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Thread: Liquid egg whites measuring question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.

    Liquid egg whites measuring question...

    Usually I will just scoop out the yolk from whole eggs in order to have egg whites, but I decided to just buy liquid egg whites to make things easier. I am confused as far as the equivalent measurements though.

    I'm aiming to have 2 whole eggs and then add in 8 egg whites. So first off, do I count the whites from the 2 whole eggs? So in other words would this be a total of 10 egg whites? Or is it just simply 2 whole eggs and 8 egg whites?

    As far as the measurement equivalent goes, on the side of the carton it says:
    Serving size 1/4 cup (56g)
    Servings per container about 16

    It also says in big writing on the carton:
    Equivalent to 16 eggs

    So based off of this assumption it would seem that 1/4 cup is equal to 1 egg white.

    But then it says "For recipe purposes":
    3/4 cup is equal to approx. 4 large eggs

    Maybe I'm just being a retard here, but if I want to add the equivalent of 8 egg whites would I add 2 cups or 1and1/2 cups?

    And also, if I am to add 2 cups, that's half the damn carton, which considering it costs $4.50, that seems ridiculously overpriced, would it not just be easier to stick to buying a carton of eggs for $1 and just scooping out the yolks?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan111 View Post
    Usually I will just scoop out the yolk from whole eggs in order to have egg whites, but I decided to just buy liquid egg whites to make things easier. I am confused as far as the equivalent measurements though.

    I'm aiming to have 2 whole eggs and then add in 8 egg whites. So first off, do I count the whites from the 2 whole eggs? So in other words would this be a total of 10 egg whites? Or is it just simply 2 whole eggs and 8 egg whites?

    As far as the measurement equivalent goes, on the side of the carton it says:
    Serving size 1/4 cup (56g)
    Servings per container about 16

    It also says in big writing on the carton:
    Equivalent to 16 eggs

    So based off of this assumption it would seem that 1/4 cup is equal to 1 egg white.

    But then it says "For recipe purposes":
    3/4 cup is equal to approx. 4 large eggs

    Maybe I'm just being a retard here, but if I want to add the equivalent of 8 egg whites would I add 2 cups or 1and1/2 cups?

    And also, if I am to add 2 cups, that's half the damn carton, which considering it costs $4.50, that seems ridiculously overpriced, would it not just be easier to stick to buying a carton of eggs for $1 and just scooping out the yolks?
    You're not being a retard, this shit can be confusing sometimes! To answer your first question, I would consider that 2 whole eggs, 8 whites.

    1/4 cup = approx. 1 egg white. This is for straight whites. Ignore the part regarding recipe purposes - i'm assuming since we're not dealing with whole/real eggs here, there are some factors that come into play when using this stuff for recipes. Don't let it throw you - you're using them just for the whites, so only concern yourself with that measurement.

    8 egg whites would be 2 cups. To answer your last question - yes, buying eggs and throwing out the yolk is much less expensive. You're paying for the convenience of liquid egg whites, that's all.

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.
    Hahaha, alright thanks man! I figured you'd be the first person to respond. You and Damien need to be made mods for the diet section, considering everything I have learned in the past 2 months has pretty much come from you guys, lol!

    And yeah...I guess I am paying for the convenience factor here, dunno if it's really worth paying almost double though in the end, probably not. I think I'll stick to scooping out the yolks, oh well, thanks again though!

  4. #4
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan111 View Post
    Hahaha, alright thanks man! I figured you'd be the first person to respond. You and Damien need to be made mods for the diet section, considering everything I have learned in the past 2 months has pretty much come from you guys, lol!

    And yeah...I guess I am paying for the convenience factor here, dunno if it's really worth paying almost double though in the end, probably not. I think I'll stick to scooping out the yolks, oh well, thanks again though!
    LoL, mods, vets - please take note of what the man is saying here!

    You're welcome man. Yea, I hate scooping whites out too, and call me a puss but I feel bad wasting the yolks when I think about baby chicks. At this point, i've just switched to whole eggs + protein shake first thing in the morning. Quicker, tastes better, and no bad feelings!
    Last edited by gbrice75; 09-02-2010 at 05:26 AM.

  5. #5
    feel bad for the baby chicks, your either eating them or throwing them down the sink my man lol. and glad i found out about the pricing... all u do is crack and poor in the yoke on one side of the egg then let the white drip out then put it in the other half and let it drain into pan...i dont know where the scooping come into play

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Ishallnocheatmyself View Post
    feel bad for the baby chicks, your either eating them or throwing them down the sink my man lol. and glad i found out about the pricing... all u do is crack and poor in the yoke on one side of the egg then let the white drip out then put it in the other half and let it drain into pan...i dont know where the scooping come into play
    Exactly - one way the egg goes to good use, the other way is a waste. But that's a topic for a different forum!

    The OP mentioned 'scooping'. I swap the yolk back and forth between the 2 halves of shell while the white drips out into a cup.

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