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Thread: 4 month cutting results.. from 24% BF to ??? PIcs!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    4 month cutting results.. from 24% BF to ??? PIcs!!

    4 months ago in june i had the bod pod test taken and i was 24% BF. I was 184 then and Im now 165.

    I go back to the bod pod on Oct 6th for another body fat check.

    I have one pic of me the day before i went in at 24%. I just took 2 others this week comparing.

    What BF% do you think I will be this time. Im guessing 15-18%.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by slimshady01; 10-04-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Middle pic is me at 24%

  3. #3
    great job.. what was you diet like and your work out routine ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I started strict diet around June 6th. I started with the Dave Palumbo diet at about 1900-2k calories with a cheat every sunday. Was a good diet but I changed over to the Scivation Game Over Cut diet. very simliar as Palumbo but without the cheats and a carb up every 3 days on the last meal of the night. I am now down to 1500 calories eating the exact same foods everyday to the tee.

    Workout routine is 5 days a week, in that cut diet there is a workout program we are following as well. I do cardio 4-5 days a week at 30 minutes sometimes 45. I try to keep my heart rate at 130-150.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Damn nice transformation. I would say below 15%. Keep us posted!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    For some reason it's kind of hard for me to tell from the pics... do you have any others?

    Bro, 1500 calories is LOW, I don't care what kind of diet you're on. Most women eat more then that. There is no way you're going to maintain LBM (forget about gaining) at that caloric level. Get back up to 2000 ASAP!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    How much did that BF test cost you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    its 25 dollars but varies.. Ive seen 50 at other places.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ive experimented with so many different calories. I can bulk on 2500 and still gain fat following a super clean diet. At 1900 i started to stall, i upped cardio and maintained the same weight for 3 weeks. Im back to the 1lb to 1.5 a week at 1500 and im also on EC stack.

    Im a small framed guy, my whole family is small.

    My lean body mass at the time of my 24% BF was only 139.9. Im sure i lose some in the cut but thats expected, as long as its not to dramatic. Which such low body mass My body doesnt need as many calories. Also every 3rd night I have a carb up which takes me to 2k for that day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Ive experimented with so many different calories. I can bulk on 2500 and still gain fat following a super clean diet. At 1900 i started to stall, i upped cardio and maintained the same weight for 3 weeks. Im back to the 1lb to 1.5 a week at 1500 and im also on EC stack.

    Im a small framed guy, my whole family is small.

    My lean body mass at the time of my 24% BF was only 139.9. Im sure i lose some in the cut but thats expected, as long as its not to dramatic. Which such low body mass My body doesnt need as many calories. Also every 3rd night I have a carb up which takes me to 2k for that day.
    That's tough dude, I hear you - I have a problem with that too. I gained fat on a super clean 3000 calorie diet, and I was on cycle to boot. If you want some help with the diet, i'd be happy to work with you. Get over to the diet section and post yours up, we'll help you sort it out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Yeah sucks eating super clean and still gaining fat. Thats why 1500 yet low... its the money spot for me atm.

    My diet is super strict and its working well I wont change anything untill i platuea again.

    Here is my diet, I follow to a tee, somtimes i subsitute my first meal with a shake and spinach and 6 almonds.

    Meal 1
    8 egg whites
    1 whole egg
    1.33cup steamed spinach
    6 almonds
    6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit or 99g blueberries
    35g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 10g fat

    Meal 2
    1.75 scoops Scivation Whey
    4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
    1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
    35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat

    Meal 3
    5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna (albacore
    packed/canned in water)
    1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
    4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
    35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat

    Meal 4
    4 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna (albacore
    packed/canned in water)
    1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
    4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
    28g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat

    Meal 5
    1.75 scoops Scivation Whey
    12 almonds
    ½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
    35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 10g fat

    Meal 6
    4 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna (albacore
    packed/canned in water)
    ½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
    1 oz avocado
    28g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    i don't think you were as high as 24% to start out with.. although there was not a lot of muscle mass to compensate so perhaps i a m wrong.. i would say you are 12-14% now.. u look much better now

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Yeah my body is deceiving because of how low my lean mass is. At 24% with a Tshirt on I looked like I was 15% lol

    i dont think ill be under 15%. When i had the bod pod done in June I was 184 with only 140lbs of lean mass. That put me at 24% BF. Im now 165, so lets assume i lost zero muscle, it think that would equate to me being 15%. Honestly i must have lost some muscle maybe even a lot. In that case it would put me 15-18% if im guessing.

