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Thread: Going to Mexico, looking for first cycle

  1. #1

    Going to Mexico, looking for first cycle

    Hi all.

    I am headed to Playa Del Carmen this week, going to be in the area for a handful of days. I am considering la pharmacia for some gear... I have often debated starting a cycle but this will be my first. I will be using for vanity reasons only. I am looking to add lean muscle and cut up. I am not looking for 20 lbs of additional body weight. As of now I am considering oral turinabol or Anavar. I am looking to avoid serious side effects while achieving moderate gains. I would appreciate any and all suggestions.

    Thank you.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Can't discuss where/how to get AAS on the open board.

    body fat?
    years training?
    Planned PCT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    How are you going to be getting it back into the states from mexico?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    been there bad idea. reputable domestic source would be better there is lots of fakes in mex and the prices in a tourist town as mentioned are very expensive not to mention thinking you would bring them back is a real bad idea

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Love Playa...but not the tricksters..Cuidado!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Well I'll answer this.... The pharmacy in that area is quite expensive, but i have never found those types of compounds. All I have ever seen is sus test and clen, as well as clomid pills. But I am sure that if you dig hard enough you might find what want, but I would be skeptical of fakes... As for bringing it back, I have removed all unnecessary needles and components of packaging, put them in my luggage and pray I don't get searched at customs coming through to the US.... Not the most proud moments of my adult life, but it worked!

    from what I remeber testaprim-D is everywhere down there (search the net for it and you get a lot of bad reviews and some good, I had a good expierence with it) it contains test ent and prop and those two compounds would be best. Just get enough for 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. Thats 6000mg and from what I remember that would be 8 boxes (3 amps in a box, each amp is 250mg of test: 200 ent, 50 prop). If you do this cycle, you will need to do a proper PCT since your natural test will be shut down. Sides should be minimal. Lastly, I would never suggest a oral cycle only. If your gonna do aas, inject test, not an
    oral only cycle. It doesn't make sense to me, but that's just my opinion....

  7. #7
    Not looking for a source, just some feedback on the quality of product there.... From my understanding, getting product back in the US is not all that difficult if the proper packing precautions are taken. However, I am not speaking from personal experience... Thanks for the feedback OldManRiver and Smalltime7. I will let you know if I decide to bring anything back up here.

  8. #8
    29 yrs.
    195 lbs
    bf estimating at 18% (no real idea) any estimates?
    training for 8 months

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kbizz2us View Post
    29 yrs.
    195 lbs
    bf estimating at 18% (no real idea) any estimates?
    training for 8 months
    I would say about 11 - 12%. I am about as lean as you, and that is what I am.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    yeah you are definitley closer to twelve then 18.. I bet you will not be able to find Anavar in Mexico.. you are better off getting it off one of the websites Mexico has a lot of fake stuff and you stand a chance of getting ripped off

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 4SMMA View Post
    I would say about 11 - 12%. I am about as lean as you, and that is what I am.
    He's at or above 15% IMO.

    And OP, if you've only trained for 8 months, don't even consider using AAS in the near future.

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