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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #401
    4 on 3 off...


  2. #402
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    wtf is 4/3 ?
    I guess it's 4 days on 3 days off.

    The 5/2 protocol is tried and tested, I understand the theory behind it being 28% less than the ultimate 7/7 none stop cycle and therefore not as productive and this may be correct but nevertheless after 6 months you should see dramatic fact I have so I can vouch for the effectiveness of the 5/2 protocol because it has worked for me any others who I know personally.

    jing jai

  3. #403
    my friend who takes nutropin does 5/2 with only 3ius a day and is 5% bf, saw results in two weeks and also has only been on for 3 months...

    so once i get my norditropin, ill put an end to all the doubts

  4. #404
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    my friend who takes nutropin does 5/2 with only 3ius a day and is 5% bf, saw results in two weeks and also has only been on for 3 months...

    so once i get my norditropin, ill put an end to all the doubts
    I have no doubts that once you start the norditropin you will see dramatic results if you run it at the right dose for the right amount of time, pharm grade gh is not in question here.

    jing jai

  5. #405
    well its pretty expensive stuff, im thinking of running 3iu 5/2...ill have 150ius total

  6. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    well its pretty expensive stuff, im thinking of running 3iu 5/2...ill have 150ius total
    That's only 10 weeks though, you really need to be looking at a higher dose for a longer period of time to see significant results. I know it's expensive but like most things in life, you get what you pay for.

    If your friend saw results in 2 weeks then it certainly down to gh alone.

    jing jai

  7. #407
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    wtf is 4/3 ?
    4 days on, 3 days off.

  8. #408
    150 ius total, 3ius a day 5/2 is 58 days...thats two months...then of course im gonna get another two months ill be on all year and probably forever

    when i told him i took 5ius of rips, he started laughing...he goes ur "taking alot of gh which means urs must be garbage..."...if u read anabolics 2009, the gh protocols in there are no more than 2-3ius... im assuming this book is talking about using pharm grade hgh...and as my friend stated, im taking way too much and seeing nothing for it...imagine i was taking 5ius of norditropin for 6 months....exactly!

    i think 3iu is perfect, its right between the 2iu -4iu min, and its pharm grade, so lets see if this potency hear say is any truth... maybe 3iu is equal to 6ius of chinese stuff..or more?..who knows...

    hell if i melt away fat in 2 months on 3ius, get sides like CTS and sick vivid dreams, then im gonna be a happy camper..

    also, lets not forget ive been on gh for 6 months simply switching brands to a more potent/quality if rips have ANY gh in them, which i think they do just underdosed, im not really starting from scratch, im just continuing on better stuff...

    also, this is the only board that says rips are no fact when i go to other boards explaining what going on, they simply say im not on long enough and that its too early to tell...well most of the people on all these boards including this one are on chinese if we are all taking garbage, then of course we have to wait 6 months to see anything, or "get sides", or whatever...another thing is, thos boards also sponsor the main dude who sells rips...but why would so many people be involved in a consipiracy to make rips better than what they are...most people that ive read on the boards are happy with hyges and rips, but in real life, none of my friends except 1-2 were happy with them...

    when my Norditropin comes in, im gonna start a weekly long..every week im gonna post what i feel, how i slept, any sides..and of course, what i see in the mirror interms of fat losss etc
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 08-07-2010 at 05:31 PM.

  9. #409
    why would i take 4 on and 3 off...that makes less sense than 5/2...whats the logic behind that..wouldnt thatbe LESS time on gh that the latter?

  10. #410
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    Im not doubting that you know your stuff, but the HGH i have which is Serostim and a friend got from doc because he has aids doesnt have to be mixed for 30 seconds before the flakes disappear. Now im not saying this isnt true with other HGH, but with mine its just not the case.

    I usually mix and when the water hits it, its melts into the water and then looks like theres a bit of a invisible cloud in it. About 5-10 seconds later, it becomes completely see through and its mixed.

    So i dont know if you could just tell from that test alone.

  11. #411
    Quote Originally Posted by got fina? View Post
    Im not doubting that you know your stuff, but the HGH i have which is Serostim and a friend got from doc because he has aids doesnt have to be mixed for 30 seconds before the flakes disappear. Now im not saying this isnt true with other HGH, but with mine its just not the case.

    I usually mix and when the water hits it, its melts into the water and then looks like theres a bit of a invisible cloud in it. About 5-10 seconds later, it becomes completely see through and its mixed.

