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Thread: Test e / deca Cycle, 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Cool Test e / deca Cycle, 2nd cycle

    Hello everyone,

    So i took information i had read on here to start and complete my first cycle about 9 months ago, i ran Test e by itself for 10 weeks and nolva for PCT, didnt see much gains, only did like 300mg per week, just noticed increase in endurance and hardend up alittle accompanied with some strength gains, bottom line everything went smooth.

    So now 9 months later after completing that cycle i feel ready to start my 2nd after doing lots more reading, asking questions and getting a plan together, And now actually signing up and starting a thread on here to get some critique ect. So Here it is-

    I started Last thursday the 19th.

    __Test E__ - 300mg thursday's/300mg sunday's / 600mg per week

    (started cycle on thursday the 19th and front loaded on thursday 600mg and then back to the normal 300mg on the following sunday)

    __Deca__ - 250mg thursday's/250mg Sunday's / 500mg per week

    (Started Cycle on thursday the 19th and front loaded on thursday 500mg and then back to the normal 250mg on the following sunday)

    Background -

    Iam 22 years old,
    i have been training for about 4 - 5 years,
    i used to be a Kick Boxer(2years ago)and trained intensly 4-5 times per week
    Ive been into intense weight lifting and basketball for about 2 years now,

    About the past month before i started this cycle i did alot cardio trying to bring my BF% down as much as possible and have been eting very healthy, lean steaks, chicken, protein shakes, vegies, brown rice ect ill get into diet in a minute. I wieghed close to 200lbs just 2 and a half months ago, at about 16%BF, i have substantially leaned out the past month - month and a half.

    Specs -

    Age - 22
    BF - 12%
    Weight - 180lbs

    Week 1 -

    Front loaded both the Deca and Test e as explained above, and then second injec's on the follwing sunday, yesterday at the gym i noticed that my nipples were getting a little sensitive and hurting alittle bit, i have Nolva on hand so i will be doing 20mg a day i think it was ill check after i post this and then lowering to 10 for rest of cycle once nipples stop feeling sensitive.

    Any and ALL critique will be Appretiated and all info will be taken in and absorbed and used. If there is anything i forgot to post ask me and i will go into detail, i will post my diet pre cycle and what iam currently eating while on; and also my PCT regiment.



    Last edited by GreenCoast; 08-30-2010 at 11:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Well at 300 mg wk that's prob a little above the norm, hrt is 150 200 wk. I think you are to young to be messn w your endocrin, expecialy w deca. That shit will shit u down big time. For gaines I'd go 500T and 400-500D if iz to go aroung with test 2weeks longer than deca and research on hcg your to young to end up with a wet noodle. Just my .02.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Test - 15 weeks
    deca - 13 weeks

    I will look into HCG, ive been hearing about it alot, get it from the same place everyone around here seems to get there PCT stuff?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    Test - 15 weeks
    deca - 13 weeks

    I will look into HCG, ive been hearing about it a lot, get it from the same place everyone around here seems to get there PCT stuff?
    That's a long cycle, the lion doesn't carry hcg but you can get I at other places. All the other stuff is gtg tho I only did clomid 3wks, due to a severe migraine I dropped it, cuz I don't like to take nsaid. and nolva 4wks and I been bangn the stuffin outa my girl. And hittn the gym and other workouts like a champ. But from now on if I do another run ima stick w 8wk cycles only. Preferably test prop. Low sides, fast into pct, and the endo is( in my own opinion kinda spared due to short esters and cycle leignth. I'd prob throw in sum tren A, or clen that way I look real lean. Don't get me wrong deca is bad ass but I just don't wana battle with my junk at the end of it all. Sory for the ramble I haven't been on the board in a couple weeks. Lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    How tall are you?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Im at work right now, ill get back to you 6ft5 this afternoon, and ill post my PCT and my Diet.

    and btw, i took the 20mg of Nolva yesterday afternoon and by this morning there is no more irritation, so ill be taking 10mg for the next week and possibly bringing it down to 5mg there on forward.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2009
    Ok, now nolva is good for blocking receptors in breast tissue, also nolva is very carsnaginic(spelling?) study some threads on how it was used in breast cancer treatment. It has bad side effects to. like tumors in liver kidnys, I believe in long term(don't know how long tho). So using nolva your whole cycle might not be a good idea? Some people do I'm shure.. Maybe a lower dose of adex could help? Hit me up.. I'm not the smartest dude but if I don't know I try and point you in the right direction.

