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Thread: 6 weeks out

  1. #1

    6 weeks out

    Hey guys, my english is not so good, so sorry some stuff, well, is my first time preparing to compete, and im 23 years old, im 206pounds now and will compete in the 200lbs category, what do you guys think, thanks everybody.[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
    Last edited by Boa Sorte; 10-14-2010 at 03:45 PM. Reason: did wrong the pics

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    pics aren't showing....

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    looking good man.. perfect symmetry through out

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Apr 2008
    Center Stage
    Since you asked, if you are 206lbs now, if you plan on being on stage hard and dry you are not going to be 200lbs in 6 weeks. I weigh around 205lbs 36 hours before a show and step on stage around 193-195. You still have a decent amount of bodyfat to lose, especially in the glute, ham and leg area. Honestly, I think mid 180's is where you need to be after some fat loss and a good dryout. You really need to find a posing coach to help you with your mandatories as well. Hate seeing someone put in all the effort into a precontest schedule only to get knocked down 2-3 spots cause their posing was bad. Next off season I would work on developing your upper chest. Its a bit shallow and the fact that your lower chest is very big makes it even more noticable.

    On the positive side, your legs have a really nice sweep and all areas look to be developed very nicely. Back looks good as well, I think you are going to have some really good detail on your back double bicep shot once you drop a few more pounds of bodyfat. Good luck and keep us posted.

  7. #7
    that´s the problem, i was scared about that, because my weight is near than 200lbs alreay and my bf is not too low, if i drop to 194 and than do the carb up could i get in shape with 200lbs or near? like i drop to 190 and than ho to 197 asfter the carb up, because i dont know if is good to change the category right now...

  8. #8
    My diet:
    7:00-50gcarbo+30pro+2gfat total calories 338
    10:00-50gcarbo+30pro+2gfat 338
    13:00-50gcarbo+30pro+2gfat 338
    15:00-50gcarbo+30pro+1gfat 330
    18:00-50gcarbo+30pro+2gfat 338
    21:00-50gcarbo+30pro+2gfat 338
    24:00-40gpro+10gfat 250calories
    03:00-40gpro+10gfat 250calories
    total de calories 2528
    the carb is only sweet potato, excepty the pos trainning that is maltodextrin
    the protein is only chicken and eggwhite, excpety the pos trainning that is whey.
    thanks for helping.

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