    So i dont know if you could just tell from that test alone.
    I agree you can't tell from that test alone and since this thread began we have learned that flakes do not necessarily indicate that you have gh, with that said the flakes were only ever intended to act as an indicator are not a guarantee. If you have pharm grade such as serostim from a doc then you have nothing to worry about IMO.

    jing jai

  12. #412
    yea i took serostim and thats what happened with mine as well...

    btw, my friend who got the results in two months, also does not take any t3!

  13. #413
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Another week of the new rips and I'll be running another IGF-1 test. The bloat is noticeable from the "HGH", as even other people have commented to me "hey, have you gained some weight?" At this point I'm almost positive this is not HGH, but for the sake of science, I will finish off this kit before running the blood test.

    I'll post an update once I get the final test results.

  14. #414
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Question generic hgh blue tops from china..

    What up bros, my apologies if this isn't the right place to post this but I've been reading up on hgh a lot lately and just received my generic blue tops from china, so the recent threads about the potential dangers have definitely caught my eye.

    I plan to post my experiences with what I have for others. I bought what I believe to be 600IUs (~6 months worth at the doses I believe should be 'safe' to go with).

    I've never tried hgh before, just 2 AAS cycles years ago which gave great results (deca, primo, winny).

    Very curious to try hgh and looking to help lean me out and put on a little muscle.

    Here are pictures of what I have and seems similar to what others have posted for generic blue tops from china. Please let me know your thoughts.

    I'm awaiting my bw results and will get retested a few months in as well. Definitely will check bp regularly too.

    A few questions for you all (yes, I'm a newbie):

    Aside from the threads going on about bad hgh from china, anything concerning based on the pictures?

    How much bac water should i get for this amount of hgh?

    If I am planning on running just hgh, should I run PCT and what? I know most run hgh with AAS, so just wondering if I'd need anything during or after if only using hgh.

    Thanks all. I'll start new thread if that's better, but thought others could benefit from this and a great informative thread already about chinese hgh.
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  15. #415

    i gave a kit of riptropin to my friend who is about 36 and only at 2iu a day in a few days he already feels sides of tingly and this brings up more doubt whether its legit or not, or possibly my kit was no good or i have built a tolerance

    and also on another private board, my friend and other vip members tested the Elitropin yellow tops...the results were 97% purity!!!

    so if any u guys are taking elitropin i guess ur good to go

    which brings me to my next question...if i can take elitropin at 97% purity, and assuming HG hgh is 100%, wouldnt i probably get simliar results as human grade if not almost the exact results?
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 08-08-2010 at 07:28 PM.

  16. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by Jags77 View Post
    What up bros, my apologies if this isn't the right place to post this but I've been reading up on hgh a lot lately and just received my generic blue tops from china, so the recent threads about the potential dangers have definitely caught my eye.

    I plan to post my experiences with what I have for others. I bought what I believe to be 600IUs (~6 months worth at the doses I believe should be 'safe' to go with).

    I've never tried hgh before, just 2 AAS cycles years ago which gave great results (deca, primo, winny).

    Very curious to try hgh and looking to help lean me out and put on a little muscle.

    Here are pictures of what I have and seems similar to what others have posted for generic blue tops from china. Please let me know your thoughts.

    I'm awaiting my bw results and will get retested a few months in as well. Definitely will check bp regularly too.

    A few questions for you all (yes, I'm a newbie):

    Aside from the threads going on about bad hgh from china, anything concerning based on the pictures?

    How much bac water should i get for this amount of hgh?

    If I am planning on running just hgh, should I run PCT and what? I know most run hgh with AAS, so just wondering if I'd need anything during or after if only using hgh.

    Thanks all. I'll start new thread if that's better, but thought others could benefit from this and a great informative thread already about chinese hgh.
    u need 1cc of bac water for each vial...each bottle of 30ml bacteriostactic water will last for three 100iu in ur case, if u have 4 kits, u need about two bottles of bac water

    kits look like normal blue tops...first sign of fake GH would be loose powder..ur looks nicely compacted...which is great, but this entire thread is about how no matter what it looks like, how u feel on it, can be anything coming from china...

    but dont get ur hopes down, there is legit gh coming from china, justmost of it however it either underdosed or totally fake...

    as i wrote above, my friend and his friends in another forum got elitropins tested...these are generic yellow tops relabled and from china and they came back 97% not all hope is lost...

    there is no need to run PCT with dont worry about that...
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 08-09-2010 at 01:12 AM.

