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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #601

    Gnyo Advice

    I ran a cycle of M-Drol last year. It wasn't until about 5 months ago that i noticed a problem. I went to a specialist and gyno was confirmed. I have a surgery scheduled for this coming fall however I ordered Liquid Letrozole hoping it might work.

    Are ml = mg?

    And is there anyway to measure it from inside a dorm room (no equipment).

    Thank you!

  2. #602
    Quote Originally Posted by terslik26 View Post
    I ran a cycle of M-Drol last year. It wasn't until about 5 months ago that i noticed a problem. I went to a specialist and gyno was confirmed. I have a surgery scheduled for this coming fall however I ordered Liquid Letrozole hoping it might work.

    Are ml = mg?

    And is there anyway to measure it from inside a dorm room (no equipment).

    Thank you!
    if its Liquid letrozole its usually 2.5 mg/ml=cc took me a while to figure it out..use an oral syringe

  3. #603
    i've sort of always had puffy nipples since very young like middleschool puberty era (but never been overweight) i did have a bit of delay on my PCT after my last PH and they just puffed out even more almost overnight. the PCT im on isnt doing shit. I do have a decent size chest but my puffy nipples are all you notice. I ordered LETRO its on its way my question is do i then run NOLVA after. Or am i taking the wrong supps and need something else???

  4. #604
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Try Gynexin works awsome , but only use it when your not on a cycle, it gets rid of gyno, me personally got it bad to the point were i need surgery! i think .

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Swish1985 View Post
    if its Liquid letrozole its usually 2.5 mg/ml=cc took me a while to figure it out..use an oral syringe
    ML = CC is the correct way

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    did your specialist also say they will remove your glands when they remove the gyno, they should so you never need to run blockers again because your glands are the problem of gyno occuring when estrogen is in your system.

  7. #607
    yeah i just started letro im on day 4(.6ml) so ill be taking my 1 ml per day in two days. Im gonna run it till its gone then taper down and go right into nolva . I havent noticed a difference yet im real skeptical but trying to be optimistic. i SHOULD see a difference a week from now but we'll see ill keep you guys posted.

  8. #608
    Last edited by taftkeeper07; 09-27-2011 at 10:12 AM.

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Thumbs up

    thank you bino, i really appreciate you helping all of us with less experience. just a general question though, would a 30 ml of letro from ar-r be sufficient for reversing gyno? btw i have two small lumps under both my nipples

  10. #610
    is running letro and nolva at the same time a good idea? I've read a few places with real experiences that this combo cleared up some gyno

  11. #611
    I'm 20 years old I took finaflex two or the times in the last year. I always cycled off with a pct but i did get some gyno. I didn't do my research well enough and didn't realize i was taking something strong enough to have effects like that. I don't plan to do another cycle, its been a couple months and it didn't go away. Would taking letro help me even after a couple months and not on a cycle or what is a good option for me?

  12. #612
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Is it necessary to take Nolva after Letro, as a PCT?

    I am thinking of starting letro in about 2 weeks. I have not anti-e or am not on any cycle, other than possibly Clen. Will this be ok?

  13. #613
    Join Date
    May 2009
    ^can anyone touch up on this?

  14. #614
    Join Date
    May 2009

  15. #615
    most of you people chat the most sh!t ever man:
    "i just got letro and i will update on my progess"
    Greedy cunnts, update your process then and let everyone know how its going, you come here for help, when you get it, you dont bother to put help back into the forum to let other peoples questions be answered. fuxin Bastrds

  16. #616
    [SIZE="1"]hi i am 19 and what to start my first cycle all in oral form:

    Dianabol10mg tab NOLVADEX10

    1: 3 tabs/day
    2 : 3 tabs/day
    3: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    4: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    5: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    6: 3 tabs/day 1 tabs/day


    7: 1 tab/day
    8: 1 tab/day

    i am going to be slptting the dosage two times a day for everything

    i alredy have a bit of gyno and was wandering if i should take anything else during this cycle either before or after to prevent aggrevating it, iv heard Letro is good and can reverse it, but i wouldnt no how to structre it into my cycle. laos i no this might sound silly but would this particular cycle likely to stunt any extra growth and could it cause excess hair growth around my body, i alredy am quite hairy lol,

    finally hair loss i obsiously a concern but i have heard there are shampoos you can use on a cycle to prevent hairloss what ones would be recomended?
    Last edited by 02jmesherghi; 06-29-2010 at 06:03 AM.

