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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #721
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    To make a rough estimation I need to take into account the best rHGH used so far and compare it to Hyge.tropin.

    When I started my test susp cycle I wanted to stack somatropin as soon as possible and so by the middle of the cycle I ordered EuroHormones rHGH from my source. The problem is the vials took 2 months to arrive and they were not refrigerated so I believe the effectiveness of the powder was compromised by the time I got them.

    In spite of this, when I started to inject 2.5 iu daily I felt the day after so many befenits I could not believe it and I needed to report it on my thread for future references. In just a week I was getting leaner and without the use of T4, which I started to use more than a month later with another brand.

    So, with that being said necessary to make you understand why I reached the following conclusion, if I would cut 30-40% (your estimate) from the 8 iu of Hyge injected daily, I could reach 5.6-4.8 iu effectiveness.
    Well, that amount never made feel any better not even equal to what I felt with EuroHormones.

    My conclusion is, they are underdosed even a bit more than that.
    Interesting report, thanks BJJ

    jing jai

  2. #722
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I will let you do some digging and make your own mind up.
    Thx xtra been a big help, I'm gonna keep trying it and see what happens. Ever since I used the sterile water there has been less of the itching and smaller welts. I started using 3cc/day and this is my third week. I am noit trying to get huge but to be well defined. Do u recommend moving up to 4 or 5cc/day?

  3. #723
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    Thx xtra been a big help, I'm gonna keep trying it and see what happens. Ever since I used the sterile water there has been less of the itching and smaller welts. I started using 3cc/day and this is my third week. I am noit trying to get huge but to be well defined. Do u recommend moving up to 4 or 5cc/day?
    If the sides are ok then increase the dose, if you’re getting welts I’m sure it 192aa.

    Do you mean iu's not cc's?

    jing jai

  4. #724
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    If the sides are ok then increase the dose, if you’re getting welts I’m sure it 192aa.

    Do you mean iu's not cc's?
    Yes cc's not iu's haha, I'm in nursing class and we are talking medications which are in cc,ml and units. I'm def convinced its 192aa now that I have done some research. I was gonna run the gh for about 3 months then hit some tren/t3 combo. Do u reccomend starting the it sooner? I have a trip to vegas in october HA

  5. #725
    So how many iu's is one cc then?

    It depends on how much you need to do to get where you want to be. Are you having T4 with your gh now?

    jing jai

  6. #726
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    So how many iu's is one cc then?

    It depends on how much you need to do to get where you want to be. Are you having T4 with your gh now?
    No I am not using T4 with the growth, would that be beneficial? If so, Where could I purchase some?

  7. #727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    What results have you seen so far?

    What sides did you have and how long for?

    Do you still have any sides?

    What sort of gh are you using?
    What results have you seen so far? From 8iu in 3 months: fat loss, can see my upper abs and all the obliques. Not lower abs yet. I believe some body composition changes, I look thicker and "solid" according to some friends. However, this is not reflected in the scale, I'm still around 206 Lbs

    What sides did you have and how long for? Not feeling lethargic anymore, my energy level is great. However, cts got sever lately?!?

    What sort of gh are you using? Jintropin made in China

  8. #728
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    What results have you seen so far? From 8iu in 3 months: fat loss, can see my upper abs and all the obliques. Not lower abs yet. I believe some body composition changes, I look thicker and "solid" according to some friends. However, this is not reflected in the scale, I'm still around 206 Lbs

    What sides did you have and how long for? Not feeling lethargic anymore, my energy level is great. However, cts got sever lately?!?

    What sort of gh are you using? Jintropin made in China
    Thanks for the info.

    Have you ever used pharm grade ghfrom a Western company? If so how would you compare it to the jin?

    jing jai

  9. #729
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    I just did a rHGH forearm injection (4 iu).

    Anybody does that usually? Any comparison with delts?

  10. #730
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I just did a rHGH forearm injection (4 iu).

