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Thread: HGH vs Steroids

  1. #41
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    ^^^^^nothing beats "TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!".....look at HAZ! look at him! does he look like a skinny guy? NOPE!

    PLEASE try to take the wisdom from these guys....they have been around the block...they really have. Think of this: what if one day you saw a 3 year old boy on a high rise balcony about to scale the walls up to the roof..and then you yelled..."HEY KID!!!! What are you doing?" and the kid answered with..."I am Spider Man!....i know what I am doing".....but...he did not listen....because....for some odd reason... you remind him of his father...

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    I was you. I already stated that. Infact, I was 6' and 145, 5lbs SMALLER than you.

    Umm... LOL... Clearly youve done NO research.

    Again, clearly youve done no research. You will NEVER gain 40+lbs even on gear.
    actually at one point i was 6 ft 135 so no you dont, but last time i weighed my self i was working out a lot eating a lot taking protein creatine and i was 148, who knows now im probably around 135 again. you definitely misquoted me on one part, this is what i said ( the fact that you think i can gain 40, 50 pounds in 5, 6 months is beyond ridiculous. i maybe could gain that much with steroids, and thats a big maybe) you said i could gain 40 to 50 naturally in 5, 6 months lol which is bullshit. and i said maybe i can gain that much with steroids and thats a big maybe, dont use my words out of context. i have done research a lot actually lol, show me a case of someone who took 1 cycle of roids at age 20 and got ****ed up, i challenge you to find me one.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    ^^^^^nothing beats "TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!".....look at HAZ! look at him! does he look like a skinny guy? NOPE!

    PLEASE try to take the wisdom from these guys....they have been around the block...they really have. Think of this: what if one day you saw a 3 year old boy on a high rise balcony about to scale the walls up to the roof..and then you yelled..."HEY KID!!!! What are you doing?" and the kid answered with..."I am Spider Man!....i know what I am doing".....but...he did not listen....because....for some odd reason... you remind him of his father...
    yea because im gonna die off of 1 cycle haha.

  4. #44
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    If ur so sure ur ready to cycle could you please post up ur diet

    If ur diet looks sound im sure everyone will just leave u to do what u want

  5. #45
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    sadly to say--but one cycle of roids will not be the end which is what I am afraid of with this attitude of wanting more and more and more....more weight..more gains..more muscle..more more more.......and if you want to take HGH....that is at least a 6 month to square one....TOO EARLY!!!...

    Let me say this: out of every single thing I have learned around here there is one huge common thread....THERE IS NO QUICK FIX! I have your opposite problem, and the more I hang out here... the more I get into my head this: IT TAKES A LOT OF HARD DEDICATED WORK and if it were easy....then everybody would do it! The easier something looks...the harder it is...this is a FACT!

    POST YOUR DIET!!!! and let the guys help you there first.....go from there---like the above post mentioned
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 10-11-2010 at 04:16 PM.

  6. #46
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    Anyone who says you're going to die from one cycle is retarded..... unless you seriously do something so epicly stupid. It's not death that people are warning you about. One cycle of steroids can fvck up your endocrine system, you can fuse your growth plates, you can fvck up your testosterone levels.

    Is one cycle even worth it? Lets say your natty test levels are a 900 on a scale from 300-1000. You decide to run a cycle and put your levels up over 2500...... sounds great..... for now. Now you end your cycle and run pct..... you go back to get bloodwork and your natty test levels are at 450..... If you thought gaining weight was hard before..... ahahaha you better be ready for 10x the hard work when you come off. Could you run a cycle and come out of it 100% fine..... absolutely. Could you run a cycle and come out of it completely fvcked up...... ABSOLUTELY. It's a risk/benefit thing and if you really think it's worth the risk for 15lbs in a couple months..... then go for it.


  7. #47
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    Im not even going to bother with you anymore. Clearly you know more than me. Youre a joke. Done.

  8. #48
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    Lets just see what you are eating first?

  9. #49
    We'll never see what he's eating, because he doesn't have a diet. He's a skinny kid who "has a big appetite!" and thinks he can't grow.

    I was you, ignorant and naive but most of all - skinny.

    Had a huge appetite yet couldn't gain weight.

