Hey Xtralarg thanks for responding to my first entry. I would have gotten back sooner but couldn't find my way. I have been using hgh and test for 4 years but just getting back in after 8-10 mos off. It has been two months back on: 18 iu's of hgh at bedtime repeat: 18 iu's bedtime (this dose has been ok except with the slin I just started, I am having dull mild head aches and swollen hands) and 1cc of test and I think after reading a bit, I am doing something wrong. A buddy has turned me on to slin which I have used for the last 5 days. I read in one of the blogs about it and considered doing it the way it was suggested but I thought my way would be better. Guess what...I was wrong. I crashed once and that was enough. But, I have gotten results like never before so I want to go in more prepared since this slin is a very serious tool when combined with hgh and test. I have started paying closer attention to my diet too. If anyone has ideas on a better way to tweek my program, let me hear 'em.
Last edited by P,B and J; 08-02-2010 at 09:04 PM.
So, it has been a week since I am using Hypertropin and happened something that worried me very much, which never happened before.
Basically, since 4 days I am having strong hemicrania on the right side of my head where a naevus is located.
Yesterday, I took a nuclear magnetic resonance; if I will ever go to a neurologist I want to bring some facts with.
I do not know but this Hypertropin I am using seems to be less strong than Hyge.tropin.
XL, I await your thoughts...
By the way, looming over the guy who sold me Somatrope, I got all my money back.
After all, I am still a black belt...![]()
I am currently running 3 units a day, 1.5 upon waking and 1.5 after gym. I started three weeks ago but had to take the second week off due to traveling. My wife is taking 1.5 units upon waking. I think I am going to try taking all three units around 3 or 4 AM.
Another thing to mention is around red welts. The first week I was on the HGH I did not get any welts and I had strong side effects. This week I have gotten several welts only when I inject into the stomach area. Also, I have not noticed any sides yet except a sort of head "buzz" feeling a few hours after injections. My wife on the other hand is not getting any welts in her stomach area. I know the HGH is 191aa as well.
Does anyone have any input on changing to a middle of the night injection vs twice a day until I am up to a higher dosage? Would I be losing out by not dividing the doses? I work from 730-5 then hit the gym after dinner so the injection times and food consumption as well as pwo shake has caused difficulties....
My wife and i are on our 2nd wk of the yellow cap hgh we bought and im taking 6iu daily in morning and evening.wife is taking 2iu in morning and 2 at nite.Difference ive seen early is frequent headaches joints hurting when i lift heavy. My wife is gaining weight and moody.Some expert advice will be greatly apperciated to determine if we will continue to take it.Thanks
Hgh should promote a feeling of wellbeing not low mood.
I can understand the joint pain due to possible fluid retention but not the headaches, the weight gain could again be down to fluid but that should subside very soon.
All in all I doesn't sound good tbh, maybe give it another week and see if the sides go away, if not I would consider stopping taking it.
Have you ever had gh before? If so how did you react then? Have you ever had pharm grade? If not then I would advise you to get some and see how that affects you both.
jing jai
The source I bought the HGH from attests that it is 191aa and there are hundreds of others who have posted on ######that love his green elitropins.... I didnt get any red welts when I tried my stomach again today. I massaged the area after injection so maybe that helped......
Those are very high doses for you and your wife. Most people start much lower and work up. If this is your first time taking it you really should back the doses down. Maybe 2-3 Iu per day for you and 1 to 1 1/2 for your wife and hold it like that for a couple weeks then build it up from there. No wonder you both are having trouble.
Wanted to hop on this thread, goals are mass
5'7" ish
29 yrs
3 steroid cycles
HGH: Genetropin, currently about to end week 4. Do 5on/2off
Week 1-4, 1iu HGH in AM upon waking
Week 4-8, 2iu HGH in AM upon waking
Week 8-12, 4iu HGH split into 2 doses 1 in the AM upon waking 1 later in day around 3-4 PM
*Anything further will continue @ 4iu dont plan on going higher
Any thoughts on this protocol, I do know you have to stay on growth for 3-6 months atleast, my next cycle is 3 months from now and plan to come off growth run steroid for 12 weeks then come off and get back on HGH
Also no noticeable changes except veins are thicker, and I seem to be staying super lean when i'm eating like a hog
Ive never heard of Genetropin, is it Generic? Which country is it from?
