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Thread: Anavar Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand

    Question Anavar Question

    Hey guys,

    Just wondering if anyone knows about the best choice of Oxandrolone...

    I have been on a right mission to even find this stuff and so far have but when I buy I wanna make sure its the real deal for the cash!

    I live in Thailand and know like most places around the world there are fakes about and over here in some pharmacies they sell fakes...

    My findings and what I have read seem to be this:

    Oxandrolone is called Bonavar and was made by Body Research, I understand that these guys have been closed down but the Bonavar they made was boxed in a green & white box...50 x 2.5mg pills per box. You might still be able to find these but so far I have not.

    What I have read is the March Pharmaceutical Co in Thailand are a lab over here that makes Danabol and Body Research are the fakes and have nothing to do with March Pharmaceutical.

    I also know that British Dragon make Oxandrolone and you can buy here in Thailand but again I know it is counterfeited loads.

    Question is:

    Has anyone had Bonavar from March Pharmaceutical Co???
    Or British Dragon? Or both, and if so what is your feedback please...

    What is better?
    How would you spot fakes?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Know nothing about Thai products or name brands, prefer to go generic myself whenever possible. In that case oxandrolone is oxandrolone.

    Seems like u need the advice and maybe even a local you can trust to set u up with legit gear or your taking a stab in the dark.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    i use nomad anavar very good product. watch out as VAR is faked a lot of the time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    From my understanding Thialand is a veritable candy store for reliable AAS.definatley should be able to find a local who can help you..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    sydney australia
    if you get the real bonavar as you said its the deal my friend ..i have used the oxandrolone spa from italy blue and white box 2,5mg per tab and was unbelieveable results after two days

    british dragon i have used and its crap

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by wnehme View Post
    if you get the real bonavar as you said its the deal my friend ..i have used the oxandrolone spa from italy blue and white box 2,5mg per tab and was unbelieveable results after two days

    british dragon i have used and its crap
    Just curious, could you tell me what your unbelievable results after two days were?

    BD is fine, not my 1st choice but it is often faked.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand
    OK well last night I found a really good pharmacy, I mean these guys had a whole load of gear from A-Z.
    Anyway they had the Bonavar (shown in the picture) If picture is not up then its the Bonavar that comes in a green and white box that has 50 x 2.5mg pills in that come in 5 sachets 10 to a sachet made by Body Research. It looked the real deal to me...The front of the box the writing of Bonavar in bold black was embossed so it was standing out from the box if you know what I mean...Run my finger over it and it was raised.
    The sachets had a date stamp on one end with the lot number the other.

    Has anyone seen this type of fake??? Or is it the real deal???

    And has anyone used this? Feedback please...
    Last edited by meat&2veg; 09-11-2010 at 07:27 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I have never had any problems with Thai products. Aside from a closer source that is the only place I have ordered from.

  9. #9
    I've seen a lot of fake gear, mostly HGH. The fakers are so good nowdays. It's really impossible to tell by looking at the packaging. You have to trust your source. If you have a good source you've got half the battle beat. If you're walking off the street, well, we just hope for the best, don't we? The more legit it looks the better change it is legit. For me, it goes back to the trust in the person you're buying the gear from.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    There is a place out of eastern europe that sells var powder, 99. whatever % pure. Easy on the wallet, kind of a pain putting it in caps, mixing it with grain alcohol or some peg or something would prob be much more time efficient but i've never tried it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    sydney australia
    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyPeaches o.O View Post
    Just curious, could you tell me what your unbelievable results after two days were?

    BD is fine, not my 1st choice but it is often faked.

    the results i saw after two days of use were my veins in my legs beggining to pop out dramatically...after my cardio session they were very noticable and standing out and i dont know about most of you guys but whn i see that happening it makes me smile from ear to ear...not to mention the vasularity in my upoper half as well but my legs was the first placed i noticed it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I have used this product many times over the years (I live in Asia). They are gtg.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    good luck on the cycle bro, var is the shit. Dont listen to the guys that say var is for women. I loved the stuff at 100mg a day for 6-8 weeks. at 25mgs a dose, i could literally feel the dose an hour or so after i took it. I could feel my heart rate go up and feel the aggression.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    BKK Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickleby View Post
    I have used this product many times over the years (I live in Asia). They are gtg.
    So I am going to buy the "Bonavar" green and white box...Was going to run it at 60mg ED for 6 weeks (last 6 weeks of a 12 week sus250 @ 500mg p/w).
    Is that enough or do I need more???

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

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