    Then I came to this forum and something magical happened, I learned how to eat. In two years I went from 155lbs to 180lbs (@ 6ft). At one point I weighed as much as 188lbs without ever touching a steroid.

    Have fun with your cycle, let us know when you learn how to eat.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    We'll never see what he's eating, because he doesn't have a diet. He's a skinny kid who "has a big appetite!" and thinks he can't grow.

    I was you, ignorant and naive but most of all - skinny.

    Had a huge appetite yet couldn't gain weight.

    Then I came to this forum and something magical happened, I learned how to eat. In two years I went from 155lbs to 180lbs (@ 6ft). At one point I weighed as much as 188lbs without ever touching a steroid.

    Have fun with your cycle, let us know when you learn how to eat.
    25 lbs in 2 years is not a lot. i could probably do that if i start eating a lot more.

  11. #51
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    Toms the argument here seems to be whether you can gain the weight by eating or do you need AAS and HGH. So do every one a favor, post your diet and pics if you got some and let the pro's on here who have been eating a cycling for years to have a look at it and see if there is anything wrong with it. FYI before you dismiss this thought - as stated previously I did the same thing your doing and then went and smacked the gear any way so I know what you feel like.

  12. #52
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    This kid confuses me

    He says i cant gain weight,yet gaines 5lbs in 2weeks!

    Why dont u just see what u can gain by eating u fool

  13. #53
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    25 lbs in 2 years is not a lot. i could probably do that if i start eating a lot more.
    As a natural that would be good going

    If u could do it why dont u LOL

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    there they go again, you dont know me dude, i probably eat just as much as you do.
    Then why you are still 150 pounds...i think what you eat you just loose it in toilet hard baby... 150 pounds for 6 foot... thats grossssssss man... you must be looking like matchstick bro.......
    Last edited by Blade15; 10-12-2010 at 05:56 AM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    there they go again, you dont know me dude, i probably eat just as much as you do.
    I know you. You are the same kid who comes in here 3x a day saying the exact same things as you have said. Hard gainer, diet is NOT the problem, my friends this and that. LOL

    You are a clone of 90% of the other 20 yr olds who come here looking for what to take but wont listen to anyone who tries to honestly help you gain solid keepable gains/muscle.

    We will see you again, during your cycle when you are crying that your PCT hasnt arrived yet and what to do, when you have ED issues due to not having a real PCT, when you ask if your gear is bunk because you arent gaining or when you are proud of the 10 lbs of water/fat you have gained and then loose it all a few weeks later. LOL

    I know you....

  16. #56
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    still waiting to see your diet and pics bro - its the only way your gunna win this argument. You seem pretty sure of yourself so why not back it up?

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    25 lbs in 2 years is not a lot. i could probably do that if i start eating a lot more.
    then why HELL you stop? start eating...for 4 years more without getting in here boy..... man i hate these impatient retards who just want big muscles in no time.... haahahahahaha ...and just to show off....scoring girls...thats f***ing bullshit bro..... grow up mate...grow up...face the fact... if you cant cant grow no matter what AAS you take no matter what you do....Simple - IF YOU CAN'T EAT YOU CAN'T GROW...LEARN TO EAT...THATS YOR CYCLE....CYCLE OF EATING....

  18. #58
    I have read this entire thread now, and WOW. Toms, you are one hard headed dude. There have been guys telling you over and over they were in the same postition as you and giving you good advice, but you seem determined to go at it your way. I say go for it, and when you realize the truth maybe you won't have screwed up your endo system too bad or have wasted too much time. That way you can come back here and tell everyone they were right!

    Seriously, if you can't post a diet, you are not ready for AAS. Simple as that. You seem to have the impression that AAS will make it easier. I hate to tell you, but nothing could be further from the truth. I see/hear many people who think all it takes is a shot in the glutes and magically you will become big. They are wrong, this game gets harder with each shot. You are complaining about gaining five pounds in two weeks...........Dude, I wish to God I could stack on five pounds of lean muscle that fast. I would take 25lbs of muscle over two years with gear! Let me ask you this, how many bags of chicken (3lb bags) do you eat in a week, how many cups of oatmeal, how many ozs of water everyday, how do you split fats/carbs throughout the day, how many ozs of lean steak, how many cups of rice, how many ozs of sweet potatoes. I know say you eat alot, but eating junk doesn't do any good, in fact it stops your body from being able to absorb the good things you are eating. I believe it is Cutler who always says "if you eat like crap, you will look like crap". Remember that when you sit down with a doughnut, or a bag full of fast food.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by V8Assassin View Post
    I have read this entire thread now, and WOW. Toms, you are one hard headed dude. There have been guys telling you over and over they were in the same postition as you and giving you good advice, but you seem determined to go at it your way. I say go for it, and when you realize the truth maybe you won't have screwed up your endo system too bad or have wasted too much time. That way you can come back here and tell everyone they were right!