  17. #617
    size="1"]hi i am 19 and what to start my first cycle all in oral form:

    Dianabol10mg tab NOLVADEX10

    1: 3 tabs/day
    2 : 3 tabs/day
    3: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    4: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    5: 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
    6: 3 tabs/day 1 tabs/day


    7: 1 tab/day
    8: 1 tab/day

    i am going to be slptting the dosage two times a day for everything

    i alredy have a bit of gyno and was wandering if i should take anything else during this cycle either before or after to prevent aggrevating it, iv heard Letro is good and can reverse it, but i wouldnt no how to structre it into my cycle. laos i no this might sound silly but would this particular cycle likely to stunt any extra growth and could it cause excess hair growth around my body, i alredy am quite hairy lol,

    finally hair loss i obsiously a concern but i have heard there are shampoos you can use on a cycle to prevent hairloss what ones would be recomended?

  18. #618
    So I'm guessing this doesn't get checked so often anymore... I have a rather minor case; I just felt it show up a couple days ago... approximately three months after a cycle (which I did pct, but I guess you can't win em all). Anyways, I ordered some Letro and Nolva tonight, and I have a couple quick questions... neither of which I believe have been answered over the past 16 pages. For the record, on not on a cycle or a pct at the moment... although I was taking a natty test booster... which I'm wondering if I should stop, or if it's irrelevant?

    1. Does the ARR Letro/Nolva taste shitty like their Clem? The Clem wasn't that bad, but just wonderin' what to expect.

    2. How does the Letro affect your workout sessions while you're on it? Does it suffer a bit?

    3. This mighta been answered, but how long do you suggest using Nolva after Letro.... 2-3 weeks?

    Thanks much to anyone with any info. Much props for this thread though!

  19. #619
    1. people have said that Letro tastes like bubblegum?

    2. A lot of people are claiming side affects such as : dryness of joints, which may become a problem while weight lifting, you;d have to take a lot of vitamins to help keep the joints well lubricated.

    3. It has been answered, and the answer is: 'EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT' some people may have to use letro for a month, or 2 months, even more, depends on the person him/herself. so if you don't see progress within a week or two, don't lose hope so quick. However, some people have claimed it hasn't worked for them, so it isn't 100% guaranteed, but if you treat it early, the better the chances are.
    Long term usage however, as I have learnt here, you'd have to go and get your blood work done with your doctor.

    I have emailed my doctor, as I couldn't get hold of him at the office, to let me know what he thinks, or if he has any information about using Letro, he still hasn't got back to me, so until he does, im left here thinking whether or not to risk my money.

  20. #620
    Thank you much for the response. I asked about the taste because in the past I've measured out the liquid and dropped it into capsules... Not sure if I should even bother ordering them and doing that... I'll probably just go the normal route. Also, in regards to your last answer, I was wondering more about how long the Nolva should be taken after I'm all done with the Letro... to avoid the rebound effect. I think the answer was 2 or 3 weeks, but I wasn't sure if there was really a specific amount of time. Thanks again though!

  21. #621
    Props to ARR for the fastest damn shipping on Earth!

    There would be no disadvantage to taking a test booster while on this, right?

  22. #622
    Here is my results on letro since really no one here is posting results.
    been following C_Bino advise

    The hard part for me was who to order it from because allot of forums seemed monitored since these companies sponsor them so its hard to tell who is being honest and who are just trying to sell a product.

    Tried Ar-r and worked but seemed under dosed went through whole bottle...

    Then jumped to chem 1 from what i read they make strong letro.
    FYI they are now crap and there letro is flavored bubblegum crap i started to get rebound after a week so i immediately ordered from researchstop by far best results from them.

    As far as sides i lost my sex drive but still woke up with morning wood.
    As far as joint pain is wasn't that bad for me at all but of course its different for everyone. No sighs of feeling depressed.

    I had really bad gyno under my right nip. I got it from a M-Drol cycle and didnt see gyno sighns till about 3 months after i finished the cycle...I had this gyno for 2 years before i learned about letro.

    The gyno was about the size of a silver dollar that was very sensitive to the touch about 2 weeks on letro the pain was almost gone about 1 month pain was completely gone...As far as the gyno size itself it took about 5 months to shrink to almost nothing. It was in the 4th month i really noticed it shrinking so BE PATIENT

    Just an FYI letro can take up to 60 days to reach stable blood have some patience it took me 4 months of being on this before seeing best results
    Last edited by minedune; 07-25-2010 at 10:04 PM.

  23. #623
    i have a stupid question...maybe someone can help...i have gyno... its not noticable but i can feel it.. if i start sus will it make it worse? and could i take something for the gyno and the sus at the same time? thankyou

  24. #624
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Atlanta, Ga
    Great stuff, I really appreciate the info

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    B.C Canada
    Very informative thread

  26. #626
    Someone give that man a cigar! Great thread!