    Anybody does that usually? Any comparison with delts?
    I have never done that BJJ.

    How did it feel?

    jing jai

  11. #731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I have never done that BJJ.

    How did it feel?
    I started to cry lol, very very very painful!!!
    Test susp injection is a joke in comparison...

  12. #732
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    I was kidding man...

    I felt absolutely nothing.

    By the way, the staff is flying through UK.
    So, tomorrow I should get it.

  13. #733
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I started to cry lol, very very very painful!!!
    Test susp injection is a joke in comparison...
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I was kidding man...

    I felt absolutely nothing.

    By the way, the staff is flying through UK.
    So, tomorrow I should get it.

    Well as long as you are ok

    So now one more question....why the forearm?

    jing jai

  14. #734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post

    Well as long as you are ok

    So now one more question....why the forearm?
    Because I injected with a 27g needle and needed to be sure to go inside the muscle. I wanted to do also the traps but then I decided to opt for the forearm (less skin).

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Because I injected with a 27g needle and needed to be sure to go inside the muscle. I wanted to do also the traps but then I decided to opt for the forearm (less skin).
    LOL! your the man...

  16. #736
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    No I am not using T4 with the growth, would that be beneficial? If so, Where could I purchase some?
    Yes it would but I can help you out with finding any, sorry.

    jing jai

  17. #737
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    Have you ever used pharm grade ghfrom a Western company? If so how would you compare it to the jin?
    Hi XL,

    This is my first experience with HGH. I cant get my hands on a Phrma Grade. I'm in Australia, it is extremely difficult (unless you married to a physician ).

  18. #738
    **********nn is what i found

  19. #739
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssperka10 View Post
    **********nn is what i found
    Alot of your posts have been deleted because your havent read the rules, you cant talk about prices,sources or offer your email addy out.


  20. #740
    hytropin is that real stuff, the blue tops? I wanna run a Gh cycle during my football season tohave quicker recovery time. I dont want to put on size or gain strength just maybe maintain what I already have throughout the season. I will be running everyday and team will be liting twice a week during the season. Do you think 4IUS daily I could reach those goals Ilve talk about. Im 23 years old and weigh 230 pounds. At the level of FB i get urine testing by the ncca so of course GH needs to be real and undectable. I can get GH from anti aging clinic but they want three to four times as much money for as IF i ordered it if the net. I don't know what to do, so i am asking for your advice So i can order hyge tropin off the net or from antiagin clici get serano, omnitrope, and tevtrope? Looking around 4 IUs daily for 4 months? Which should i do and expect from something like this? Thank you for you help

  21. #741
    [QUOTE=Xtralarg;5285810]Yes it would but I can help you out with finding any, sorry.[/QUOTE

    Yea I did alot of researching past couple days and it seems like T4 is the way to go ... and the sterile water is working great. Thx for ur help

  22. #742
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Yes it would but I cant help you out with finding any, sorry.

    Yea I did alot of researching past couple days and it seems like T4 is the way to go ... and the sterile water is working great. Thx for ur help
    No problem, good luck with the cycle, keep us posted.

    jing jai

  23. #743
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    This time I was scammed!


    IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_____________238________________________________461_________________520 (40' via IM: 521)_______144
    HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]_______________11,1______________10,5______________22,2________________25,7 (40' via IM: 36,3)______3,3

    .................................................. ........EuroHormones
    .................................................. .....................................Generic Green
    .................................................. .................................................. .............HardCoreGrowth
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............................................Hyge.tropin
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................Somatrope

    Injection time: 5:30 am (euroh./green/hardc.g.), 6 am (hyge./soma.)
    Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all four types), 3 (soma.)
    Blood work time: 8:00 am (all five types)
    Amount injected: 4 iu (euroh./green/soma.) - 5 iu (hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection site: umbilical (euroh.) - oblique (green/hardc.g./hyge./soma.)
    Injection type: sub-q (all five types)