You wont achieve mass with 4iu's of gh, you need minimum 6iu's but would be better off with 8iu's.
Why are you coming off gh when you run aas that makes no sence whatsoever.
Using 1iu for 4 weeks is a waste of time, you need to ramp up quicker and start at 2iu's.
jing jai
Its from china, only reason i was coming of GH because I want to run it between cycles to help maintain gains is this not a good reason. Can I stay on GH for 9 months? And you say 2ius to start now do i need to split doses? My doses are only so low because this is my first time and I wanted to use a little as possible to grow, I figured like everything else my diet would decide if i'm bulking or not.
How would you suggest to run it for a first time cycle currently got 100ius to play with? Also is 5 on 2 off okay or should i do 6 on 1 off or 7on
The more I live the more I need to learn!!!
In the last 5 days I injected before bed, along with 100 mcg of T4, 10 iu of Hypertropin.
I woke up with a face so full of water my eyes could not be seen mostly, I looked like a Chinese, not to mention my ankles and hands; no CTS signs though.
Anyway, after 4 days of this attempt I decided to inject 5 iu always along with 100 mcg of T4 and surprisely, the day after I woke up still with lots of bloat, even though less, but my ABS were much more visible compared to when I was shooting 10 iu.![]()
My thoughts after using 100iu's of Hypertropin are that it is about the same quality as Hyge tropin.
jing jai
Starting your wife out with this dose might be a bit high. From what I have experienced personally, 4 units daily would personally make me really BLOAT and GAIN way too much weight. However she might want to gain weight. NOT ME!!!
From what I have read, women really do not need as high of a dose because of all the other hormones women have that HGH effects in the female body.
As recommended by another female board member, I just finished reading a very informative book, " THE NATURAL SUPERWOMAN" by Dr. Uzzi Reiss. He has been prescribing HGH to women for many years. His suggested dose begins with: 0.5-1.5 mg weekly and the maximum dose 3mg weekly. NOTE: mg's not units. And it does seem low. Very low. But---also he feels the low dose gives just as good of results because of the mentioned above: HGH effects so many other female hormones.
And Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, from Belgium, has used HGH longer than any other physician for antiaging purposes. For women, his suggested dosage is between 2-6 units per week. He also says that this conservative does of HGH, taken in combination with other hormones, will actually achieve results as good as just using a higher dose of HGH alone without other hormones.....( don't know if your wife is on other hormones)
I do know that books cannot tell us how to do anything. EVER EVER EVER!!!! But... these 2 docs have been doing this a longtime for women.
For myself, I started on 1 unit which was way too much. Went down to .5 then back up to 2 for quite awhile. Now I am back down to 1 unit a day. I felt I was feeling too thick. And most women do not like this thick feeling. I sure don't like it at all.
I do plan to post my log. I have been looking all over the place for my written notes when I first started. I do remember having a horrible headache myself. And fatigue. And BLOAT.
I have been doing HGH since mid-April.
Good luck to her! Hope this helps.
Last edited by SlimmerMe; 08-22-2010 at 09:56 AM.
wow, just read this entire thread! keep it up!!
New batch of chineese generic in from same supplier. Supposedely same stuff. Should I get igf-1 one tested again? I tested the last kit at 4 IU's sub-q 45 minutes after administration. It came back at 661.
The ankles bloat from Hyper starts to worry me because it did not decrease even lowering the dose from 10 to 5 iu ed.
Not even taking exemestane I have noticed any improvement like heppened before with Hyge and they also hurt!
If, by tomorrow morning the situation has not changed, I will use furosemide @ 100 mg ed (2x) for a couple of days.
I do not like it much, I mean this version of rHGH, so I hope for a quick bw response to confirm my happenings.