  17. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post

    i gave a kit of riptropin to my friend who is about 36 and only at 2iu a day in a few days he already feels sides of tingly and this brings up more doubt whether its legit or not, or possibly my kit was no good or i have built a tolerance

    and also on another private board, my friend and other vip members tested the Elitropin yellow tops...the results were 97% purity!!!

    so if any u guys are taking elitropin i guess ur good to go

    which brings me to my next question...if i can take elitropin at 97% purity, and assuming HG hgh is 100%, wouldnt i probably get simliar results as human grade if not almost the exact results?

    Can u get a copy of the lab report? Where is the lab and how much did it cost?

    jing jai

  18. #418
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I think using side effects to determine efficacy is how the whole fake HGH scam has really convinced people. I have read quite a few scientific studies on HGH, and side effects from use are not anywhere near as common as they would seem to be from the members of this forum tend to have. The most common was water retention. One of the least common was CTS, which everyone and their brother seems to get from the generics.

    I would move away from using sides as a litmus test for HGH authenticity.

  19. #419
    intersting beceause inever got any sides from the rips...maybe thats a good sign...

    as for the lab report, ill see what i can do

  20. #420
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    I dont know if this will help but the only thing different ive ever felt from my Serostim was joint pain, especially in my hand. I started noticing about 2 weeks in that when i woke up in the morning and tried to close my hand, it felt very tight. After making a fist 3 or 4 times' it started going away.

    I never got water retention though. It really sucks that theres all these fakes going around. It also sucks that just going by sides is definately not a good way to guess if your GH is legit or fake since everybody is different and wont always experience the same sides' IMO.
    Last edited by got fina?; 08-09-2010 at 03:48 PM.

  21. #421
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Can u get a copy of the lab report? Where is the lab and how much did it cost?
    no idea what it costs but heres the results

    and its only 95% mistake lol

    and its green tops not yellow tops
    Attached Files Attached Files

  22. #422
    Is there any chance you can find out which lab did the test please?

    jing jai

  23. #423
    I guarantee that Chinese suppliers are trying to figure out how to remedy this thread.

    Even if someone gets a positive test result for one kind of GH from China , by no means does that mean that we can relax and start purchasing Chinese GH from China. Far to many suppliers to ever make a dent IMO.

  24. #424
    EDIT, Read the rules, marcus300
    Last edited by underworld1997; 08-09-2010 at 11:24 PM.

  25. #425
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Is there any chance you can find out which lab did the test please?
    no idea what lab

  26. #426
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    no idea what lab
    With respect I don't think that report carries any weight whatsoever then, anyone could make something like that up. It needs to be bake to be validated to be taken seriously IMO.

    jing jai

  27. #427
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    With respect I don't think that report carries any weight whatsoever then, anyone could make something like that up. It needs to be bake to be validated to be taken seriously IMO.
    I was thinking the same thing. I could make that in photo shop or paintbrush no problem.

    It looks very generic and that is what the Chinese are good at doing...making crap that looks really generic and is really generic lol.

    When I sent my poor lab results to the source that I got the Rips from, I only edited out my name and left everything else visible with the Lab name.

  28. #428
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    All the greens i have used have always been sold as 8ius . Why give you an extra 17% hgh for free. If they can make hgh then can also get the dosage correct . I would suggest that maybe that is a fake test result on a 10iu blue top altered to say green.(95% pure of 10ius is around 9.5ius !)

    If i had paid for an analytical test on a product, i would want alot more than just that piece of paper.

    Where did this come from again?

  29. #429
    i dont know...

    all i know is that i got this from my REAL friend, who ive kNOW in real life, and he doesn't mess around with garbage...and hes on mulitple boards and people respect him highly...

    so u can take that and conclude whatever you want...

