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Thread: Need help fast! steady test levels...

  1. #1

    Need help fast! steady test levels...

    I have a very large problem due to lack of information and knowledge when starting a cycle. An experienced friend referred a cycle to me and gave me the gear. I have done once cycle before of test enanthate and dbol a few years ago. I decided to start up again and a friend gave me test prop and deca. He wanted me to "start off light" and do 200mg of deca and 100 mg of test propionate once every sunday. I did this for 4 weeks and began seeing issues with my body. After reading up I learned that prop should be injected EOD. From what I understand injecting prop once a week has sent my body on a hormonal rollercoaster. After week 4 I have noticed my left nipple being slightly tender and a small lump under it. I dont know if it is just in my head but I feel that my nipples are slightly puffier than before. Also, while washing my hair I noticed every time I ran my hand through my hair atleast 3 hairs would come out on my hand every time. I am losing hair rapidly and I have a fear that the gyno is going to proceed. After the 4th injection of prop and deca on a sunday I decided to change up and do 50mg of prop every other day. I have been doing this for a week now and have not necessarily noticed much of a difference in the side effects, maybe it takes awhile for my test levels to get steady again? Please help someone and advise me what to do in this situation. I need my levels back to normal. If my levels return to steady again will I notice the side effects stop? 200mgs of prop a week is not much at all and should not cause ANY side effects. Please help soon any advice is much appreciated as to what I should do from here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    I would stop the cycle and run pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    first off test should always be run equal to or at least 100mg more than deca, imo
    secondly stats
    planned pct

  4. #4
    I am not sure as to what I should do with PCT at this time. In need of advice, but more importantly what to do right now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    I would stop the cycle and run pct.
    This, including blood work. Stay anabolic free for at least another 4 years.

    Read the PCT stickies and educational threads.

  6. #6
    Is stopping the cycle right now the only option? What do you believe will happen if I continue prop EOD 50 mg with the usual deca 200mg once weekly for the rest of the 12 week cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I know what's possible, but I can't make any guesses.

    Bottom line is, you are too young. Soak up some information around the boards and you'll realize what you are risking.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    N. of the arctic circle
    Where are you from mate.

  9. #9
    Where I am from is not of relevance.
    Listening to Hawaiian I think the best choice is to stop the cycle now. Please describe to me what would be the proper PCT for me and how I should go about stopping the cycle so suddenly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    True, it is not relevant, But just from your user name I thought that you may be from somewhere around where I am, if so I may be able to help you, Im not trying to sell you anything or make money of you.

    Hawaiian is right, but you still need to get your pct meds, and if you are from around here they are hard to find.

    Best of luck

  11. #11
    you are right pct is very hard to get but I do have a good connection and I can supposedly get anything I need. My supplier recommends just clomid. That doesn't sound right. Whats your opinion?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Use this to determine when the esters you've ran have dropped off. From there you can determine when to begin PCT.

    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    6 weeks post PCT get blood work done.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    As always Pride has it covered

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Your source recommended 100 mg of Prop once a week while on Deca, and now Clomid only PCT

    Your source knows nothing!

    You need Nolva, Clomid can be added but you must get Nolva in IMO

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Follow the pct put up by HP and get bloodwork done.

  16. #16
    Your "experienced friend" thinks your ok to cycle at your age? wow!

  17. #17
    Does anything think its possible if I get my testosterone levels steady again with EOD injections of prop that the side effects will subside? Stopping the cycle early is an issue because there is a definite wait in getting PCT products. I need an honest opinion.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by FIREnICE View Post
    Does anything think its possible if I get my testosterone levels steady again with EOD injections of prop that the side effects will subside? Stopping the cycle early is an issue because there is a definite wait in getting PCT products. I need an honest opinion.
    Why is there a wait? You can wait a full week from your last pin of Prop and still be in the clear. Our sponsor will have your products in before that time period. Unless financially you aren't prepared. Which goes to show you should have had your PCT before you cycled..