    I've got some puffiness in both nipples and a bump under my right nipple. Not too bad but it's noticeable with a t-shirt on. Hate it. I noticed it 2-3 months after a cycle. Had it for about 6 months now. Was about to start looking for a good deal to remove them until i found this thread. So giving this a try. Definitely worth a try wayyyy cheaper alternative.
    Ordered some Letro from ARR express mail and got it about 36 hours later! Going to taper up to 2.5mg/day as recommended and already took before pics and will take weekly pics and hopefully it works and I'll post before and after pics since no one has.
    Again props to Bino!

  27. #627
    i heard one of the ways to kno if u got gyno is if u feel little balls in ur nipples

  28. #628
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand
    I have read your post and respect your help given to many.

    I am about to start a Sus250 & Deca course.
    500mg x Sus p/w
    400mg x Deca p/w

    Deca for 10 weeks and Sus for 12 weeks.

    Would I be good to take 20mg every day of Nolvadex for whole time of course then take 3 weeks after my last jab of Sus:
    Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

    Would this be enough?

    I have read that you put about Letrozole and to take that every day at .25mg and start taking it 2 weeks before my 1st jab...Is this necessary for my course???

    Do I need HCG also and if so how much and when should I take it in my course???

    Many thanks!

  29. #629

    Whats best?

    Hey guys,

    great convo.... I'm trying to buy the best letrozole.. Should i get tablets or liquid? Also where can i go to buy these product?

  30. #630
    Hey the website you have here states that there products are only for research... Can u help out me out a little bit more? Did you but liquid or tablets?

  31. #631

    Whats best?

    Hey guys,

    great convo.... I'm trying to buy the best letrozole.. Should i get tablets or liquid? Also where can i go to buy these product?

  32. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by THEPAPERCHASER View Post
    Hey guys,

    great convo.... I'm trying to buy the best letrozole.. Should i get tablets or liquid? Also where can i go to buy these product?
    The website (ARR) at the top of the page that sponsors the forums sells it... and I think most people who have ordered from them would recommend them. They sell liquid form.

  33. #633
    So I'm finally starting to taper off from Letro. A couple of months ago I noticed I had some small gyno popping up from a cycle about three months prior. I spent like two days searching the internet for info, and I ended up following exactly what was said on here. My gyno wasn't so bad because I caught it real early, but there was definitely a hard lump behind my nip, and it was coming in fast... Two bottles of Letro later, it's all gone, and I can only hope it doesn't come back once I stop taking Letro. Assuming it stays gone, this stuff worked better than I ever expected. Also, if libido loss is a worry for anyone, like it was for me, I took Perform by Anabolic Innovations (which is just a libido booster) and I was hornier than ever before, even with the Letro in my system.

    Take this dudes advice!

  34. #634

    AI during cycle

    So seems safe/best to use an AI on cycle. This will be my first cycle I have nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I won't be running any insane amounts pretty much 500mgs of test E for 10 weeks and dbol at 20mgs for the first four weeks.

    My question is: How's provironum as an AI during cycle? I have enough to run 25mgs weeks 1-7. If I get signs of gyno week 8 and on I have the Nolva and could get letro if needed. Should I be in good shape running these low amounts and enough provironum to run 25mgs ED for 7 weeks? From what I have read it isn't necessary to run a AI at all unless you get gyno signs, but I want to be safe. Advice please? Thanks in advance and great post I am keeping it on hand.

  35. #635
    i dont have gyno but thanks for the info

  36. #636
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    slc to lv
    thank you again for all that info.

  37. #637
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    south texas
    i am currently 2 weeks in my cycle of tren and prop....
    100mg of prop EOD and tren 75mg EOD... ..
    i have a tender right nipple with a ball behind it building fast...
    i have been taking arimidex .5mg for 3 days and 1mg of arimidex for 4days..toatal of 7 days using arimidex.. i dont feel it working angainst my gyno prob....
    do you guys think i should just go with letro... or wait a little bit more and up the arimidex does... right nipple ball feel,,,,,ing very tender......

  38. #638
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    awesome post!

  39. #639
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    great post and great info. Tried to protocol for 2 months. FAIL.....

  40. #640
    Great read c_bino, I have a question for you though. I have seen posts you made on both sides about this topic but wanted to know what you would reccommend as the best bet:

    Cycle ended 2 weeks ago, got some gyno at the end of my cycle, started letro 6 days before PCT followed your protocol and have not had hardly any results yet. My question is should I stop the letro (taper down of course) and take care of my pct with nolva/clomid and then try the letro again after PCT to get rid of the gyno or should I continue the Letro through PCT. If so what kind of dose should I use during PCT with the nolva/clomid (which I know will reduce the effectiveness of the letro).


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