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Thread: Need advice... Cycles becoming non effective after 30 days over last few cycles???

  1. #1

    Need advice... Cycles becoming non effective after 30 days over last few cycles???

    Hey guys, just having some weird cycles lately. I usually stick with test e or sust and throw in some deca or eq and some winny tabs in the end. I have had great results using this over the years, but the last 3 cycles or so I noticed that after about a month my gains seem to just level out and I don't feel it much after that if at all. I change routines, diet remains in check along with all other aspects.

    Questions: Is my body just used to the same compounds? If so, what is different about test other than strength of compounds...most say test is test. I've up'd level to 750 and it just seems that my body puts up a shield! What should I try?

    I'm not maxed out on size because I'm 30 pounds lighter than my best weight just a few years ago. Any ideas on a new method, or different combo of compounds.. I don't want anything really harsh either.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Are you increasing kals taking into account the added mass your carrying?

    What are your stats and diet?

  3. #3
    5'11 ft 175 down from around 200 but still lean with 8% bf. Kals on cycle are 3500 quality kals. I don't go for a lot size, more of just solid lean muscle. I have used the same 3500 for many years and it's done great. I am 36 y/o...would age play a factor? I usually increase kals by 200 for every 10 pounds of mass put on, so toward end of cycle I'm at 3,500 from 2,900 in the beginning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum11 View Post
    5'11 ft 175 down from around 200 but still lean with 8% bf. Kals on cycle are 3500 quality kals. I don't go for a lot size, more of just solid lean muscle. I have used the same 3500 for many years and it's done great. I am 36 y/o...would age play a factor? I usually increase kals by 200 for every 10 pounds of mass put on, so toward end of cycle I'm at 3,500 from 2,900 in the beginning.
    "5'11 ft 175lbs" and on 750mg/wk Testosterone.... Geez.


    You do not NEED 750mg/wk exogenous testosterone a those stats.

    To put it bluntly, your diet is off.

    Post it in the Diet Section.

    Are you taking sufficient time off between cycles?

  5. #5
    I only up'd to 750 during last cycle, in the middle of cycle to see if it made a difference and it did not. I run 4-500 sust or test e, cycle is 12 weeks sometime up to 14, diet has worked great over all the years, off time is 5 months or more. Just think my body is not responding anymore...perhaps a year or two off might help?
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    "5'11 ft 175lbs" and on 750mg/wk Testosterone.... Geez.


    You do not NEED 750mg/wk exogenous testosterone a those stats.

    To put it bluntly, your diet is off.

    Post it in the Diet Section.

    Are you taking sufficient time off between cycles?

  6. #6
    Are you just not getting bigger or no strength???

    If your diet has worked well why are you only 175.

    I understand your into the lean look but if your doing 3500 clean kals and those cycles over the "years" I would think you would be bigger.

    Post up your diet.

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