I have a very large problem due to lack of information and knowledge when starting a cycle. An experienced friend referred a cycle to me and gave me the gear. I have done once cycle before of test enanthate and dbol a few years ago. I decided to start up again and a friend gave me test prop and deca. He wanted me to "start off light" and do 200mg of deca and 100 mg of test propionate once every sunday. I did this for 4 weeks and began seeing issues with my body. After reading up I learned that prop should be injected EOD. From what I understand injecting prop once a week has sent my body on a hormonal rollercoaster. After week 4 I have noticed my left nipple being slightly tender and a small lump under it. I dont know if it is just in my head but I feel that my nipples are slightly puffier than before. Also, while washing my hair I noticed every time I ran my hand through my hair atleast 3 hairs would come out on my hand every time. I am losing hair rapidly and I have a fear that the gyno is going to proceed. After the 4th injection of prop and deca on a sunday I decided to change up and do 50mg of prop every other day. I have been doing this for a week now and have not necessarily noticed much of a difference in the side effects, maybe it takes awhile for my test levels to get steady again? Please help someone and advise me what to do in this situation. I need my levels back to normal. If my levels return to steady again will I notice the side effects stop? 200mgs of prop a week is not much at all and should not cause ANY side effects. Please help soon any advice is much appreciated as to what I should do from here.