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Thread: New Pictures - Lean Bulk

  1. #41
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    Marcus - Wouldn't a pregnancy test pick up those hormones?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Marcus - Wouldn't a pregnancy test pick up those hormones?
    No, there have been using a new breed of chemicals to get pass the pregnancy test. It rather clever because the sides mimic gh side except that the user's retains alot more water and his weight creeps ups gradually because he will be retaining water more and more, one of the ways you can tell is get your BP checked because it sends it through the roof.

  3. #43
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    Got your reccomendation for anyone taking this is get you bp tested regularly?

    Any other symptons?

    As you know, I do use'some' chinese gear, but I swear I've been lucky to this point

    I do feel bloated quite often, but its in my lower abdomen and I think its due to excess sugar alcohols (coffe, oats, shakes)

    I feel fine other than that.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Got your reccomendation for anyone taking this is get you bp tested regularly?

    Any other symptons?

    As you know, I do use'some' chinese gear, but I swear I've been lucky to this point

    I do feel bloated quite often, but its in my lower abdomen and I think its due to excess sugar alcohols (coffe, oats, shakes)

    I feel fine other than that.
    well i got my bp checked today and it was 130/90 which isnt too bad...90 is a tad high but doctor wasnt too concerned...

    the symptoms i got were numbness in hands and feet, major swelling in calves, feet.. carpel tunnel syndrome in hands....finger pain when i tried to reach for something...water retention generally over whole body..

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    well i got my bp checked today and it was 130/90 which isnt too bad...90 is a tad high but doctor wasnt too concerned...

    the symptoms i got were numbness in hands and feet, major swelling in calves, feet.. carpel tunnel syndrome in hands....finger pain when i tried to reach for something...water retention generally over whole body..
    check pms

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    check pms
    i replied to ur pm bro check it haha

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Got your reccomendation for anyone taking this is get you bp tested regularly?

    Any other symptons?

    As you know, I do use'some' chinese gear, but I swear I've been lucky to this point

    I do feel bloated quite often, but its in my lower abdomen and I think its due to excess sugar alcohols (coffe, oats, shakes)

    I feel fine other than that.
    Its probably unreasonable for me to say everything what comes out of China is fake but the odd's are that it is. Many of the new gh's being sent over from China and Hong Kong have had some kind of anti-diuretic hormone, sides have been bloat,CT and huge increases in weight and BP. There are also trying to pass AI's off as GH, ive had and i know others who have had some serious estrogen rebound when they have come off the gh, at first you think its working because your losing water and gives you the appearance of the gh working but infact its only an AI and when you come off you tend to get a estrogen rebound.

    China actually poisons its own people with all the chemically produced foods and their fake medications they produce so I doubt it very much that they would be interested in selling 100% gh to the West, especially when it involves certain conditions what cost a lot of money to actually make.They are also producing exact replicates of rec drugs what are a fraction of the price, it is really a sorry state and a risk to buy anything from China.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    gbrice i know exactly what you mean..however i still had that even when i tested at 9% bf by dexa scan. Yet still had the lack of definition in the chest which was extremely dissapointing...not 100% sure y.. think i may have picked up slight case of gyno and have some fatty tissue below the nipples which is causing it...
    You and me both brotha... it sucks.

  9. #49
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    really? hmmm yeh during my first cycle i never really noticed it..had puffy nipples a bit but didnt worry too much and it went away and it was only after i cut down to like 10% that i realised the outcome...but its not too bad..dont even notice unless chest is flexed like that...

    o well haha

  10. #50
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    Much more educated advice here about several parts of your program, my 2 cents would add biceps as a weak area and traps, back width seems good, the chest just doesn't match the rest of your body, everyone has naturally strong and weak responding body parts. I would add two or three upper chest exercises to your chest days and hit it twice a week if you aren't already. Reverse bench, incline bench and incline dumbbell presses rotating the pinkies in at the top. I would have guessed your bodyfat over 9% personally, closer to 14. Pretty impressive, nice pics and plenty of them I do admire you for that. I guess I missed it, how old are you? Best of luck with the continued success.

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