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Thread: opinions please! is my gear bunk???

  1. #1

    opinions please! is my gear bunk???

    I'm currently 5.5 weeks in to my cycle:

    test p 100mg ed
    tren a 100mg ed
    masteron 200mg 2x ew
    dbol 60mg(stopped)

    should I give it more time or abort? my strength has increased and that's about it

    well I really didn't take pre stats because I was only expecting to harding up some but I remember I was @ 205 at the start now today I'm 213

    my diet looks like this:

    meal 1 protein shake 18g, 8 egg whites and a 1 cup of oats
    meal 2 tukey 8oz or 2 can of tuna sandwhich with fruits
    meal 3 2 chicken breast 1.5 cups of brown rice 3.4 cup of beans and veg.

    work out 15 minutes after drink 36 g protein shake

    meal 4 same as meal 3

    meal 5 chicken breast or salmon or turkey with pasta and sweet patatos
    meal 6 10 oz of ground beef or 2 chicken breast with patatos or rice or pasta

    before bed drink another protein shake 18 g

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    You would have defiantly seen some gains by week 5, do you have any other side effects?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    You would have defiantly seen some gains by week 5, do you have any other side effects?
    no sides(well if you count really dark piss) at all and it's hard to say if my libido is up because I always had a really high one. besides that nothing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    running that type of gear at those doses you would see something happening.....and your libido should be more and your strength should be very recognizable.

    How many cycles have you done?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Test p and tren a...shouldn't be something you question?

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