    as for myself, i have norditropin on the way here, and i also just discovered other sources of HG with that being said im gonna say this:

    ive given many of my rips to a bunch of people...most of them liked it, others didn't notice much of a feeling...yet the ones i gave them too have been on HGH for a long ass time...isn't it possible (as for myself) that we build a resistance to HGH and thus the effects get dimished or lose effect at a certain dosage...if i have been on 5ius for 6 months, and my body DID actually change alot, maybe ihave to increase it?....i read this somewhere else the other day, how hgh therapy can reach a plateu and u have to either take a break or increase the dosage or upgrade to a higher quality (which i plan on doing)

    so from what IVE experienced...the RIPS have done something to me, better sleep, they are vaccumed seal...i didn't get many sides but thats probably because ive been on various diff HGH all year...maybe we all have this higher expectation of what SHOULD happen on hgh, yet for all the people i know who i gave rips to said they are good to go...

    so maybe we have all lost our minds, or maybe the generics are deadly rat poison..who knows, but i think we keep feeding our fears with this thread over and over...

    i know people who SWEAR on generic blue tops, rips, hyges, and others who say ONLY HG is real...just like some people argue EQ is good and others useless...

    either way, in the end, everyone is diff and maybe my body doesn't respond to 5ius anymore or maybe it is underdosed or its just egg whites...or maybe i live in the matrix and morpheus is gonna come get me lol...

    when i get my HG hgh, ill start a post and end this all

  30. #430
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I also have ordered pharma grade because it is the only way i am ever going to know .I hope its good as its cost a f@c*in# fortune !!

    We will see !

  31. #431
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    **Back with another update

    Been on the Kefei's now for a couple of days and I can say that it feels different than the Fake hyge that didn t feel like anything. After only a few days at 5iu my left hand started getting a little bit stiff at night and I also woke up in the middle of the night with a numb hand.. Something that hasn t happened since before I switched to the fake hyges. I have read on other threads people reporting waking up with very stiff and/or numb hands on hgh and that use to happen to me also and it just did again last night ... I am really trying to keep my mind from tricking me and fabricating sides but I am pretty sure this is at least different than the fake hyges confirmed by my last blood test.

    Just to go over it again... With the hyges that I posted pictures of previously I had a IGF bloodtest result "In Range" at 263 taking over 8iu ED(obviously there was no hgh in those hyges). Now I have switched back to kefeis and will take another IGF bloodtest by next week and will post results. I am going to be on 5iu untill then. I took my sample 20 minutes after a shot. I read that was the correct time to do it. Is that information correct???

    I will post my results and pics of the kefei's once I get my bloodwoork done .

  32. #432
    Quote Originally Posted by underworld1997 View Post
    EDIT, Read the rules, marcus300
    Sorry marcus but which bit of that post was bad enough to be removed relative to many other posts in this thread? I discussed price only in relative and vague terms and the only brand I mentioned was a pharmecutical company.

    Which I've just noticed has already been posted along with a vague price description in this very thread :S
    Last edited by underworld1997; 08-11-2010 at 02:33 AM.

  33. #433
    Guys this is a great thread. I'm a noob so bear with me.

    I have been looking into HGH and I'm amazed at some of the results.

    I own a business that imports Nicotine (used ecigs) from China in LARGE quantities. I have been to China twice in the last year and know a little about the plants over there and can provide proof. I have a full time chemist here in the US who is on staff and test regularly for all my batches of nicotine coming from China. I'm not just testing strength, but also for adulterants, and flavoring as well. Testing for one chemical may be easy but testing for a gamete of other products and adulterants takes serious money and sometimes a full spectrum analysis.

    Its one thing to test for HGH with a local lab. Yes they might be able to provide you with positive scores. However are they testing for any adulterants or fillers as well?

    Just because a product dissolves in a set time does not make it legit. It is easy to mimic solubility with several chemicals out there.

    That being said not every product from China is bad, but then again not every product is good either. I can produce bottles of "crap" and label it in a pretty bottle with blue, yellow, orange, or green caps as well. That does not make it a viable product. Heck my nicotine juice is labeled the same way with different color childproof caps and that does not mean that its legit and safe.

    This is just my .2 cents.

  34. #434
    Quote Originally Posted by radiokaos View Post
    Guys this is a great thread. I'm a noob so bear with me.

    I have been looking into HGH and I'm amazed at some of the results.

    I own a business that imports Nicotine (used ecigs) from China in LARGE quantities. I have been to China twice in the last year and know a little about the plants over there and can provide proof. I have a full time chemist here in the US who is on staff and test regularly for all my batches of nicotine coming from China. I'm not just testing strength, but also for adulterants, and flavoring as well. Testing for one chemical may be easy but testing for a gamete of other products and adulterants takes serious money and sometimes a full spectrum analysis.

