'm all for it."

    Tampa Bay Rays manager Joe Maddon predicted use of the test eventually will expand to the big leagues.

    "I think it is a wise decision to start there," he said. "I believe that eventually it will progress to this level -- after we make sure we work out all the kinks. We have to find out what works, what doesn't."

    Catlin was critical of WADA for not allowing independent analysis of the HGH test.

    "I can't go to the literature and read a scientific article that gives me the data," he said. "WADA will have that, but they don't display it. So I think the only way we are ever going to see if it an athlete chooses to contest a positive test result, and then they'll have to show it to pursue or to prevail in court."

    The current isoform test scans blood for synthetic HGH. Wadler said there soon may be a marker test that could be used in conjunction with the first one, similar to how testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio tests are used in conjunction with carbon isotope tests to detect the difference between natural and artificial testosterone.

    Catlin abandoned his attempt to develop a test based on mass spectrometry and amino acids because not enough HGH was present in urine. He needs a commitment of $1 million to $2 million to attempt to develop a urine test based on aptamers, molecules that act similar to antibodies. His abandoned test received $900,000 in funding.

    He said it would take about three years to create the new test, and he hasn't yet started discussions with MLB and the NFL on whether they would like to fund the study.

    Validity of any test is a chief concern.

    "There can be a lot of backlash because of a false test that gets out and all of a sudden a player is labeled and he never did anything," Pirates manager John Russell said. "That's tough to get over. So I think the integrity of how they do it is going to be the main thing. If they can do it where it's proper and it's done the right way, I'm sure it will get in."

  14. #654
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    Thx for the help, but what do you think about trying sterile water instead .... Also I was wondering if I should use Igf-1 instead? trying to get lean and drop some weight
    You could try sterile water to see if it helps.

    If you want to lean up why dont you hit the clen/T3 combo?

    jing jai

  15. #655
    Go Phils!

  16. #656
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    You could try sterile water to see if it helps.

    If you want to lean up why dont you hit the clen/T3 combo?

    I wanted to stay in gh until like march then hit 2 momnths of clen/t3 combo. I have always wanted to do it and now i have funds so I gues its time HAHA. I'm just not a huge fan of clen, I get the jitters and can't sleep. I already have too much energy as it is, ya dig.

  17. #657
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    I wanted to stay in gh until like march then hit 2 momnths of clen/t3 combo. I have always wanted to do it and now i have funds so I gues its time HAHA. I'm just not a huge fan of clen, I get the jitters and can't sleep. I already have too much energy as it is, ya dig.
    Sure do.

    Try the sterile water but I reckon youre going to end up getting some different gh, after all who knows what is in those vials with yellow tops??

    jing jai

  18. #658
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Sure do.

    Try the sterile water but I reckon youre going to end up getting some different gh, after all who knows what is in those vials with yellow tops??
    Yea I'm starting to lean on the new gh idea as well.... I'll let you know how it goes with the sterile water, thanks for everything

  19. #659
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    Yea I'm starting to lean on the new gh idea as well.... I'll let you know how it goes with the sterile water, thanks for everything
    No worries

    jing jai

  20. #660
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    Hey XL, I just came accross the news from Zhao that he sent me Hypertropin and not Jintropin because, since I told him I was going to test some vials from the huge order I made, he wanted to give me as a new client the best product possible.

    So, the reason is that Hypertropin has 4 mg of rHGH 191aa per vial while Jintropin 3.3 mg per vial.

    Any direct experience on that?

  21. #661
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Hey XL, I just came accross the news from Zhao that he sent me Hypertropin and not Jintropin because, since I told him I was going to test some vials from the huge order I made, he wanted to give me as a new client the best product possible.

    So, the reason is that Hypertropin has 4 mg of rHGH 191aa per vial while Jintropin 3.3 mg per vial.

    Any direct experience on that?
    No direct experience but I am aware that Gensci make both Hyper and Jin and they are both supposed to be pharma grade. Are they saying that the jin is under dosed or that the hyper is overdosed because both are 10iu vials are they not?

    How much did you order?

    jing jai

  22. #662
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    No direct experience but I am aware that Gensci make both Hyper and Jin and they are both supposed to be pharma grade. Are they saying that the jin is under dosed or that the hyper is overdosed because both are 10iu vials are they not?

    How much did you order?
    They said Hyper is overdosed and yes they vials are 10 iu.