    Seriously, if you can't post a diet, you are not ready for AAS. Simple as that. You seem to have the impression that AAS will make it easier. I hate to tell you, but nothing could be further from the truth. I see/hear many people who think all it takes is a shot in the glutes and magically you will become big. They are wrong, this game gets harder with each shot. You are complaining about gaining five pounds in two weeks...........Dude, I wish to God I could stack on five pounds of lean muscle that fast. I would take 25lbs of muscle over two years with gear! Let me ask you this, how many bags of chicken (3lb bags) do you eat in a week, how many cups of oatmeal, how many ozs of water everyday, how do you split fats/carbs throughout the day, how many ozs of lean steak, how many cups of rice, how many ozs of sweet potatoes. I know say you eat alot, but eating junk doesn't do any good, in fact it stops your body from being able to absorb the good things you are eating. I believe it is Cutler who always says "if you eat like crap, you will look like crap". Remember that when you sit down with a doughnut, or a bag full of fast food.
    when i was working out i tried to eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight everyday, the rest was what ever i wanted to eat. you people keep talking about junk food and i keep telling you it doesnt do anything to me, if anything it should add some fat but it doesnt. i dont have a strict diet that i go by cause like i said i dont have the money for all that now. il tell you what my last 2 meals were, last night at around 1 rughly i had a buck double, chicken sandwich, fries, bout hour later some ice cream with oreos. this morning at like 11 an omelet and just recently i ate some potatoes. i dont know what im gonna eat in a few hours but im gonna eat something but im not working out now so i dont see why it matters.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    then why HELL you stop? start eating...for 4 years more without getting in here boy..... man i hate these impatient retards who just want big muscles in no time.... haahahahahaha ...and just to show off....scoring girls...thats f***ing bullshit bro..... grow up mate...grow up...face the fact... if you cant cant grow no matter what AAS you take no matter what you do....Simple - IF YOU CAN'T EAT YOU CAN'T GROW...LEARN TO EAT...THATS YOR CYCLE....CYCLE OF EATING....
    lol thats 12 lbs in a year, come on dude be real. again you dont know me, you think i want big muscles to show off? iv said it repeatedly i dont want to be 240 roided up like most of you here, i want to be normal weight at around 180 to 200 eventually. being my weight isnt normal just being 300 at 20 isnt normal, now im sure the person who weighs 300 wants to lose weight to look normal like i want to gain it to look normal.

  21. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I know you. You are the same kid who comes in here 3x a day saying the exact same things as you have said. Hard gainer, diet is NOT the problem, my friends this and that. LOL

    You are a clone of 90% of the other 20 yr olds who come here looking for what to take but wont listen to anyone who tries to honestly help you gain solid keepable gains/muscle.

    We will see you again, during your cycle when you are crying that your PCT hasnt arrived yet and what to do, when you have ED issues due to not having a real PCT, when you ask if your gear is bunk because you arent gaining or when you are proud of the 10 lbs of water/fat you have gained and then loose it all a few weeks later. LOL

    I know you....
    those other 90% of kids arent my size i guarantee you that, not only that but they probably want to look like you at some point in time, not me.

