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Thread: Is now an appropriate time for me to cycle? anavar or winstrol?

  1. #1

    Is now an appropriate time for me to cycle? anavar or winstrol?

    I am 20 years old, have been seriously lifting for 2 years now and have never cycled. I hit the weight floor on average 5x a week for about 1 1/2-2 hrs, not including cardio of course.

    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 218
    Bench: 260 lbs barbell / 115 lbs dumb bell
    Squat: 350 lbs

    My goal is basically to cut up, but try and keep as much strength and mass as possible. If possible, gain slight strength and muscle mass. What I do not want to do is bulk. I am already kind of a big wide shouldered guy and I do not want to gain much as far as weight goes. I want to be in the range of 180-200lbs with a low BF%. I am considering taking a cutting agent. I have researched for about a year now and now I am considering either anavar or winstrol. I am aware that var is much more expensive but I am willing to pay more for the better agent. I am leaning more towards the var. I have talked to guys around the gym and I am wrapping it up with these forums. I would REALLY appreciate some credible comments. What do you think about my situation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Now is not the appropriate time to cycle bro. I'll list a few reasons.

    1. Your age.
    2. Your inexperience in training.
    3. Your lack of research in regards to what a proper first cycle should look like.
    4. What orals are capable of doing on a standalone level.

    Your goals can easily be achieved with a simple tweak in your diet. Post up what you eat in detail over in the nutrition section and have the boys critique it. Look into proper cardiovascular training to suit your goals and perhaps tweaking your training methods via higher volume/intensity.

    A more "in depth" look into what I mean in regards to AAS and your current state

  3. #3
    If you were in my position. Can you give me a quick rundown of what your diet would consist of on a daily basis? What exactly do you mean by higher volume/intensity? Because I already train pretty hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    More reps, supersets, giant sets, tri-sets, HIT, pre-exhaustion, peak contraction, ect.

    I can't supply a diet that works for you, take heed to what I've said above and post what you are working with in the nutrition section, from there you can make the necessary changes.

  5. #5
    I see. You might have just postponed my first cycle. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    bro im natural and im not saying i look the best but by far the best strength gains were made at your age range so get to you peak before anything man. stick in there naturally and from 20 -22 your def going to see the diff in maturity in your muscles and strength for sure i promise. no one could change your mind but at the end of the day this shit comes with allot of cons . .hairloss,limp dick,shutdown of natural test levels,gynocomastia,acne,fake gear,liver damage etc you hear me ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You absolutely should not even consider cycling until you have come close to maxing your body's potential, with your size and lack of strength it is obvious you have a long way to go before that happens. you should be able to lift twice as much(literally) as you do now, naturally at your height and weight. Short cuts cut your potential short.

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