    I ordered 3000 iu.

  23. #663
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    They said Hyper is overdosed and yes they vials are 10 iu.

    I ordered 3000 iu.
    This makes me ask one very serious question.

    Why would a pharma grade company produce over dosed vials or rHGH? Let’s not forget that it is produced for people who have medical problems and therefore making a product that is overdosed would not be something that a reputable pharmaceutical company would do, certainly not one in the West anyway.

    I don’t like what I am hearing, it sounds dodgy.

    jing jai

  24. #664
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    You and also marcus wrote that you had good results with Jintropin.
    So, why did you stop using it?

  25. #665
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    This makes me ask one very serious question.

    Why would a pharma grade company produce over dosed vials or rHGH? Let’s not forget that it is produced for people who have medical problems and therefore making a product that is overdosed would not be something that a reputable pharmaceutical company would do, certainly not one in the West anyway.

    I don’t like what I am hearing, it sounds dodgy.
    I turned your question to him.
    This was his reply:

    Dear ...,

    In 2007 Jintropin was baned for export due to pressure from US pharma giants
    on the govt. See this article

    After that we created an alternative brand (Hypertropin) which we were able
    to deliver while Jintropin was on the ban lists in pretty much every
    country. As overseas sales were mostly for bodybuilding and weight loss
    purposes, overdosing hypertropin made sense to give people more "bang for
    the buck" and get good reviews going

  26. #666
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You and also marcus wrote that you had good results with Jintropin.
    So, why did you stop using it?
    I had to stop using it because i could no longer get hold of it, I last used Jin in about 2006. It then became hard to find due to the olympic crack down on chinese gh.

    jing jai

  27. #667
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I turned your question to him.
    This was his reply:

    Dear ...,

    In 2007 Jintropin was baned for export due to pressure from US pharma giants
    on the govt. See this article

    After that we created a alternative brand (Hypertropin) which we were able
    to deliver while Jintropin was on the ban lists in pretty much every
    country. As overseas sales were mostly for bodybuilding and weight loss
    purposes, overdosing hypertropin made sense to give people more "bang for
    the buck" and get good reviews going
    I don’t think their reply makes sense. I have to ask why they would overdose something rather than increasing its stated dose. i.e. 12iu vials instead of 10. The fact that they don’t benefit from overdosing as you would never know unless they told you or you got it tested (hard to do as we know!) makes me suspicious. yes you will get more bang for your buck but im positive that they would let you know by telling you, e.g. 12iu for the price of 10iu. Its like any other product you can think of, if you are getting 33% more orange juice for the same price the Tropicana will make sure you know by covering half the damn carton advertising the fact.

    It’s not sitting right with me what Gensci are telling you, and I’m gutted cos i want to order some ff them as well as i have already told you.

    Thats me----> Sorry

    jing jai

  28. #668
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I don’t think their reply makes sense. I have to ask why they would overdose something rather than increasing its stated dose. i.e. 12iu vials instead of 10. The fact that they don’t benefit from overdosing as you would never know unless they told you or you got it tested (hard to do as we know!) makes me suspicious. yes you will get more bang for your buck but im positive that they would let you know by telling you, e.g. 12iu for the price of 10iu. Its like any other product you can think of, if you are getting 33% more orange juice for the same price the Tropicana will make sure you know by covering half the damn carton advertising the fact.

    It’s not sitting right with me what Gensci are telling you, and I’m gutted cos i want to order some ff them as well as i have already told you.

    Thats me----> Sorry
    Do not be sorry, your thoughts have a sense.

    In any case, till we will find a lab to test the vials, I can only keep getting blood works to compare with the preceding.

  29. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Hey XL, I just came accross the news from Zhao that he sent me Hypertropin and not Jintropin because, since I told him I was going to test some vials from the huge order I made, he wanted to give me as a new client the best product possible.

    So, the reason is that Hypertropin has 4 mg of rHGH 191aa per vial while Jintropin 3.3 mg per vial.

    Any direct experience on that?
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    They said Hyper is overdosed and yes they vials are 10 iu.

