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Thread: First demo of duke nukem forever coming out after longest development in gaming histo

  1. #1

    First demo of duke nukem forever coming out after longest development in gaming histo

    Perhaps you might be aware of a game titled Duke Nukem Forever the Sequel to the huge first person shooter in 1996. Now if you don't care about hearing anything about Duke Nukem forever it has the longest development length in gaming history meaning this is a huge landmark event since it has been in development for 13 years now and was announced 14 years ago and even despite this being the first ever demo of it, it certainly can be no guarantee as this is about the 8-13th time they have announced a release date for it. So anyways being 20 years old and with me first hearing about this game when i was 6-7 this sorta feels like the great pyramids have been announced with actual significant development as proof, whether or not they look nice and remain sturdy remains to be seen, so anyways i felt i should share this info with you guys as it is the first time i ever considered buying a game i had no interest in just for the early playable demo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    I remember duke nukem. I used to get real close to the strippers to see if I could see any boobies lol. Crazy it took this long to develop. Idk why they would take so long to develop it because anything they did in the early stages would be outdated technology. There gonna be talking about Clinton being president and shit lol.

  3. #3
    and monica lewinski jokes to add to that too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Oh my god, the fondest video game memories I have as a child are with my brother and friends playing Duke Nuken 64 for hours on end... I hope this game will "FINALLY" come to fruition!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Dirty South, GA Coast
    all your base are belong to us

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

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