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Thread: Calling all Dr. John Crissler (All Things Male) patients share your experinece

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    It's all inclusive ... That's where they make the bulk of their $profit$. It's like the concession stands at the movie theaters! The margins have to be unreal!
    typical food i smuggle into theaters....

    pizza(whole 12" pie from olive garden) lmao
    fish sandwich from LJS'S (that was a lil stinky but guess the pizza was too)

    I HATE POPCORN and imma cheap bastard


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Enfuego129 View Post
    Here is an update on where I am at since seeing the endo two weeks ago.

    1)The endo said that he is unwilling to give me TRT/HRT and would submit his recommendations to my GP.
    2)I have visited my GP and had a general conversation with him about how I felt with and without supplemental T (Androgel). He agreed to put me back on the Androgel at 10 grams and said that his knowledge is limited on HRT/TRT. I was glad to start up again. In the one week I have started taking it again I feel that my mood and general metal abilities have improved although I get really tired around early evening, but I seem to be sleeping better (deeper).. Energy levels seem unchanged at this time but I dont think I have been on it long enough to realize those benefits yet.
    3) Libido is coming back although it is the wrong time of month for the bride. God has a sense of humor
    4) I have discussed these positive changes with my wife and she is encouraged at getting her husband back.
    5) She is supporting my wanting to visit to Dr Crisler later this fall but is concerned about what this will cost out of pocket. FYI, this is partly why I started this thread.
    6) Next week I will call my insurance BCBS HMO and discuss my intentions and see if they can outline covered and uncovered costs. The two biggest costs I forsee are the initial consult and bloodwork.
    7) Next week I will also call regarding HRT/TRT prescriptions(different department) to see if those will be covered. FYI, I called them a couple months ago and the customer service rep said that they would be covered but I want to be sure.

    Any advise you guys can offer between now and the time I get in to see Dr Crisler this fall. It might be a couple months before I get in.
    On the all things male dot com link, Dr. Crisler indicates that he is willing to consult with your family practitioner if you make the request. Seems like a good way to go in your case. Your family practitioner can order all the blood work so it is covered by your insurance, as well as the meds as described above if you order one month amounts. You will only have to pay Dr. Crisler's consult fee.
    Last edited by lifeforce0019; 09-06-2010 at 11:04 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lifeforce0019 View Post
    On the all things male dot com link, Dr. Crisler indicates that he is willing to consult with your family practitioner if you make the request. Seems like a good way to go in your case. Your family practitioner can order all the blood work so it is covered by your insurance, as well as the meds as described above if you order one month amounts. You will only have to pay Dr. Crisler's consult fee.
    Thanks for the reply, that is my goal in this whole thing. Unfortunately it appears that my doctor is almost as conservative as the endo I saw for the last four months. The endo stated he will not recommend TRT to me through my GP even though I have been consistently low in the total T. When I met my GP for an unrelated medical problem he stated he hadn't received the report from the endo but would put me back on the Andro Gel because of my improvement in mood and energy. He followed up by saying that this is all he is comfortable with. I wont know if he will work with Dr Crisler at this point. Once I see Dr Crisler and have his recommendations I will cross that bridge. Money is tight right now and I may have to wait to see Dr John.

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