    I ordered 3000 iu.
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I turned your question to him.
    This was his reply:

    Dear ...,

    In 2007 Jintropin was baned for export due to pressure from US pharma giants
    on the govt. See this article

    After that we created an alternative brand (Hypertropin) which we were able
    to deliver while Jintropin was on the ban lists in pretty much every
    country. As overseas sales were mostly for bodybuilding and weight loss
    purposes, overdosing hypertropin made sense to give people more "bang for
    the buck" and get good reviews going
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Do not be sorry, your thoughts have a sense.

    In any case, till we will find a lab to test the vials, I can only keep getting blood works to compare with the preceding.
    Why would a legitimate Pharmaceutical Company admit they are over dosing Hyper 10ius should be 10ius, also when you told them you was going to get your jin's tested they didn't wont to send them. I am sure your going to get legit GH now but would anyone trust a company what has done this, everything to do with China is suspect I'm convinced.

  30. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Why would a legitimate Pharmaceutical Company admit they are over dosing Hyper 10ius should be 10ius, also when you told them you was going to get your jin's tested they didn't wont to send them. I am sure your going to get legit GH now but would anyone trust a company what has done this, everything to do with China is suspect I'm convinced.
    Was not that the same company where you got your Jintropin from?

  31. #671
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    i might be wrong but dont china make most of the raw powders that are exported and used by most ug labs to make most of the ug aas ?

  32. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Was not that the same company where you got your Jintropin from?
    Yes 5 yrs ago.

    No legitimate Pharmaceutical Company would send you overdosed gh, if you asked for 10ius per vial thats what you should get 10ius, no less no more. Do you think Lilly or Serono would do that? not a chance, i am very dissapointed to hear this because I thought they were 100% but from what you told me they aren't

  33. #673
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes 5 yrs ago.

    No legitimate Pharmaceutical Company would send you overdosed gh, if you asked for 10ius per vial thats what you should get 10ius, no less no more. Do you think Lilly or Serono would do that? not a chance, i am very dissapointed to hear this because I thought they were 100% but from what you told me they aren't
    Then we all have a situation here.

    It is going worse...

  34. #674
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes 5 yrs ago.

    No legitimate Pharmaceutical Company would send you overdosed gh, if you asked for 10ius per vial thats what you should get 10ius, no less no more. Do you think Lilly or Serono would do that? not a chance, i am very dissapointed to hear this because I thought they were 100% but from what you told me they aren't
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Then we all have a situation here.

    It is going worse...
    I agree with both of you.....

    jing jai

  35. #675
    007 how is your bloat?

    jing jai

  36. #676
    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    i might be wrong but dont china make most of the raw powders that are exported and used by most ug labs to make most of the ug aas ?
    And your point is?

    jing jai

  37. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    007 how is your bloat?
    Not good, i cant get my watch on, my wrists now hurt and my fingers are numb and look twice as thick...

    Besides all that im not to bothered because im sleeping much better than i can remember and my appetite is very good..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  38. #678
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Not good, i cant get my watch on, my wrists now hurt and my fingers are numb and look twice as thick...

    Besides all that im not to bothered because im sleeping much better than i can remember and my appetite is very good..
    Those sides sound extreme, do you always react that way to gh mate?

    jing jai

  39. #679
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Those sides sound extreme, do you always react that way to gh mate?
    This is my first ever run at it mate so its all new..

    Its all good though and im just hoping that this is as bad as it gets...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  40. #680
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    This is my first ever run at it mate so its all new..

    Its all good though and im just hoping that this is as bad as it gets...
    I have to be honest with you here and tell you that I think that you have an anti diuretic hormone and I will explain why....

    Over the years I have had gh many times, in the past i have used pharm grade and my body was transformed, I was tight and muscular and felt on top of the world. Earlier on in the year I started some from China and the results were nothing like I had experienced before, in fact they were exactly how you described yours and this is not how I react to proper gh. I went fvckin HUGE, im talking like 30lbs heavier, noting fitted nme cloths wise, like you I couldnt get my watch on and it just didnt feel right. I went to the docs and he took my was 160/100 with a pulse of 100!!!! I came off immediately and the BP went down within a week or so, not to what it was proir to starting my so called GH but never the less it is on its way down.

    I have now started some different better quality gh and I am ot experiencng anu signs of this ridiculas bloat that is dangerous and very unhealthy.

    What I am saying here is that I know how I react to gh and it is not like I did to the stuff I was taking, and I know cos ive had pharma grade.

    If that bloat stays with you for as long as you take the gh then there is something very very wrong, they also sound far to extreme IMO.

    jing jai

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