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Thread: Humatrope dosage?

  1. #1

    Humatrope dosage?

    My stats:
    Age - 31
    Height 6'2"
    Weight 201 lbs
    Lifting experience: nearly 4 years
    Typical bench press workout: 225 lbs, 4 sets of 8 reps
    Bodyfat: 12.5% (caliper)
    Cycle experience: zilch

    Possibly wanting to begin a cycle of Test E (500 mgs a week) and Humatrope. Since Humatrope is one of the highest quality HGH you can buy, what dosage should I run to see fat loss/recovery benefits from Humatrope? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by SomeLiveForTheBill View Post
    My stats:
    Age - 31
    Height 6'2"
    Weight 201 lbs
    Lifting experience: nearly 4 years
    Typical bench press workout: 225 lbs, 4 sets of 8 reps
    Bodyfat: 12.5% (caliper)
    Cycle experience: zilch

    Possibly wanting to begin a cycle of Test E (500 mgs a week) and Humatrope. Since Humatrope is one of the highest quality HGH you can buy, what dosage should I run to see fat loss/recovery benefits from Humatrope? Thanks.
    I would do 1 i.u first thing in the morning on empty stomach and 1 i.u last thing at night on an empty stomach...

  3. #3
    If you're going to start at 2iu/ed just shoot the 2iu in the am as soon as you wake up. Wait a while before you start your cycle, 3 months? Give your body a chance to acclimate to the HGH. HGH is the only substance that induce NEW muscle growth. AAS just makes your existing muscles bigger.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticatabolik View Post
    I would do 1 i.u first thing in the morning on empty stomach and 1 i.u last thing at night on an empty stomach...
    Typically the dosage should be between 2-4 i.u.'s, i run 4. It is best to take the dosage on an empty stomach. If taking a small dose like 2 i.u.'s i wouldnt worry about splitting it up. Also, the body's natural growth hormones are at its highest level during the hours of deep sleep, therefore you would want to avoid taking any hgh close to your sleeping time so that you dont suppress your body's natural growth hormones.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're going to start at 2iu/ed just shoot the 2iu in the am as soon as you wake up. Wait a while before you start your cycle, 3 months? Give your body a chance to acclimate to the HGH. HGH is the only substance that induce NEW muscle growth. AAS just makes your existing muscles bigger.
    interesting...never heard the difference of how the muscles react...hmmmm

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're going to start at 2iu/ed just shoot the 2iu in the am as soon as you wake up. Wait a while before you start your cycle, 3 months? Give your body a chance to acclimate to the HGH. HGH is the only substance that induce NEW muscle growth. AAS just makes your existing muscles bigger.
    Yes indeed, Hyperplasia is an amazing process....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by EHigh View Post
    Typically the dosage should be between 2-4 i.u.'s, i run 4. It is best to take the dosage on an empty stomach. If taking a small dose like 2 i.u.'s i wouldnt worry about splitting it up. Also, the body's natural growth hormones are at its highest level during the hours of deep sleep, therefore you would want to avoid taking any hgh close to your sleeping time so that you dont suppress your body's natural growth hormones.
    He is 200 pounds...

    Start at 1 i.u twice a day and build the doses up...Humatrope is much more potent than Chinese brands....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I agree with anticatablolik. I did the same regiment

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticatabolik View Post
    He is 200 pounds...

    Start at 1 i.u twice a day and build the doses up...Humatrope is much more potent than Chinese brands....
    Question I have is how much more potent is Humatrope?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by SomeLiveForTheBill View Post
    Question I have is how much more potent is Humatrope?
    At least 2-3 times more....

    Chinese made products are just rubbish and one can never trust their process, especially when its going to be injected into a human.

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