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Thread: Feeling really down after reading that i will be losing everything i gained...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Feeling really down after reading that i will be losing everything i gained...?

    I am almost on week 5 of my cycle and everything is going well.

    Yesterday i read a thread that said. if one has not reached his natural limit he will lose everything he gained during the cycle and since then i really felt down about it. So then i ask my self some simple questions like baseball players... or ordinary people who have not reached natural limits and were still able to grow because of steroids. now i am here really stressed about this, I don't want to gain 20 pounds .. I just want to grow a little faster than being natty because i have had 2 major injuries and really took me off training for a long time and just wanted a boost, that's the best way i can explain it.

    Any advice, or anything? Thanks guys.

    5'7 @ 177 pounds 13bf test e 500mg a wk
    Last edited by 2shot2; 10-20-2010 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    It's bullshit...Plenty of guys posting on other forums didn't reach their natural limit and barely lost any size, I know one personally.

    Keep your diet tight keep training hard after you're pct and you will keep it.

    Many people on this forum tbh dish out same retarded advice over and over repeatedly.

    This whole "natural" size limit tbh I think is more to signify that you know how to train maintain and put on weight. Because what steroids don't do is workout or diet for you.

  3. #3
    I juiced to early, I regret it for other reasons but I had definitely not reached my natural limit and I gained like 20 lbs and a shit load of strength. I used proper pct and continued training and eating hard and lost almost none of my gains. Like I said I regret it for other reasons and don't recommend juicing before a certain age and I waited a long time before using again but I most definitely did not lose most of my gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Actually in my opinion that is not only wrong, it is completely backwards.

    If you have reached your absolute genetic and nutritional limit and cycle whatever gains you have achieved will be very hard to maintain since you had already maximized nutrition and training prior to the cycle so that is all you can do after the cycle to try to keep it is to continue what you were doing already ( I know thats not completly true and workout and nutrition after the cycle can be modified from thier norm. for better results but bear with me).

    Conversely if you are a middle of the road guy who eats too much and does not lift correctly, and you do a cycle and gain 10 lbs of muscle and drop 5lbs of fat, It can be a Great Motivator and this makes it a lot easier to maintain since all you really need to do is to appreciate the change enough to improve your diet and training (which will require modest effort at this point) then those changes to your diet/workouts will allow you to maintain most of your gain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Actually in my opinion that is not only wrong, it is completely backwards.

    If you have reached your absolute genetic and nutritional limit and cycle whatever gains you have achieved will be very hard to maintain since you had already maximized nutrition and training prior to the cycle so that is all you can do after the cycle to try to keep it is to continue what you were doing already ( I know thats not completly true and workout and nutrition after the cycle can be modified from thier norm. for better results but bear with me).

    Conversely if you are a middle of the road guy who eats too much and does not lift correctly, and you do a cycle and gain 10 lbs of muscle and drop 5lbs of fat, It can be a Great Motivator and this makes it a lot easier to maintain since all you really need to do is to appreciate the change enough to improve your diet and training (which will require modest effort at this point) then those changes to your diet/workouts will allow you to maintain most of your gain.
    For once a smart answer, thats true newbie gains on steroids are probably insane... getting that bit bigger though is far harder.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Its all about training and diet. You must choose your workouts and what kinds of food to eat very carefully. Don't get stuck in a rut with the same old routine, change it up. My example would be lift moderate with high reps one week, 2nd week do plyometrics/cross training, 3rb week lift heavy and kill it. 4th week stretching with plyo/cross training. 5th week power lifting basic compound lifts... Choosing the right food will help with energy and recovery. Also the muscle confusion will keep you growing in not only the big muscles but will give you a well rounded physique. Secondary mucles and tendons will stay strong. Just my .02. Do a proper pct and keep the stress down/along with cortizol post cycle for a few weeks then set up a program to maintain then to grow again. Best luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Actually in my opinion that is not only wrong, it is completely backwards.

    If you have reached your absolute genetic and nutritional limit and cycle whatever gains you have achieved will be very hard to maintain since you had already maximized nutrition and training prior to the cycle so that is all you can do after the cycle to try to keep it is to continue what you were doing already ( I know thats not completly true and workout and nutrition after the cycle can be modified from thier norm. for better results but bear with me).

    Conversely if you are a middle of the road guy who eats too much and does not lift correctly, and you do a cycle and gain 10 lbs of muscle and drop 5lbs of fat, It can be a Great Motivator and this makes it a lot easier to maintain since all you really need to do is to appreciate the change enough to improve your diet and training (which will require modest effort at this point) then those changes to your diet/workouts will allow you to maintain most of your gain.
    That is a very good point.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I just posted a similar thread. If you guys wanna read it and tell me thoughts? its the weight qualifier one

  9. #9
    Dear OP, I am no expert but I do not think that is a wholly untrue statement. I am mid thirties now. Last year I restarted the AAS cycles to get back to where I was. During my 20's - 22,22,24,25,26,27 I used to do a fair amount of AAS. Nothing to serious just Test 750 - 1000 per week and run that for 26 weeks at a time. I used to start the cycles with D-bol mostly but sometimes had a bit of Decca. Anyway I used to weight around 240 continuously from taking and working out and eating. I would hold that for the rest of the year without AAS till my next cycle. I always did half a year on half a year off. I stopped for quite a few years due to having a family and working and dropped down to around 211 - 215 whilst still working out moderately. But this took a good year and a half to two years before I dropped this weight naturally. I am now back on my AAS cycle but shortened it to 14 weeks of 750 a week test plus 40 dbol a weeks and I am back to 230's hoping for 240 again after the cycle is done. I think you can keep a fair whack if you keep or up the intensity of your workout and DIET plan. My Diet back in my 20's was crap and consisted of crap and only now am I putting together a goodish stable eating plan..which I can see if 70% of the battle to hold the gains. Dont be down, just keep on at it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    The reason people say you will lose it all if you start at a low body weight, is because if you cant build any muscle naturally, you obviously dont know what youre doing. taking AAS wont magically make you better at what youre doing. so when you go off, you will most certainly lose what you gained if you dont change your diet.

    but, if you can keep a proper diet that supports your new weight, there is no reason for you to lose your gains.

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