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Thread: Advice needed asap for 2nd cycle!!!!!!!! Pls help

  1. #1

    Advice needed asap for 2nd cycle!!!!!!!! Pls help

    Hi im 24 years old just finished from my first 10 week cycle i need advice on a 2nd cycle e.g what to take? And how long after my first cycle!!!!

    1 st cycle was a 10 week cycle one shot a week on a monday of:

    Lixus deca 300 (10ml) 1 ml a week (nandrolone decanoate)

    lixus test 300 (10ml) 1 ml a week testosterone propionate 100 mg
    testosterone decanoate 100 mg
    testosterone enanthate 100 mg

    altogether 2 ml mixed of both above

    also 40mg a day d-bol for first 2 weeks

    and 70mg anavar for last 2 weeks

    i was 72 kg before cycle and 18% body fat
    after cycle i am 85kg 21% body fat

    i took hcg and advanced pct for my pct!!!!!!

    Was this a good cycle?
    Any advice on what to take for next cycle?
    And how long after for next cycle?

    Thanks for help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    wow. Waay too much for a first cycle.

    How tall are you?

    Your body fat should've decreased on cycle...instead you got fatter.

    Tell us more about your pct: what drugs? doses? duration?

    How long ago did you finish PCT?

  3. #3
    Hi mate im 5ft 6 inches tall i believe i put on fat or water retention? because of the deca.

    the pct i took was hcg and tamoxifen and also advanced pct tablets 3 weeks after last shot

  4. #4
    sorry finished my pct 2 weeks ago and was on it for 3 weeks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    at 18-20% body have too much fat on you, period.

    don't excuse it away with talking about "water retention".

    It's not fun to hear, but it's the truth.

    You still didn't answer my very specific questions about your pct, so I'll try this one more time:

    Tell us more about your pct: what drugs? doses? duration?

    How long ago did you finish PCT?

    Also, I have no clue what "advanced PCT tablets" are.

  6. #6
    ugl talk, edit, marcus300

  7. #7
    advanced pct tablets are by anabolic xtreme they are designed for a pct they contain

    Cordyceps Extract 6-Bromodione
    Grape Seed Extract

    its 3 tablets per day for 30 days i got around a week left on those

    i also took clomid 50mg a day 3 weeks after my last shot for 2 weeks

    also took hcg 3 weeks after last shot which was 3 shots in 1 week hcg (pregnyl 5000iu)

    hope this helps

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    so in reality you didnt really take a real pct just somthing sold otc....sorry bro but this was a very poorly planed and executed cycle...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    my advise would be to do some reasurch now while you are still recovering and learn where you went wrong so you will not repeat the same mistakes in the future...let me suggest starting with the begginer cycle sticky, it has all you need to know...if your going to use real aas then start using real pct compounds for your post cycle therapy...

  10. #10
    so pls give me advice im a beginner!!!!!!!

    shall i add some more stuff o my pct now?

    what can you reccomed for next cycle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    i recomend that before you cycle again you learn for yourself all the ins and outs of cycling properly/responsibly....first you study all the compounds, how they work, dosing protocals, how they interact together when stacked ect...then learn about post cycle therepy again the compounds, how they work, dosing protocals and how they interact together...then theres the whole other side of this: diet and training and how to construct one thats specific to you personal goals...all the info you need is right here you just have to find it and its not that hard...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Yeah what boyd said! ^^ All the answers you're looking for are on the forum in these threads. You just have to do the work and find them. Just from reading the forum daily i have learned an amazing amount in the last 3 months.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Adam I am glad you are here and you are trying to learn, thats great! Still though it never ceases to AMAZE me how everyone wants to know this and to know that but are completely unwilling to learn anything for themselves?!?!

    With knowledge comes responsibility and if you are just spoon fed knowledge you will have no clue on how to apply that knowledge responsibly, IMO you should not have one without the other.

  15. #15
    anyone used got my order today but one of the bottles does not have a hologram on the bottle???

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