    Will see though either way i look 100 times better and will continue till these abs pop out
    Last edited by slimshady01; 09-30-2010 at 07:33 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    its 25 dollars but varies.. Ive seen 50 at other places.
    How did you find somewhere that has this available?

    I went to the website and there is nothing there.

    I would like to do it if they have one close to me.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    How did you find somewhere that has this available?

    I went to the website and there is nothing there.

    I would like to do it if they have one close to me.

    try this bro then click on your state. Let me know if that works

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    your lookin lean bro, and got me smoked in the BF% but how the hell do you follow such a boring diet?? Do you cook or have a girlfriend who could hook you up with some variety??
    I am not trying to say your diet is bad just dont know how you can maintain that for very long..
    But then again that is probably why I am at 17%. I eat really well as far as non fried,natural,fruits,veggies nuts,grilled or braised meats but I couldnt do that survivor ration for more than two weeks before I had to cook up some Morroccan fish Tagine with a cracked wheat and Fennel salad.Damn now I am hungry arent you?? LOL just messin with you bro seriosly though props for the dedication.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2010
    yeah i never thought i could follow such a tight diet. Nice thing is its so easy to make the stuff. I have pregrilled chicken rdy to go, i put protein, almonds and Green beans or Broc in ziplock baggies then head to work.

    Im really craving a cheat anyday now. Ill prolly get a Buffalo Chicken Finger sub sometime after Oct6 which is bod pod day.

    yes im always hungry, last couple days have been brutal. thing is, i know its working when im hungry, tells me my body is pulling fat
    "hopefully not muscle lol" and using for energy.

    When i get to where i want, which is a nice 6 pack ill slowly transition to a super clean bulk. Upping calories ever so small so i can see any small changes in BF.

    Oh and im 34 married with 2 kids another coming this october lol , this will get fun with a newborn and no sleep.

  18. #18
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i don't think you were as high as 24% to start out with.. although there was not a lot of muscle mass to compensate so perhaps i a m wrong.. i would say you are 12-14% now.. u look much better now
    I agree with machine - lower. I did the bod pod about 4 times and got crazy results - seems like the operator has a HUGE amount to do with it. I tested 21% when i had abs like in my avatar - no way! previous reading was 17%.

    Anyways - u look good - what are your goals? more lean? more muscle?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Yeah now i wonder about the bod. My goals now are ABS lol then slow clean bulk while trying to keep abs.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Northern California
    Yup - abs is diet & cardio. You are very close, dude. You should also do some weighted ab exercises to try to get them to grow (very hard to calves) try hanging leg raises with weight or gravity boots. IMO better to do a set of 10 or 12 with weight than sets of 20 or 30.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    funny you mention that, me and my workout friend started alternating from high rep abs like p90x style to then weighted heavy abs.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    bk nyc
    Hey shady.
    Looking rock hard! Nice job
    Could you post your stats? Your fatass pic doesn't look to bad either ,lol!
    I am rethinking my bodyfat estimate after reading your post.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thanks for the comments bro. I'm 5-10 165 .. I know I'm a light weight, my whole family is tiny, I'm just glad I'm 5-10 everyone else in my family is 5-8 to my mom who is 4-11 lol.

  24. #24
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    try this bro then click on your state. Let me know if that works
    Thanks I missed that!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Are you opposed to gaining muscle? Are you a cyclist or runner or just wanting to be thin? I also was looking for your height and missed it, if you post some personal goals I'll be better able to make suggestions. I think your bf is 16%, would help if there was leg shots. You do sound like you research things completely and listen to your body for it's responses.