  22. #62
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    6' 150 at 3% ? i'll believe that when i see a pic of you holding a note that says "hitit loves me"....until then you are another dime a dozen under nourished kid who thinks he "eats like a horse" or you have a thyroid problem or your workouts are aerobic...
    Last edited by HitIt; 10-12-2010 at 02:12 PM.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    when i was working out i tried to eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight everyday, the rest was what ever i wanted to eat. you people keep talking about junk food and i keep telling you it doesnt do anything to me, if anything it should add some fat but it doesnt. i dont have a strict diet that i go by cause like i said i dont have the money for all that now. il tell you what my last 2 meals were, last night at around 1 rughly i had a buck double, chicken sandwich, fries, bout hour later some ice cream with oreos. this morning at like 11 an omelet and just recently i ate some potatoes. i dont know what im gonna eat in a few hours but im gonna eat something but im not working out now so i dont see why it matters.
    #1 - you want to cycle to gain weight but you arent working out!? OK..... so i'm assuming you're going to start working out when you do your 1st injection right? well guess what..... you're body wont be ready for the strength increases and you're going to end up tearing something.

    #2 - You're diet is complete garbage. I don't eat 100% clean like some guys..... I don't need to. HOWEVER - I eat a shit ton of chicken, brown rice, egg whites, oats..... etc. The only junk I eat is MAYBE some ice cream or a fast food meal once in a blue moon.

    You're never going to gain any kind of good weight eating the way you are now. You need a regimented diet..... lots of egg whites and chicken...... lots and lots of oatmeal and other carbs. Christ..... even instant oatmeal would be better for you. Lastly..... you'll never put on any kind of muscle if you aren't working out. I have no idea wtf you're thinkin here.....

    No one is saying you should look like a bodybuilder but you have wayyyyy more to learn before you do some real damage to yourself. Open up your mind a little bit and just listen......


  24. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    when i was working out i tried to eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight everyday, the rest was what ever i wanted to eat. you people keep talking about junk food and i keep telling you it doesnt do anything to me, if anything it should add some fat but it doesnt. i dont have a strict diet that i go by cause like i said i dont have the money for all that now. il tell you what my last 2 meals were, last night at around 1 rughly i had a buck double, chicken sandwich, fries, bout hour later some ice cream with oreos. this morning at like 11 an omelet and just recently i ate some potatoes. i dont know what im gonna eat in a few hours but im gonna eat something but im not working out now so i dont see why it matters.
    Are you not reading the responses or can you simply not understand what is being said. One gram of protein is enough to maintain, not gain anything. You must up that to 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per lb of body weight, and those NEED to be clean sources such as chicken, whey, steak, tuna, tilapia. We keep talking about junk food and telling you it is NOT going to help you gain. Most of it is empty calories that just end up in the toliet and blocks your digestive system from being able to absorb other good, clean foods at a normal rate.

    Newsflash, eating clean is not expensive. Chicken, oatmeal, rice (brown and white), potatoes (sweet and white), and ground beef are all cheap. It doesn't take a bunch of money to eat clean, just DISCIPLINE.

    How about this, my last meals were as follows....7pm last night 12oz of chicken breast w/2cup of white rice, 20oz water. 8pm whey protein shake (50 grams). 9pm repeat 12 oz chicken/rice/water. 10pm whey protein shake (25grams). 11pm repeat 12 oz chicken/rice/water. Bedtime shake of casein/whey for 50 grams. This morning 7:30am, 2 cups oatmeal, 8 egg whites/2whole eggs, cup of yogurt, 20 oz water. 9am whey protein shake. 11am 12oz chicken, 2 cups brown rice, water. 1 pm repeat, and now I am getting ready to start my pre-workout nutrition..................STILL THINK YOU EAT ALOT????

    You are not even scratching the surface when it comes to eating. When's the last time you force fed yourself????

    Oh yeah, keep not working out and jump on the gear, shoulder/elbow/knee/hip surgery is cheap and easy to recover from......

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    #1 - you want to cycle to gain weight but you arent working out!? OK..... so i'm assuming you're going to start working out when you do your 1st injection right? well guess what..... you're body wont be ready for the strength increases and you're going to end up tearing something.

    #2 - You're diet is complete garbage. I don't eat 100% clean like some guys..... I don't need to. HOWEVER - I eat a shit ton of chicken, brown rice, egg whites, oats..... etc. The only junk I eat is MAYBE some ice cream or a fast food meal once in a blue moon.

    You're never going to gain any kind of good weight eating the way you are now. You need a regimented diet..... lots of egg whites and chicken...... lots and lots of oatmeal and other carbs. Christ..... even instant oatmeal would be better for you. Lastly..... you'll never put on any kind of muscle if you aren't working out. I have no idea wtf you're thinkin here.....

