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Thread: Advice on Inner/Lower Chest! ""Pics""

  1. #1

    Advice on Inner/Lower Chest! ""Pics""

    Ok, right now I'm sittin at 188-190lbs 8-9%bf, I know I'm not a huge guy, but I have really long limbs and I'm workin hard to fill them out.

    Taken before bed, no pump, so I don't look the best I could lol

    All my proportions are coming in the way I want, except my damn inner/lower chest. I know this is an exercise question, but I wanted to show you guys what I'm talking about with pics, my inner lower chest region is absolute shiit, and not well developed at all!

    Here's what a typical chest workout will look like

    1 week I will do
    -Incline DB flys
    -Incline Bench Press
    -Weighted Dips
    -Cable Cross overs

    THen I'll switch it up next week to this
    -Flat DB flys
    -DB Bench Press
    -Weighted Dips
    -Cable Cross overs.

    Then back to what I did the previous week.

    any suggestions on exercises to build good inner chest mass would be appreciated.
    Last edited by JBarron; 10-11-2010 at 11:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Your workouts seem fine, maybe try training chest X 2 a week, it maybe just a weak bodypart for you, we all have these.
    Add decline bench as well

  3. #3
    Yeah, maybe I should hit it twice a week, I've tried decline before but never found it as effective as weighted dips.

    But I will give it another go, maybe try dumbbells see how that works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Idk if I would hit it twice a week. More is not always better but I guess it could work for you. I would add the decline back in and make sure you squeeze the muscle as you lift. With the weighted dips your triceps could be doing more of the work.

    I would suggest this:

    Incline db press
    Incline db flies
    Flat db bench
    Then alternate weighted dips and decline press weekly.

    Go heavy in the 6-10 rep range

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    I would suggest to keep it once per week with that also.

  6. #6
    Ok, I'll deff give this a try..

    I'll rotate this in instead of my second chest split i posted above, and I'll just hit the weighted dips with my upper chest workouts. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Nice physique. I'm pretty sure i'll look alot like you once I kick this effing bodyfat. Then it's time to work on adding some mass!

  8. #8
    thanks man, yeah I deff need the mass. I'm sitting at decent weight for being 6'' but I just don't look as filled out as I'd like to be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    good physique, stick to heavy basic movements, its ok to pre exhaust, but after that stick to barbell and DB presses to thicken up your chest. good luck bro, keep it up, results will come

  10. #10
    THanks! Yeah I started doing the fly's before any presses to see if it would fatigue chest muscles slightly, therefore causing more fibers to be recruited in pressing moves before my tri's and delts started giving in. LoL maybe it's not working.

    I've never really been a big fan of just flat barbell bench press, I can really feel it stressing my rotator cuffs when doing it, kind of scares me I want to try and avoid injury at all costs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    How old are you?

  12. #12
    I'm 23

    Regarding my first post, I did try and hit lower chest yesterday pretty hard, I took those photos last night.

    I've noticed this evening the area looks alot more fuller with more definition, still not where I want it to be, but better then those pics lol
    Last edited by JBarron; 10-12-2010 at 07:33 PM.

  13. #13
    JBarron, great physique!! Its not a matter of lower chest development, at this point it looks like total chest development. Dont make it out to be rocket science, I dont think its a certain movement your not doing. My advice is to keep it simple and focus on getting into heavier weights and raw size at this point. You'd benefit more on doing less exercises and really hitting a couple heavier/harder. 3-4 sets of flat bench 6-8 reps, 3-4 sets incline 6-8 reps. Maybe some occasional flyes, but nothing more than 8-10 sets total on chest day. Once your chest takes off as a whole, everything will come into play much better

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    How tall are you? When I was 21 years old I performed a High Intensity workout program (total body workout, three times a week, from 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes per workout) I gained 33 lbs in 8 weeks and only gained 3% bodyfat(11% - 14%). I was not taking anything, no AAS, not protein drinks, not even a multi-vitamin. You can definitely hit chest twice a week. Maybe a push/pull routine. Post your whole workout and tell me specifically what you want to accomplish, I believe your body is producing everything you need to grow if you fix your workout program and maybe tweak the diet.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    JBarron, great physique!! Its not a matter of lower chest development, at this point it looks like total chest development. Dont make it out to be rocket science, I dont think its a certain movement your not doing. My advice is to keep it simple and focus on getting into heavier weights and raw size at this point. You'd benefit more on doing less exercises and really hitting a couple heavier/harder. 3-4 sets of flat bench 6-8 reps, 3-4 sets incline 6-8 reps. Maybe some occasional flyes, but nothing more than 8-10 sets total on chest day. Once your chest takes off as a whole, everything will come into play much better
    THanks, I will take this into consideration, I will maybe work on getting my db flat bench up. However, I do have an extended scapula on the right side of my back, and laying flat on a bench has always been a bit tough, and it's always caused me to have problems when doing just flat barbell bench.

    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    How tall are you? When I was 21 years old I performed a High Intensity workout program (total body workout, three times a week, from 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes per workout) I gained 33 lbs in 8 weeks and only gained 3% bodyfat(11% - 14%). I was not taking anything, no AAS, not protein drinks, not even a multi-vitamin. You can definitely hit chest twice a week. Maybe a push/pull routine. Post your whole workout and tell me specifically what you want to accomplish, I believe your body is producing everything you need to grow if you fix your workout program and maybe tweak the diet.
    I"m 6'0 right now, that's a pretty amazing accomplishment, 33lbs in 8 weeks naturally would be awesome.

    Anyways, my diet is pretty consistent, I try to go for a lean bulk each day, but here is a typical day of what I eat and at what times.

    9:00 AM - 1 scoop Whey, 1 scoop Casein, 1/2 cup of oats.

    11:00 AM - 8 Hard boiled eggs, 1 cooked potato, 1 tblspn extra virgin olive oil.

    1:00 PM - 8-10oz steak med rare, 1 cup whole wheat pasta.

    4:00 PM - pre workout 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein, 1/2 banana.

    - Intra workout I've been drinking SizeOn just to try out a creatine product, so far I like it alot.

    5:30 PM - post workout 2 scoop whey, 1 carb bar.

    7:00 PM - 6oz salmon filet, sweet potato.

    9:00 PM - 2 tilapia filets. I try to cut alot of carbs after 7

    11:00 PM - 2 scoops casein, 1 cup skim milk.

    As for my training split it's somewhat random, I try and stick to it each week, but I critique it on what I think I need to work on. Here's an example.

    Mon - Chest/Tri's
    Tues - Back/Bi's
    Wed - Quads/Hams/Calves
    Thur - Trap/Delts
    Fri - Bi's/Tri's
    Sat - Forearms/Calves
    Sun - Off

    I know it's not the best split, I think I should possibly think about hitting chest twice a week. I was thinking maybe having a day early in the week devoted to lower/inner chest, then having a day later in the week devoted to more upper/outter chest.

    My goals are to add lean mass, eventually work my way up to a solid 200lbs. I train for hyperthropy (sarcoplasmic) doing fairly high rep ranges around 8-15, I also incorporate alot of drop sets as well. I don't necessarily sacrifice the heavy weight for high reps though, I do still tend to try and go heavy on lifts, but I also feel getting good contraction, and recruiting alot of muscle fibers is key, form over weight.

    I still incorporate compound lifts, I try and go heavy on squats and dead lifts at least once every week.
    Last edited by JBarron; 10-13-2010 at 07:55 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    yes man, listen to your body, hit it twice a week.

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