Hey Mike, I saw the post where you listed the foods you would carry with you to shit load before the contest. My question is, when you eat your shitload meal at 6am, what exactly all do you eat? Do you literally eat some of all of it in small portions. Or is that just a list that you can pick 3 or 4 items from? I dont know if I should be eating steak, eggs, donuts, Chips and chocolate, or just like pancakes, eggs, toast and jam (ie, typical breakfast stuff)?
I am a open middle weight as well, and am curious to how YOU do your meal?
Also, when you start your carb load on Tuesday after your workout, did you not have any carbs on any of your other meals that day? Do you just start it at 7pm?
And lastly, the workout where you said to work half your body on one day, and the other half on the next, but no leg workouts, do you just break it up like front half of your body one day, and the back half the second? Or do you combine back and bi's on the first day, and chest tri's and shoulders on the second? Or does it matter?