    No one is saying you should look like a bodybuilder but you have wayyyyy more to learn before you do some real damage to yourself. Open up your mind a little bit and just listen......


    If you are not going to listen to this guy, you need to find someone, somewhere else to tell you what you want to hear.

    Good Luck....

  25. #65
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    Want Andropause? ED? 20? you are in your sexual peak you lucky dog. Why on earth would you want to mess with that? please explain why you are willing to take this risk by not listening to these guys. I do not understand your reasoning... and I am serious.

    Do you feel too skinny and think people are talking behind your back? Do you have a gal you want to impress with being bigger? Are you embarrassed by your size? What is making you so determined? Something is driving this urge to gain...something you are not sharing with us. You said you do not want to be like some of the huge guys here...but then want to mimic what you assume they are doing to get big. All of us here are on your side...we really are eventhough you might think we are not. This place is full of help. The more you tell us....the more help will be on the way. WHAT IS UNDERNEATH THIS URGE?
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 10-12-2010 at 02:35 PM.

  26. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    #1 - you want to cycle to gain weight but you arent working out!? OK..... so i'm assuming you're going to start working out when you do your 1st injection right? well guess what..... you're body wont be ready for the strength increases and you're going to end up tearing something.

    #2 - You're diet is complete garbage. I don't eat 100% clean like some guys..... I don't need to. HOWEVER - I eat a shit ton of chicken, brown rice, egg whites, oats..... etc. The only junk I eat is MAYBE some ice cream or a fast food meal once in a blue moon.

    You're never going to gain any kind of good weight eating the way you are now. You need a regimented diet..... lots of egg whites and chicken...... lots and lots of oatmeal and other carbs. Christ..... even instant oatmeal would be better for you. Lastly..... you'll never put on any kind of muscle if you aren't working out. I have no idea wtf you're thinkin here.....

    No one is saying you should look like a bodybuilder but you have wayyyyy more to learn before you do some real damage to yourself. Open up your mind a little bit and just listen......

    i would workout for a few months before i would a cycle, i know i cant just do it now again iv done research how many ****en times have i said that? IM NOT WORKING OUT NOW, and you guys call me hard headed when you dont even comprehend what i say. i never i said i ate clean, i said i ate a lot. just between last night at 1 and now iv prob ate almost 2000 calories cause i just had another meal. what you people are telling me is contradicting from what i heard from other people at the gym and internet research. everyone who gave me advice told me for someone with my size to eat anything and everything, but to make sure i get in the protein and thats what i did and it makes sense if i want to get bigger. those people who eat clean are people who wants to be super cut, im already skinny and i dont need to eat fat less chicken or what ever.
    Last edited by toms402; 10-12-2010 at 02:41 PM.

  27. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Want Andropause? ED? 20? you are in your sexual peak you lucky dog. Why on earth would you want to mess with that? please explain why you are willing to take this risk by not listening to these guys. I do not understand your reasoning... and I am serious.

    Do you feel too skinny and think people are talking behind your back? Do you have a gal you want to impress with being bigger? Are you embarrassed by your size? What is making you so determined? Something is driving this urge to gain...something you are not sharing with us. You said you do not want to be like some of the huge guys here...but then want to mimic what you assume they are doing to get big. All of us here are on your side...we really are eventhough you might think we are not. This place is full of help. The more you tell us....the more help will be on the way. WHAT IS UNDERNEATH THIS URGE?
    OF COURSE, i dont feel a male should look really skinny, its like a pride thing. its not about looking big and bad man trust me.

  28. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    6' 150 at 3% ? i'll believe that when i see a pic of you holding a note that says "hitit loves me"....until then you are another dime a dozen under nourished kid who thinks he "eats like a horse" or you have a thyroid problem or your workouts are aerobic...
    you dont got to believe me man haha.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    OF COURSE, i dont feel a male should look really skinny, its like a pride thing. its not about looking big and bad man trust me.
    WHO ELSE THINKS YOU ARE SKINNY???...other than you?

  30. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    WHO ELSE THINKS YOU ARE SKINNY???...other than you?
    lol thats like asking a fat guy who else thinks your fat besides you, um everyone haha.