  8. #8
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    6ft5 - after that 10mg of Nolva i waited a day and then took 5mg, and then waited another day and took another 5mg, witch was yesterday and i plan on stopping use here forward unless i start to notice more signs of gyno.

    Diet -

    7am - Protein shake 50 grams protein all Whey, banana
    8:20 am - 2 scrambled eggs, whole weat bagel, cup of assorted fruit
    10am - protein shake 50 grams protein all whey
    11:30am - Turkey Sandwhich/whole weat bread/avacodos, cup of assorted fruit
    3:30pm - Protein shake 50 grams protein all whey
    6pm - Steak or Chicken, Brocolli or aspargus, potatoes, tomatoes, avacodos, 2%milk
    8pm - Protein Shake 50 grams protein - 50% casein 50% Whey


    7 am - Protein shake 25 grams protein All whey, banana, bowl of oatmeal
    8:20 am - 2 eggs scrambled, whole weat bagel, cup of assorted fruit
    10 am - Protein Shake 25 grams protein All whey
    11:30 am - Turkey Sandwhich/avacodos/tomatoes/whole wheat bread, extra slice of bread, cup of fruit
    3:30 pm - Bowl of Oatmeal, rasins, rice cake, Jackd 3D
    4 pm - GYM
    7pm - Banana, Protein Shake 50 grams protein All Whey
    9 pm - Protein Shake 25 grams protein All Casien

    How you guys feelin about my diet?? any critique? any changes to be made? open to make changes.

    Ill post my work out routine next, its been a week and a half now ive gone up 8lbs.

    Also, im thinking about adding some DBol in the next couple days, what do you think? i know its great for starting cycles but adding it after a week is alright? send some addvice, thanks. i thinking small doses of the dbol everyday maybe 20mg. only for like 2 weeks.

    Sorry took so long for response, been with the lady all weekend.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    6ft5 - i meant to say 20mg of nolva that first day and then 10 and 10, my bad, typo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    any pictures and what are your goals for this cycle?

  11. #11
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    liftw8t - ill post some pics tonight of where i was at a week ago, took em, just havnt had the time to upload em yet.

    Goals, well im looking to be sittin around 195-200 after pct, no more then 12% bf and dramatic strength increases ofcourse. Bulk up.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2009
    Nice avy green coast. I love pin up girls. One of my other hobbies is drawing pin up chicks.
    Looks like your getting the calories in but, some people like to take in an lot of whey, which puts a lot of extra stress on the liver and kidneys. The diet section here is awesome.
    A REAL popular and suggested way of constructing a diet is to eat 5-7 times a day every 2-3 hrs (real food) usually a lean meat, slow carb, and sum fiber. One reason is whey digest really fast and a lot of dudes just use whey directly after workouts with some carbs. And a casin before bed because it digest really slow.
    As for the tabs that's up to you. Itl prob just add a few lbs of water, along with a little stress to liv/kid. Btw Go to the diet section there some smart dudes thatll get you eating right to get the most outa your cycle. Have a great day!

  13. #13
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    6ft5 - thanks man, ill go check out the diet thread, post what im doing right now and see what they sugest.

    So bassicaly what your saying is the dbol aint gunna do much for me? no reason, more negatives then positives?

  14. #14
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    liftw8t - ill post some pics tonight of where i was at a week ago, took em, just havnt had the time to upload em yet.

    Goals, well im looking to be sittin around 195-200 after pct, no more then 12% bf and dramatic strength increases ofcourse. Bulk up.
    Cool man sounds good, going to be subscribing to this thread.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    6ft5 - thanks man, ill go check out the diet thread, post what im doing right now and see what they sugest.

    So bassicaly what your saying is the dbol aint gunna do much for me? no reason, more negatives then positives?
    Not much exp w d-bol but, what I do know is at 20mg ed would not be much more anabolic than you already are, but u could put a few pounds of water on. Get a little swoll for a minit, but just pee it out. Probly a few pimples, stress, maybe a little itchy nipple?
    In my opinion if your gona run somthin do it at a decent beneficial dose. Lol. and proper liver protection.
    Just my .02

  16. #16
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    Aug 2010
    6ft5 - tru tru, Well yeah ill prolly hold on to it till my next cycle and get alittle more to go hard for 4 weeks instead of soft wit it for 4.

    i couldnt find the pics from pre cycle start date.. ill try to snap a couple of pics of my current state tonight.