  24. #744
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_____________238________________________________461_________________520 (40' via IM: 521)_______144
    HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]_______________11,1______________10,5______________22,2________________25,7 (40' via IM: 36,3)______3,3

    .................................................. ........EuroHormones
    .................................................. .....................................Generic Green
    .................................................. .................................................. .............HardCoreGrowth
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............................................Hyge.tropin
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................Somatrope

    Injection time: 5:30 am (euroh./green/hardc.g.), 6 am (hyge./soma.)
    Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all four types), 3 (soma.)
    Blood work time: 8:00 am (all five types)
    Amount injected: 4 iu (euroh./green/soma.) - 5 iu (hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection site: umbilical (euroh.) - oblique (green/hardc.g./hyge./soma.)
    Injection type: sub-q (all five types)
    BJJ thats bad news.

    Is this not the stuff your wife is taking?

    jing jai

  25. #745
    More Chinese sh1t. FFS.

    jing jai

  26. #746
    BJJ post your results on the chinese gh thread please

    jing jai

  27. #747
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    BJJ thats bad news.

    Is this not the stuff your wife is taking?
    Yes it is so I believe her good feeling was due from T4 only!

    Anyway, since 2 days she is taking Hyge.

  28. #748
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Yes it is so I believe her good feeling was due from T4 only!

    Anyway, since 2 days she is taking Hyge.
    It's called the placebo effect!

    jing jai

  29. #749
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    Ok so today i called a halt to my hgh cycle, it wasn't because of the bloat as to be honest thats really subsided in the last few days. My upper abs are now clearly showing and lower abs are coming on nicely, veins are now appearing in places i haven't seen them for years.

    Ive been getting slight pain in my wrists and they were bloated, as ive said before i couldn't get my watch on. I can get it on now the bloat has gone but the pain in my wrists is to much. I noticed the pain last week but it was mild and it had been getting worse, waking up today made me realise that i cant even train now there that bad, so ive stopped...

    So thats it for now, im going to do everything i can to get this stuff tested. Marcus and XL have advised that this stuff isnt hgh and because ive never run pharma gh i bow down to their knowledge...

    So what did i experience in the short time i was injecting this white powder..

    Good things:

    Fantastic sleep
    After the initial couple of weeks, far more energetic.
    Appetite increase.
    Abs really starting to show.
    More vascular than ive been in years..

    Bad things:

    Numbness of hands and arms..
    Couldn't stop falling asleep during the day in the first two weeks..
    Bad bloat.
    Terrible pain in my wrists...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  30. #750
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007;52***30
    Ok so today i called a halt to my hgh cycle, it wasn't because of the bloat as to be honest thats really subsided in the last few days. My upper abs are now clearly showing and lower abs are coming on nicely, veins are now appearing in places i haven't seen them for years.

    Ive been getting slight pain in my wrists and they were bloated, as ive said before i couldn't get my watch on. I can get it on now the bloat has gone but the pain in my wrists is to much. I noticed the pain last week but it was mild and it had been getting worse, waking up today made me realise that i cant even train now there that bad, so ive stopped...

    So thats it for now, im going to do everything i can to get this stuff tested. Marcus and XL have advised that this stuff isnt hgh and because ive never run pharma gh i bow down to their knowledge...

    So what did i experience in the short time i was injecting this white powder..

    Good things:

    Fantastic sleep
    After the initial couple of weeks, far more energetic.
    Appetite increase.
    Abs really starting to show.
    More vascular than ive been in years..

    Bad things:

    Numbness of hands and arms..
    Couldn't stop falling asleep during the day in the first two weeks..
    Bad bloat.
    Terrible pain in my wrists...
    You said you was bloated all over your body but in the above statement you say your lean and vascular, did the bloat go or as the leaness come on since you stopped taking the gh?

