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Thread: Traveling the world

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Traveling the world

    So I sit here trying to figure out life, Ive been through a lot and experienced maybe more than most get to in terms of life experience. Im a young 26, yet lately find no purpose or actual meaning to life.

    Time may be running out and ive begun to start looking at traveling the world for maybe 2-3 months or longer depending on where i find myself. Doing this now seems like the right choice as I have no family, im single at the moment and I have no incredible career to leave behind.

    I would like to see the world while still being able to say these things because I would imagine these things to be the top factors to hold one back.

    I have a lot of questions and figure id ask many around the world that are on this site. Ive yet to go outside of the states but am starting to put a plan in action. I am 100% serious when I say im ready to drop everything I have, save up some money for this event and go EXPERIENCE LIFE!


    The goal is to save around 10-15 grand so I can visit as much of the world as possible and make it last.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2008
    Everywhere I could without high risk to life. I would stay away from the countries who truly hate Americans or anyone who has our beliefs or not theirs.
    Travel is ALWAYS good. I did not do any real travel until I was in my 40s. I dont count Mexico, to Americanized for the most part. Same with Bahama unless you do the smart things and travel mostly by car, bus, hiking. I would go visit as many 3rd world countries as possible and go into the rural parts mostly.

    $10k - $15K last me only one or two 2 week vacations. LOL No if you do the back pack deal and eat cheap, local you will be fine for quite a while. I would still LOVE to travel for 1 or 2 years if I had the chance to do it again even now but it would mean to many changes and sacrifices I am not willing to make.

    To much stuff happening in Mexico to go see the real Mexico right now. I would head East. It's my personal preference anyways but Asia has a lot to offer. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines. I could spend a year or two alone just back packing through them.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 11-01-2010 at 10:27 PM.

  3. #3
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    I hear you on the cash flow front, lol. I'm looking for a change in life and I would very much like to get away from possesions and money, the backpacking route is where my goals lye.

    So many places to see and ive started to network with websites like and that are dedicated to travelers with jobs for room and board temporarily.

    Some key places I would love to see are in Europe, Australia,Costa Rica, and Philippines. Still trying to get my game plan in place however. The things that are tricky to plan, where to start and what order to begin .

  4. #4
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    It will hopefully still change your life or outlook on life. It did mine, even at 40. My first trip to Thailand was a real eye opener. First thing I wanted to do when I got home was to get rid of as many of useless possessions I have stored up over the years. It's amazing seeing truly happy people with so little and makes you appreciate life more and understanding how it's people, family that are important, not things. Things are nice and fun but we dont need to collect so much. I'm still trying to get rid of more useless junk.

    Sounds like a good plan. Keep researching. There are forums where people talk about all that. Make sure to keep a log/journal of most everything, pictures and a phone you can access internet when available to upload things.

    Remember one important thing, every thing you plan will change the first day of your trip. Just start by planning a date you will leave then try to figure out where first. Go from there. My first trip to Thailand I had spent months planning. It all changed the first day, EVERYTHING. I dont make plans anymore, I just go.

  5. #5
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    Don't make to many plans, travel by yourself and meet people as you go, they will give you the ideas and info you need.

    You should be able to get work in places like Oz and Europe, might under the table work, but at lest enough cash to live on. Asia and Sth America...well your cash will go a long way there.

    When I backpacked in the 90s I met more then a couple of solo Americans who had Canadian flags on their backpacks....just saying....

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Don't make to many plans, travel by yourself and meet people as you go, they will give you the ideas and info you need.

    You should be able to get work in places like Oz and Europe, might under the table work, but at lest enough cash to live on. Asia and Sth America...well your cash will go a long way there.

    When I backpacked in the 90s I met more then a couple of solo Americans who had Canadian flags on their backpacks....just saying....
    Not a bad piece of advice I had forgotten. I had planned on if I ever got in a situation I would say I was Canadian if asked also. Better to be a live coward than a dead hero especially when you have no idea why they hate you. There is a lot of miss information out there on both sides. Better to be safe. Good advice.

  7. #7
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    When i want to travel i watched the nature channel.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 11-02-2010 at 10:25 AM.

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    come to aus, you will go broke in a month.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Well, I have traveled parts of the world.... lived in europe and asia, plus both coasts of America..... ah! to be young again!!

    I did alot of backpacking in Europe. Laws were more relaxed, naturally, and you could drop tent almost anywhere. Went to amsterdam, holland (almost the same thing, but not quite), germany, austria, switzerland, france..... The women were extremely friendly, hospitable, accomodating (eh....), very willing to take you to their place. Quite often, they still lived with mom and dad, who were usually very friendly as well.

    I also used to (still do, what am I saying) do a lot of motorcycling. Went coast to coast (3000 miles) on a KZ1000 from Jan 17 to Jan 21, 1981 (that's right, through the rocky mountains, and in the middle of a snow storm to boot). California to Georgia.

    Mostly all of my travel was solo (except for some of the backpacking in europe). I used to always keep my bags packed and ready to go. At the drop of a dime, I'd be gone, on the road. and when I did go, and when you are by yourself for a week or so, it becomes a vision quest of sorts. Most of us never get a chance to do this sort of thing, being by yourself for days on end. I've done it more than half a dozen times. Very cleansing. Good for your mental health.

    What would I do if i was 25 again, without family or responsiblity? Well, international travel is expensive, and you have to hassle with passports since post 9/11 now. I would pack up on my harley, pick out 15 places all across america I want to see, and then take my leisurely time getting there. This could take me a year. The trick is to find places you can drop tent without paying, and without getting hassled. There is a motorcycle BB with a travel directory on the web where they identify places same as I have just mentioned. I would travel no more than a few hundred miles a day, if that. Meet people along the way. Hang out if I want to. There are parties everywhere, and if you find one you like, take a few days and enjoy it.

  10. #10
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    Definitely go travelling on your own, you will meet a ton of people on the road. Depending on where you are, S.East Asia, Nepal, Australia, NZ and America are all awesome places to go if you want to see a bit more of the world. I heard S.America is cool, but I never got the chance when I went travelling.

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