  26. #26
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    Yes I want muscle but I'm not looking to gain until I shed this bodyfat. I've had a belly on me my whole life and just once I want to see these abs. I've tried bulking many times over the last 10 years with success bulking but always stayed to fat. Last year I was 200lb looked great in a shirt, people even would comment"whoa u looking big man". Then I get home take my shirt off to get in the shower and my fat would disgust me. So for now I will cut until I get 10% I'll say, then transition into a clean bulk while hopefully maintaining leaness. I've come the realization I'll never be big naturally and I'm ok with that. Realistically if i could get 170 lean and ripped I would be pleased.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Yeah my body is deceiving because of how low my lean mass is. At 24% with a Tshirt on I looked like I was 15% lol

    i dont think ill be under 15%. When i had the bod pod done in June I was 184 with only 140lbs of lean mass. That put me at 24% BF. Im now 165, so lets assume i lost zero muscle, it think that would equate to me being 15%. Honestly i must have lost some muscle maybe even a lot. In that case it would put me 15-18% if im guessing.

    Will see though either way i look 100 times better and will continue till these abs pop out

    I am 22% BF last time i checked and you look much better than i do i have a hard time thinking you had higher BF% in your original pic then i do here:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Machine, I think the reason i look like i dont have much BF is because i really dont BUT i dont have much lean mass which makes the equation look bad. In your pic i would say that your BF is lower then my original pic. The reason i say is because you have a crap ton of mass that i did not, you have a solid base to work with and should cut up nice and fast with good diet.

  29. #29
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Are you opposed to gaining muscle? Are you a cyclist or runner or just wanting to be thin? I also was looking for your height and missed it, if you post some personal goals I'll be better able to make suggestions. I think your bf is 16%, would help if there was leg shots. You do sound like you research things completely and listen to your body for it's responses.
    Oh here is a pic of me at 200 or close to it. I was on a Hdrol cycle which i didnt care for as much as Xtren and Bold that i have ran over the last 2 years.

    I look more of a lifter in the 200 pic but it aint pretty when i had to look at my belly.
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  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Well it certainly sounds to me like you have tried everything there is to try and have most of the answers figured out for yourself. You are light for your height, but different goals and looks for different people, keep it up, I know you have the will and determination to succeed and pray it comes for you soon, before you kill your wife with your grumpiness during and after the pregnancy.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Yeah she is due oct28th. Hope abs pop before then cus things are going to be tough.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Yes Sir.... life will definately change for you soon,I have a 14 month old and my wife is due with my second boy in late Nov. It is difficult to manage 50hr work week, gym and family time,But your whole life is gonna change in the best way you could ever imagine. Do you already know if it is a boy or girl? I have a Dbol/Tes.cyp. cycle just waitin for me in the cabinet till I cut my bf to 15% it looks like I might have to hold on to it till January due to the newborn coming. I dont want to be in the middle and not have the time or energy to dedicate myself.As much as I love my gym time,for myself, family is first and those first two months with a newborn are HECTIC!!!
    I am sure that if I was able to follow a diet as strict as yours I could reach my desired bf fast enough to squeeze my cycle in before the birth,,BUT yeh I dont.....Anyhow good luck with all....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thanks man, i got another boy on the wAy! I got a 2 yr old boy now, kids are awesome!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    I have four boys and a girl and one granddaughter, I know kids are awesome!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66;53***43
    I have four boys and a girl and one granddaughter, I know kids are awesome!
    yeh see thats what I am scared of. My wife wants a girl still and I told her I am a boy I really only wanted two kids. In Nov. that will be my two (boys) now she is already talking about the next one...I will be 41 this year dont think I want to end up with 3+ and counting looking for that girl at my age.Ya know what I mean??

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Well today was the day!

    Had bod pod done again and I was very pleased.

    13.7% !!!

    I lost 11% in 4 months. I actually gained one pound during this cut. That was probably from my xtren cycle

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Northern California
    Awesome work, dude! you're in a great spot now!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thanks brother! I was really happy when I saw the results.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    Nice job! I figured you were a bit under 15%. That's nice work.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    yeh see thats what I am scared of. My wife wants a girl still and I told her I am a boy I really only wanted two kids. In Nov. that will be my two (boys) now she is already talking about the next one...I will be 41 this year dont think I want to end up with 3+ and counting looking for that girl at my age.Ya know what I mean??
    Keep crankin' em out, they'll keep you young and thin, cause you'll be so broke you won't be over-eating.

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