  31. #751
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300;52***59
    You said you was bloated all over your body but in the above statement you say your lean and vascular, did the bloat go or as the leaness come on since you stopped taking the gh?
    Yeah about two weeks ago i started to blow up and it seemed to come on very quick. About a week ago i felt like i was going to explode bloat was or seemed to be all over... However since then the bloat has dropped off and it seems to have been quite dramatic...

    No i only stopped the gh today and dont get me wrong, to be clear im by no means ripped. My abs just seem to be far more defined than they were a week ago and the veins in my arms are starting to pop out..

    Maybe il see if i can take a picture or get someone to do it for me, the only problem being i dont have a before and after...

    This said the pain in my wrists especially in the morning when i get up is just to much...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  32. #752
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    why are you stopping if the bloat is gone and your getting leaner and more vasuclar

  33. #753
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300;52***76
    why are you stopping if the bloat is gone and your getting leaner and more vasuclar
    Because the pain in my wrist is to much mate, just moving my hand from side to side hurts to much, theres no way i could train with them like this...

    The only other thing i can do is have a couple of days off then start again at 2ius a day..

    I really need to have this stuff tested though and one way or another i will get it done...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  34. #754
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    No problem, good luck with the cycle, keep us posted.
    I def will .... but I have one last question, When is the best time to inject the GH and take the T4. I am only taking 4cc/day and 150mcg of T4. I heard that GH in the morning and T4 at night seems to work out well but then I also heard that GH acts like an insulin so you shouldn't inject before you eat. Just a little confused and suggestions?

  35. #755
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bully1 View Post
    I def will .... but I have one last question, When is the best time to inject the GH and take the T4. I am only taking 4cc/day and 150mcg of T4. I heard that GH in the morning and T4 at night seems to work out well but then I also heard that GH acts like an insulin so you shouldn't inject before you eat. Just a little confused and suggestions?
    A good time to inject is a couple of hours before you are due to get up, this is a time when cortisol levels are at a high and the gh helps to suppress them.

    The general consensus with the T4 is to have it on an empty stomach a couple of hours before bed so sometime between you penultimate and last feed is about the best time. Having it too close to bedtime can keep you awake!

    jing jai

  36. #756
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    Upon ordering Hypertropin I was asked if I wanted the 3.3 mg/vial option or the 4 mg/vial option, so Jin or Hyp.

    I chose the second option but now I start to have doubts because by reading the info sheet inside the box I figured out that I have the 3.3 mg/vial and not the 4 one.

    I am starting to get mad at this Chinese...

    I want to test these vials ASAP.
    Did anyone find a place where to test them, regardless the price?
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-02-2010 at 04:44 AM.

  37. #757
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Upon ordering Hypertropin I was asked if I wanted the 3.3 mg/vial option or the 4 mg/vial option, so Jin or Hyp.

    I chose the second option but now I start to have doubts because by reading the info sheet inside the box I figured out that I have the 3.3 mg/vial and not the 4 one.

    I am starting to get mad at this Chinese...


    I want to test these vials ASAP.
    Did anyone find a place where to test them, regardless the price?
    Didnt they tell you that they were overdosed and that even though the label stated that they are 3.3 they are dosed at 4?

    jing jai

  38. #758
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Didnt they tell you that they were overdosed and that even though the label stated that they are 3.3 they are dosed at 4?
    Overdosed yes but I expected to see it written.
    Perhaps, I was expecting too much.

    In any case, I asked him explanations...

  39. #759
    Join Date
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    Reply ^^^

    Dear ...,

    There is actually 4mg in each veal even though the label says 3.3mg. This
    has been so since 2007 when the brand was first introduced. The reason
    behind it is a marketing trick, where Hypertropin was slightly overdosed to
    give people (bodybuilders, etc) more effect so that the brand would become
    popular and loved fast, and get good reviews online.

    We are going to change the labels to 4mg per vial from the next batch on

    Best Regards,
    Z. Y.

  40. #760
    They always have an excuse!

    Why cant they just be honest and up front about what they do!?!

    jing jai

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