hi guys, i bought my anavar already which is 10mg per capsule made by EA.
i am going to do a 30mg/day since this is my first time using anavar.
- do you think i should split the 3 capsules on the day? i am thinking taking 1 cap right after my lunch (12nn) then another 2 caps right after my next meal (3pm)
- if i will take anavar 30mg/day, what is the maximum length of using it? can i use it for 3 months straight at consistent 30mg dosage?
- also, i am taking multivitamins, omega, and milk thistle. is this a great idea? would it lowers or affects the effectiveness of the anavar?
- lastly, after my anavar cycle, i am planning to add another 5 weeks of primo which is 100mg/ml and i use it for 2ml per week with 2 tablets of proviron 25mg per day. great idea?
My stats:
AGE: 24
BF%: around 10-12
training: 5 yrs.
experience in steroid/s: my first one is stan. i had a great physique by that time. ( i am switching to anavar because i dont want painful injections anymore. )