Might that have something to do with rHuEPO?
I would love to know the answer...
Last edited by BJJ; 08-24-2010 at 12:59 PM.
Whats up Xtralarg
Man I been reading this thread and its awesome. I'm a new guy and I got this HGH called Bio-Tropin. Have you heard of it? Also I'm currently mixing what they provide with the powder and using the insluin syring and taking about 20-35 day after day. Is there anything I should do to improve this. Like add less liquid or add something like test or deca? Also I heard its best to take it in the morning and some people say at night. Which is better? I'm on offseason right now and trying to put on some real mass before I do a show next year. I'm a new guy to using HGH so any info would help.
BJJ have you had any bloods done whillst using hyper yet?
jing jai
Sure, I did last Monday.
I await the results within Wednesday but in the mean while I stopped using it and I lost 6 lbs of water in 5 days.
How do I know it was water? Well, I am eating 4000 Kcal daily, burning around 3600, being on Test Prop (150 mg ed) and NPP (100 mg ed).
My ankles were hurting, too full of water. I never experienced anything like that before and I am considering not to use Hyper anymore.
IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_____________238________________________________461_________________520______________144____________455
HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0 - 10]________________11,1_______________10,5_____________22,2________________25,7______________3,3____________63,3
.................................................. ........EuroHormones
.................................................. .....................................Generic Green
.................................................. .................................................. .............HardCoreGrowth
.................................................. .................................................. ..............................................Hyge.tropin
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......................Somatrope
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................Hypertropin
Injection time: 5:30 am (eurh/green/hdg), 6 am (hyg/som/hyp)
Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all five types), 3 (som)
Blood work time: 8:00 am (all six types)
Amount injected: 4 iu (eurh/green/som) - 5 iu (hdg/hyg/hyp)
Injection site: umbilical (eurh) - oblique (green/hdg/hyg/som/hyp)
Injection type: sub-q (all six types)
Hey guys. I just want to say first off that this thread is the second one in which I've been introduced to most of you from the sidelines and both of these threads have been incredibly informative and factual. Thank you all for putting your experiences out there for the rest of us.
I've been following a few threads online here and after reading them through, I feel much more enlightened about HGH products. Im new to all this, and the site itself, so excuse my ignorance, but am I reading that you BJJ and XLarge, are still taking generic Chinese brands of HGH? Cause I spent almost two days of free time at work reading about the horror stories of your experiences on another thread, and now because Im new to all the brand names that are out there, Im not sure if these new posts on this thread are involving Pharm grade products or not. It might be none of my business, but I'd love know if you guys are talking about pharm grade or not.
Im personally going to do my best to get my hands on a quality product, but my knowledge is so poor in this area that I don't even know the names of any solid brands to ask my source for. I've been doing as much research as I can online because at the end of the day, I know my source is only my friend as long as Im spending cash. If you would be so kind as read my senario in the next paragraph and give me some input I'd be in your debt.
As it stands, Im 6'1" and weigh in at about 210lbs. Im not able to ascertain my BF% as Im currently in the bush working but I do run about 2.5miles a day on the tread and lift for about 30-40mins afterwards. Diet is full of fruit, vegs and protien with low carb and fat intake. I have muscle, but I also have luv handles and a bit of a belly that I cannot get rid of no matter how hard I try. My goal is to cut down to about 190-195 of lean muscle and also improve my moods, sleeping patterns.
What kind of dosing would you recommend as a first cycle of Pharmaceutical grade HGH?
How long should I cycle for?
Will the gains that I make off of HGH (weight loss, mood improvements, strength and sleeping) be permanent or will they disappear after I stop using it?
Do you know whether the pituitary gland will be weakened from taking HGH or will it be encouraged to produce more on its own following a cycle?
Thanks for any input you might have, and again, thank you for all the informative discussions that I've read.
Just forgot to mention yesterday, that Im 29 years old, and my metabolism is not nearly as fast as it should be. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Ok. So I've got a lot of questions and here's one more for you guys.
Does anyone know the different effects between gh that has 29aa and 191aa?
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