  19. #19
    I admit I went into this cycle uneducated and took advice from someone I definitely should not have. I feel like I am in a dead end situation without proper knowledge. If I continue the cycle because I could not get the proper PCT I am risking the side effects worsening. The loss of hair is really taking an effect on my mind and anxiety is setting in. I am very worried about my health. I noticed the sponsor in the ads but I didn't know if it was a trustworthy source. If I order from "AR-R" am I going to get my shipment on time? Am I going to be getting real products? You never know which online sites are scams. I have definitely learned a lesson about experimenting with such a powerful product without proper knowledge.

  20. #20
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Here is what this sounds like to me: You do not want to stop, you want to continue but you want to try to eliminate the sides. Well guess what, not going to happen. At the end of the day it is your choice BUT you are obviously sensitive to either the test or the 19nor based on what you have described and you are risking soooo much damage for soooo little it is insane! No one here will give you ANY advice on how to cycle at your age because we will be doing you NO FAVORS, you will look at this like we are being hypocritical but in the end it is out of respect for you.

  21. #21
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    AR is as good as it gets.

  22. #22
    Here is what this sounds like to me: You do not want to stop, you want to continue but you want to try to eliminate the sides. Well guess what, not going to happen. At the end of the day it is your choice BUT you are obviously sensitive to either the test or the 19nor based on what you have described and you are risking soooo much damage for soooo little it is insane! No one here will give you ANY advice on how to cycle at your age because we will be doing you NO FAVORS, you will look at this like we are being hypocritical but in the end it is out of respect for you.
    Fuzzy your answer is exactly what I was looking for. I am glad you put the truth here and I really appreciate it. The cycle is going to be stopped immediately and will follow up with PCT. I don't believe I will have another encounter with AAS for atleast a few year and until I gain a full understanding of it. I realized that knowledge is the most important thing dealing with steroids.

    BTW does anyone think the puffy nipples will subside after my PCT with nolva and clomid?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    The best way to reverse gyno, if that is what you are experiencing, is to remove the source. So yes they should subside once you are off the sauce...

  24. #24
    Great. thanks everyone for the great advice. As I read up on PCT a lot of people say that clomid wont make much of a difference when stacked with nolva. Is it a possibility to run nolva only for pct? Doing without clomid could save me a good amount of money.

  25. #25
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    It makes a major difference for those who don't recover as well as others.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by FIREnICE View Post
    Great. thanks everyone for the great advice. As I read up on PCT a lot of people say that clomid wont make much of a difference when stacked with nolva. Is it a possibility to run nolva only for pct? Doing without clomid could save me a good amount of money.
    Your health is more important than any amount of money.........when you get a little older you will realize this....but i understand at your age you are still least you think so....i did at your age as well....and even now at 36 THINK that way, but then i rely on my past experience and realized what i have learned.

    Sounds like hopefully this will be a good LEARNING experience for you.

    What other sides are you having?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    N. of the arctic circle
    Quote Originally Posted by FIREnICE View Post
    As I read up on PCT a lot of people say that clomid wont make much of a difference when stacked with nolva.

    Where did you see that

    Clomid and Nolva aid in your recovery in two different ways.

    If you have the possibility of getting both, then thats the way to go!

    You have most likely messed up your system in a way that few aas users ever do, plus you are way too young.

    Its time to bring out the big guns and fight this with everything you got!

    Its your health dude, even the possibility of not ever making gains in the future, or even babies, donĀ“t mess with that.

    Be safe

  28. #28
    well it's been 5 days since the last test pin. after a few days all the side effect almost went away completely. but then all of the sudden starting up yesterday side effects are spiking back up again? hair is falling out at an incredible pace. nipples are bloating back up again. I am freaking out. This nolva and clomid needs to arrive soon... What should I do? Why are these side effects spiking back up so horribly?

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