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Thread: Mdrol, Anavar, Winny, Test E - What to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Mdrol, Anavar, Winny, Test E - What to do

    ok i have 4 weeks of mdrol at 30mg/day, 4 weeks of anavar at 30mg/day, 4 weeks of stanazol at 50mg/day and 3 x 10ml test e at 200mg/ml.

    Age: 20
    Training 2 years
    BF% around 15%

    So the cycle is going to be morso a cut than a recomp but i feel i could add 1-2kg muscle over the cycle i would be pleased. I understand that to minimize water retention i should keep sodium low, plenty of cardio, plenty of water and clean diet - im prepared for that but should i be taking something like arimidex and at what dosage?

    Here is what i have come up with please give me your feedback:

    Wk 1-4 Mdrol 20-20-30-30 Wk 4-8 Stanazol 50mg day or Anavar 30mg/day

    Wk 1-4 Mdrol 10-20-30-30 Wk 4-8 Stanazol 50mg day or Anavar 30mg/day
    Wk1-10 Test E 200mg/week

    Wk 1-4 Mdrol 20/20/30/30
    Wk 1-10 600mg/week test e
    or Wk 1-12 500mg/wk test e - only concern is measuring 1.25ml?

    Going to run nolva pct at 40/40/20/20 or 40/30/20/20/10

    Liver care ofcourse. Ive been trainging muay thai for 6 months and weight training but i feel ive come to a bit of a halt inprogress.

    Please dont lecture me on my age or training - i understand that you are trying to help but im going to run one of these cycles and i would like some decent advice - i have help off using steroids for 2 years i have come to the point where i am going to take them

    Thanks for your help
    Last edited by makod; 09-29-2010 at 05:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    No lecture's then .

    Not sure how you could be 20 , training weights and boxing while being 15 % body fat .
    Are you going to improve your diet while cycling ?

    Good luck !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You didn't state past cycle experience under stats .

    Is this your first ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    No lecture's then .

    Not sure how you could be 20 , training weights and boxing while being 15 % body fat .
    Are you going to improve your diet while cycling ?

    Good luck !
    Why do you say that? Are you saying i should be less BF%?

    My diet consists of oats, WPC only shakes, turkey beef or chicken, soy milk, macedamia nut oil. I eat 5 times day, each meal consists of 50g protien, carbs range from 100-200g/day coming from oats or rice. Atleast 30g of fat from macedamia nut oil and other fats from the beef or turkey.

    I admit i am not dieting 100% but its more like 75-85%. I used to spend alot of time in the diet section, actually that was the only place i used to go but after gaining some decent knowledge i feel i can make informed decisions on a meal to meal basis.

    Only substance i have used is mdrol for 6 weeks at 20mg and xtren at 90mg. That was a good cycle and i gained 4kh lean muscle over the 6 weeks. (i got DEXA scans at the start and end)

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