    Chest and Bi day today, PUMP HARD.


    GREENCOAST Coast to Coast

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    i agree with 6ft5 it would probably only give you some water weight which you will end up losing and you said your what 2 weeks into your cycle? it would prbably take a while to ship also, usually you wanna use it to jumpstart your cycle and use it for 1-4 weeks to see results right away till your test kicks in. im running a similar cycle here in the next couple months im running 500 mg Test E/ wk, Deca-400 Mg/wk and jumpstarting it with dbol weeks 1-4 and 13-16 prior to PCT.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    like to see some pics like mid cycle i wanna see how ur deca turns out

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    No doubt! Deca and test great combo. With a proper diet and attaiable goals, should be a blast. Btw deca and test will make you strong quickly, so don't over do your weights or your asking for joint trouble and pain post cycle.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    throw up some pics bro

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Before cycle pic

    Alright sorry its taken so long, here is a pic from about 3 weeks before i start my cycle, ill try to get some more up tonight of where im at right now, put on 15lbs already. Work and girl... maes things difficult somtimes, if she's not comin over tonight ill get some up.
    But for over the weekend ill have a few up of right now

    Attachment 109822

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    how much you weighing in that photo and whats ur current weight at right now? looks like you need little work on chest but im sure its all coming in post some pics up of ur progress always helps keep workin hard

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    whats ur workout regiment?

  24. #24
    boz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    6ft5 - after that 10mg of Nolva i waited a day and then took 5mg, and then waited another day and took another 5mg, witch was yesterday and i plan on stopping use here forward unless i start to notice more signs of gyno.

    Diet -

    7am - Protein shake 50 grams protein all Whey, banana
    8:20 am - 2 scrambled eggs, whole weat bagel, cup of assorted fruit
    10am - protein shake 50 grams protein all whey
    11:30am - Turkey Sandwhich/whole weat bread/avacodos, cup of assorted fruit
    3:30pm - Protein shake 50 grams protein all whey
    6pm - Steak or Chicken, Brocolli or aspargus, potatoes, tomatoes, avacodos, 2%milk
    8pm - Protein Shake 50 grams protein - 50% casein 50% Whey


    7 am - Protein shake 25 grams protein All whey, banana, bowl of oatmeal
    8:20 am - 2 eggs scrambled, whole weat bagel, cup of assorted fruit
    10 am - Protein Shake 25 grams protein All whey
    11:30 am - Turkey Sandwhich/avacodos/tomatoes/whole wheat bread, extra slice of bread, cup of fruit
    3:30 pm - Bowl of Oatmeal, rasins, rice cake, Jackd 3D
    4 pm - GYM
    7pm - Banana, Protein Shake 50 grams protein All Whey
    9 pm - Protein Shake 25 grams protein All Casien

    How you guys feelin about my diet?? any critique? any changes to be made? open to make changes.

    Ill post my work out routine next, its been a week and a half now ive gone up 8lbs.

    Also, im thinking about adding some DBol in the next couple days, what do you think? i know its great for starting cycles but adding it after a week is alright? send some addvice, thanks. i thinking small doses of the dbol everyday maybe 20mg. only for like 2 weeks.

    Sorry took so long for response, been with the lady all weekend.
    IMO mate i reckon too much whey protein, PRE whey shake and post whey shake works well for me.

    Casein i cant complain with, good before bed - get bored with casein mix it up with 150 - 200g of low fat cottage cheese.
    Last edited by boz; 09-02-2010 at 09:52 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Update - greencoast

    Weight - 200lbs

    Bench - 245lbs

    Back rows - 220lbs

    Standing military press - 155lbs

    3 Weeks left, Have ended the deca last week and ramped the test up to 900 per week, and am taking 60ml of dbol per day starting one week ago.

    Goin hard these next 3 weeks.

    have HCG, Tamox and Liquid stane ready for PCT

    Any questions - Fire away.

    I hope this pic attached.
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