    Its one thing to test for HGH with a local lab. Yes they might be able to provide you with positive scores. However are they testing for any adulterants or fillers as well?

    Just because a product dissolves in a set time does not make it legit. It is easy to mimic solubility with several chemicals out there.

    That being said not every product from China is bad, but then again not every product is good either. I can produce bottles of "crap" and label it in a pretty bottle with blue, yellow, orange, or green caps as well. That does not make it a viable product. Heck my nicotine juice is labeled the same way with different color childproof caps and that does not mean that its legit and safe.

    This is just my .2 cents.
    Thanks for your post and welcome.
    Last edited by fossilfuel7; 08-11-2010 at 06:12 AM. Reason: double post wth?

  35. #435
    Quote Originally Posted by radiokaos View Post
    Guys this is a great thread. I'm a noob so bear with me.

    I have been looking into HGH and I'm amazed at some of the results.

    I own a business that imports Nicotine (used ecigs) from China in LARGE quantities. I have been to China twice in the last year and know a little about the plants over there and can provide proof. I have a full time chemist here in the US who is on staff and test regularly for all my batches of nicotine coming from China. I'm not just testing strength, but also for adulterants, and flavoring as well. Testing for one chemical may be easy but testing for a gamete of other products and adulterants takes serious money and sometimes a full spectrum analysis.

    Its one thing to test for HGH with a local lab. Yes they might be able to provide you with positive scores. However are they testing for any adulterants or fillers as well?

    Just because a product dissolves in a set time does not make it legit. It is easy to mimic solubility with several chemicals out there.

    That being said not every product from China is bad, but then again not every product is good either. I can produce bottles of "crap" and label it in a pretty bottle with blue, yellow, orange, or green caps as well. That does not make it a viable product. Heck my nicotine juice is labeled the same way with different color childproof caps and that does not mean that its legit and safe.

    This is just my .2 cents.
    Thanks for your post and welcome.

  36. #436
    Quote Originally Posted by Jags77 View Post
    What up bros, my apologies if this isn't the right place to post this but I've been reading up on hgh a lot lately and just received my generic blue tops from china, so the recent threads about the potential dangers have definitely caught my eye.

    I plan to post my experiences with what I have for others. I bought what I believe to be 600IUs (~6 months worth at the doses I believe should be 'safe' to go with).

    I've never tried hgh before, just 2 AAS cycles years ago which gave great results (deca, primo, winny).

    Very curious to try hgh and looking to help lean me out and put on a little muscle.

    Here are pictures of what I have and seems similar to what others have posted for generic blue tops from china. Please let me know your thoughts.

    I'm awaiting my bw results and will get retested a few months in as well. Definitely will check bp regularly too.

    A few questions for you all (yes, I'm a newbie):

    Aside from the threads going on about bad hgh from china, anything concerning based on the pictures?

    How much bac water should i get for this amount of hgh?

    If I am planning on running just hgh, should I run PCT and what? I know most run hgh with AAS, so just wondering if I'd need anything during or after if only using hgh.

    Thanks all. I'll start new thread if that's better, but thought others could benefit from this and a great informative thread already about chinese hgh.
    mine arrived this morning exactly the same!

  37. #437
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i will never spend a single $ to chinese hgh again. have tried two diffent blue-tops, green-tops and hy getropin. from all of these i have shot 2 kits and a vial a day and then had bloodwork done... none of them raised my igf-I level. only thing good from china were the jintropin years ago. i stick with genotropin for now...

  38. #438
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge View Post
    i will never spend a single $ to chinese hgh again. have tried two diffent blue-tops, green-tops and hy getropin. from all of these i have shot 2 kits and a vial a day and then had bloodwork done... none of them raised my igf-I level. only thing good from china were the jintropin years ago. i stick with genotropin for now...
    Have you tried Jintropin or Gensci's other brand Hypertropin recently? Or at least after the Olympics?

    jing jai

  39. #439
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Have you tried Jintropin or Gensci's other brand Hypertropin recently? Or at least after the Olympics?
    no i have'nt. i think i have spent enough money on chinese garbage, i rather spend a couple $$$ more so that i do see results from what i'm shooting!

  40. #440
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge View Post
    no i have'nt. i think i have spent enough money on chinese garbage, i rather spend a couple $$$ more so that i do see results from what i'm shooting!
    Thats is understandable and very wise!

    jing jai

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