  31. #71
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    I am not kidding...who else? someone in particular?

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    lol thats 12 lbs in a year, come on dude be real. again you dont know me, you think i want big muscles to show off? iv said it repeatedly i dont want to be 240 roided up like most of you here, i want to be normal weight at around 180 to 200 eventually. being my weight isnt normal just being 300 at 20 isnt normal, now im sure the person who weighs 300 wants to lose weight to look normal like i want to gain it to look normal.
    Then you don't belong in here go to diet section...again LEARN TO DIET LITTLE BOY

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    lol thats like asking a fat guy who else thinks your fat besides you, um everyone haha.
    NO ONE HERE WITH 6 foot IN HEIGHT WEIGHS AS SAME AS YOU....check out boy.... I think i was right you loose all of your food in toilet by backdoor ...You have work hard on training...

  34. #74
    Stop feeding the troll.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    i would workout for a few months before i would a cycle, i know i cant just do it now again iv done research how many ****en times have i said that? IM NOT WORKING OUT NOW, and you guys call me hard headed when you dont even comprehend what i say. i never i said i ate clean, i said i ate a lot. just between last night at 1 and now iv prob ate almost 2000 calories cause i just had another meal. what you people are telling me is contradicting from what i heard from other people at the gym and internet research. everyone who gave me advice told me for someone with my size to eat anything and everything, but to make sure i get in the protein and thats what i did and it makes sense if i want to get bigger. those people who eat clean are people who wants to be super cut, im already skinny and i dont need to eat fat less chicken or what ever.
    lord..... give me strength......

    There is so much processed crap in fast food that YOUR BODY DOESNT ABSORB THE NUTRIENTS!

    I don't eat clean to stay "cut" - I eat clean to gain weight! I understand this is something that you are just un-able to comprehend at the moment - i'm really trying to see this from your point of view but DAMNIT it's hard.....

    Another thing..... Aparantly i'm hard headed because I just can't believe that you aren't working out NOW but you have in the past and you will in the future. EVEN if you safely ran a cycle..... you'd have to keep working out and eating to maintain what you gained. You clearly wont do why bother?

    Some people just need to come clean with themselves. You don't have what it takes to add any kind of significant weight. You don't even have what it takes to put on 15 fvckin pounds. There's nothing wrong with not being able to stick to a diet or a training regiment - just accept who you are and build on that. If you decide that you want to change your ways..... I will be more than happy to help you with a diet. If not..... atleast learn to respect yourself.


  36. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    I am not kidding...who else? someone in particular?
    oh no its not like im doing it for someone else man, no one like gives me a hard time about being skinny, but most people have acknowledged it. like bro why are you so skinny? but even if no one did i would still want to change my body.

  37. #77
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    This thread is so amusing LOL

    I just hope it doesnt get closed soon

    This kid is a joke

  38. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    Then you don't belong in here go to diet section...again LEARN TO DIET LITTLE BOY
    haha your cool, with your 35 posts since 09 lol.

  39. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    lord..... give me strength......

    There is so much processed crap in fast food that YOUR BODY DOESNT ABSORB THE NUTRIENTS!

    I don't eat clean to stay "cut" - I eat clean to gain weight! I understand this is something that you are just un-able to comprehend at the moment - i'm really trying to see this from your point of view but DAMNIT it's hard.....

    Another thing..... Aparantly i'm hard headed because I just can't believe that you aren't working out NOW but you have in the past and you will in the future. EVEN if you safely ran a cycle..... you'd have to keep working out and eating to maintain what you gained. You clearly wont do why bother?

    Some people just need to come clean with themselves. You don't have what it takes to add any kind of significant weight. You don't even have what it takes to put on 15 fvckin pounds. There's nothing wrong with not being able to stick to a diet or a training regiment - just accept who you are and build on that. If you decide that you want to change your ways..... I will be more than happy to help you with a diet. If not..... atleast learn to respect yourself.

    i definitely will, if notice its working then that will motivate me even more. in the past i saw no change and the motivation went away.

  40. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    This thread is so amusing LOL

    I just hope it doesnt get closed soon

    This kid is a joke
    anymore commnets like this and you will be banned, marcus300

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