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Thread: Any transdermal delivery supp's besides DSMO that are sold in stores?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Any transdermal delivery supp's besides DSMO that are sold in stores?

    I''m lookin for a transdermal delivery system that I can buy at the store TODAY. Do any exist? I don't want some crap product, only something of quality or I will order DSMO online but would love to hear something else is out there...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    DMSO is probably the most effective. the main down side I see is the "off" smell you pick up on your breath. Even if you do it early AM, it will still be on your breath late PM.... your woman will be able to smell it when she kisses you. I still play around with DMSO as a carrier / delivery system, but still haven't been able a way to offset the bad breath.
    For me, If I know I'm getting some loving that night, I skip the DMSO that day.

    There are other ways... sublingual, anal, nasal, and with some of these ports of entry, disolved in alcohol may be a reasonable carrier, but not as effective as if disolved in DMSO.

    If cash isn't a problem, I've heard (never tried) that there are testosterone lozenges you slowly disolve in your mouth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Times..I remember a while back you were going to give DMSO a shot - did you post your results?

  4. #4
    There is some stuff called Phlogel if you can still find it,

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