Hi im 24 years old just finished from my first 10 week cycle i need advice on a 2nd cycle e.g what to take? And how long after my first cycle!!!!
1 st cycle was a 10 week cycle one shot a week on a monday of:
Lixus deca 300 (10ml) 1 ml a week (nandrolone decanoate)
lixus test 300 (10ml) 1 ml a week testosterone propionate 100 mg
testosterone decanoate 100 mg
testosterone enanthate 100 mg
altogether 2 ml mixed of both above
also 40mg a day d-bol for first 2 weeks
and 70mg anavar for last 2 weeks
i was 72 kg before cycle and 18% body fat
after cycle i am 85kg 21% body fat
i took hcg and advanced pct for my pct!!!!!!
Was this a good cycle?
Any advice on what to take for next cycle?
And how long after for next cycle?
Thanks for help