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Thread: pre-making meals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    LI NY

    pre-making meals

    Im so sick of all my free time going to cooking and makeing lunch for the next day. How do you guys normaly go about this?

    I hear some people cook on sundays and freeze meals for each day in the week. im not so sure about the freeze part though, say I take the meals out the night before for the next day and put them in the fridge they will probably be frozen the next day still or no?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I cook every Sunday, and it's enough for the week. Sure, by the end of the week the food isn't the freshest ever, but it's certainly not bad and is perfecty edible. Generally, I cook:

    10 chicken burger patties
    8 chicken breasts
    2 flank steaks
    1lb ground beef
    5oz whole grain pasta

    and whatever else is on the menu for the week. Portion it all out ahead of time, and store in tupperware containers. I use the little clear ziploc ones with the red lids - perfect size!

  3. #3
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    Last edited by gbrice75; 11-01-2010 at 05:16 PM. Reason: OMG the site sux tonight!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    ^^same here. Most of my protiens i cook ahead of time Chicken/turkey/lean beef. A lot of times i use canned sweet potatoes and frozen veggies so those are easy to just nuke.

  5. #5
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    LI NY
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I cook every Sunday, and it's enough for the week. Sure, by the end of the week the food isn't the freshest ever, but it's certainly not bad and is perfecty edible. Generally, I cook:

    10 chicken burger patties
    8 chicken breasts
    2 flank steaks
    1lb ground beef
    5oz whole grain pasta

    and whatever else is on the menu for the week. Portion it all out ahead of time, and store in tupperware containers. I use the little clear ziploc ones with the red lids - perfect size!
    so you store the portioned containers in the fridge? Also the chicken patties are they store made or do you make them yourself, id be intrested in adding something new to my diet.

  6. #6
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    I cook about 3-4 pounds of chicken breast at a time, takes about 40 minutes. Buy pre cut tenderloin and they come in 24 pieces per package, so you can do the math and know how much you are getting when you eat them easily. It usually comes out to 1.6-1.9oz per piece depending on how big the package is. Don't freeze any of it, put it in the fridge in ziploc bags and throw it in the microwave done in 1:30 no excuses not to eqat a good meal.

    Buy about 4-5 lbs of sweet potatoes, peel them, chop them up into pieces and boil them....takes about 20 minutes to peel them and about 25 minutes on the stove boiling. Bag up 1/2 cups at a time in sandwich bags and put them in the fridge. Take 2 cans of green vegetable, heat them up in the microwave and do the same thing except in 1/3 cup amounts. Altogether that takes about an hour about once a week.

    So I can have a perfect meal of chicken breast, sweet potatoes and a green vegetable ready in under 2 minutes.

    Also cook about 3 6oz steaks at a time, eat one fresh and throw the other two in the fridge. Yeah they aren't the freshest after a day or two but oh well.

    When I do eat eggs(which I have not for a while) I cook 24 at a time, scramble them and make 8 three egg bags that go ion the fridge. Another fast meal in a minute. That takes 30 min at the most.

    Basically it takes a few hours a week, and you can have all your food ready whatever you like to eat.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2010
    @bigslick. Wow man Thx for the info on what u do. I'm definitely going to be doing That. Do fast n efficient!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAC27 View Post
    so you store the portioned containers in the fridge? Also the chicken patties are they store made or do you make them yourself, id be intrested in adding something new to my diet.
    Yep, everything stored that way. The chicken patties are store bought - but surprisingly they have very good stats and are minimally processed. I know some will flame me for including them in my diet, but they're pretty decent IMO. I get em at Costco, brand name escapes me at the moment.

  9. #9
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    I get up, fix my three eggs and my oatmeal with whey, while I'm eating that my wife is grilling my 5 fish fillets for the day and cutting up my veggies, she puts all of the fish fillets in one container, my raw veggies in portion size baggies, my apple in the bottom of the lunch pail with my veggies and ice block with my fish container on top. I open my fish container and eat my portion three times a day with my veggies, I carry my natural peanut butter in my truck with me and my tablespoon and eat that with my celery sticks. After my workout I bake my bison steak fresh every night and micorwave my sweet potatoe.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg0922 View Post
    @bigslick. Wow man Thx for the info on what u do. I'm definitely going to be doing That. Do fast n efficient!
    I forgot to add, pre make all my protein drinks 2 gallons at a time, and put just the powder all measured out in 2 other gallons but don't add any milk or water yet. So 4 at a time, 2 of which are always ready to go. I just did it and it took me about 15minutes, and that will last me about 8-9 days.

    The good thing about being on a strict bodybuilding diet is that you are eating from the same group of 5 or 6 things every single day(basically), so you can premake a lot of stuff without having to worry about it being wasted or go bad. And you can eat right, fast everyday. The more convenient it is for you to eat well the more likely you are not to stray and stay on it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I get up, fix my three eggs and my oatmeal with whey, while I'm eating that my wife is grilling my 5 fish fillets for the day and cutting up my veggies, she puts all of the fish fillets in one container, my raw veggies in portion size baggies, my apple in the bottom of the lunch pail with my veggies and ice block with my fish container on top. I open my fish container and eat my portion three times a day with my veggies, I carry my natural peanut butter in my truck with me and my tablespoon and eat that with my celery sticks. After my workout I bake my bison steak fresh every night and micorwave my sweet potatoe.
    Must be nice to have a woman to cook for you! Unfortunately, i'm the chef in my house. Damn the day I graduated culinary school!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Must be nice to have a woman to cook for you! Unfortunately, i'm the chef in my house. Damn the day I graduated culinary school!
    What culinary school did you attend gbrice? Im looking into going next semester.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    i cook my meals for work for 3 days at a time...i like to eat things fresh so no freezing for me..i also eat everything cold so im obviously not eating for taste but for necessity...all other meals i cook fresh and eat hot/warm as i am the chef for the whole yea a lot of time is spent in the kitchen but its the price we pay for the lifestyle we live...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAC27 View Post
    What culinary school did you attend gbrice? Im looking into going next semester.
    Cheers bro, I bet you'll love it! I went to CIA back in 98-99. Yea, i'm an old man now. =(

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    i cook my meals for work for 3 days at a time...i like to eat things fresh so no freezing for me..i also eat everything cold so im obviously not eating for taste but for necessity...all other meals i cook fresh and eat hot/warm as i am the chef for the whole yea a lot of time is spent in the kitchen but its the price we pay for the lifestyle we live...
    As soon as I can do THIS ^^^ I believe I will have arrived at the next level.

  15. #15
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    I make 90% of my meals for the week on sundays usually with the other 10% being meat which I buy frozen and just place them in the fridge the night before to thaw and by lunch I just heat it in the micro. My sole source of meat (other than eggs) at the moment is fish...don't want to thaw the fish for Fridays 6th meal on the previous sunday...ick.

  16. #16
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    LI NY
    Made 15 meals today for the 3 I take to work each day so we will see how the 5th day meals turn out. Other then that I have a bunch of food left over for meals I eat home.

    how does shrimp add up on nutrition value? I made 4 pounds today..

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