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Thread: 1st timer HGH questions

  1. #1
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    Question 1st timer HGH questions

    stats: 35, 190lbs, low body fat, numerous cycles with anabolics.

    finally stepping up to the plate, but i do have some questions that i havent been able to find concreate answers to on the forum

    1) 4iu's daily will promote fat loss and muscle growth?
    2) how many iu's do i start at and for how long
    3) how do i up my dose and for how many weeks before uping again...goal is 4iu's
    4) 300mgs of testE a week when should this be started and ended?
    5) when should PCT be started?

  2. #2
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    Read this thread by RedBaron to help get you has info on dosing and ramping up

  3. #3
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    thanks it he;ps with the ramp up for HGH. but no help on the test question.
    also i keep hearing about bloating, its this burns fat why would i bloat? how long does it last and what can be done about it?

  4. #4
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    I wouldn't expect much muscle building from 4iu's. Some mild fat loss, sure.

    No PCT is necessary for HGH.

    If you're planning on running an AAS cycle, I'd wait a month or two after you've started the GH to begin your cycle.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    thanks it he;ps with the ramp up for HGH. but no help on the test question.
    also i keep hearing about bloating, its this burns fat why would i bloat? how long does it last and what can be done about it?
    Bloating does happen to many people. It usually does start to go away after awhile. Any and all of these sides are helped by starting low and ramping up slowly.

    Any other questions?
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-16-2010 at 11:01 AM.

  6. #6
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    ok so GH for 2 months before AAS?
    is 300mgs of TestE a wk ok?
    would there be a differnce between 4iu's or 5iu's a day?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    ok so GH for 2 months before AAS?
    is 300mgs of TestE a wk ok?
    would there be a differnce between 4iu's or 5iu's a day?
    I don't think you'll see a huge difference between 4 and 5ius/ED.

    What were your previous "numerous cycles" of AAS?

  8. #8
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    last cycle was SUS, Tren, Winn,
    right now i'm on var to bridge before i start the Gh and Test.
    so is Test at 300mgs a week adequate

  9. #9
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    Well, that's why I wanted to know your doses and complete cycle history.

    300mg/wk might be great for a first time user, but not if you have plenty of experience, ya know?

  10. #10
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    sus was 600mg a wk
    tren 75 mg eod
    winn 50mg ed

  11. #11
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    And that was your only other cycle?

    If that's the case, you'd probably do well off 500mg/wk of test and the GH.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    so GH 6 months startting at 2Iu and ramping to 4Ius
    month 3-6, 600mgs test e
    this would rip me up and increase muscle? looking to shred and and get up to 200lbs.

    or would you recomed running my previous cycle?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    so GH 6 months startting at 2Iu and ramping to 4Ius
    month 3-6, 600mgs test e
    this would rip me up and increase muscle? looking to shred and and get up to 200lbs.

    or would you recomed running my previous cycle?
    Diet will seriously determine everything you want to do with your body.

    You said in your first post you have low body fat, but you want to get ripped up? How tall are you?

    Planned PCT?

  15. #15
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    i'm 5'6 190 lbs. i have low body fat but not shredded.
    pct after test clomids and hcg.
    should i stop the test before i stop hcg or the other way around? when should it be stopped?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    stats: 35, 190lbs, low body fat, numerous cycles with anabolics.

    finally stepping up to the plate, but i do have some questions that i havent been able to find concreate answers to on the forum

    1) 4iu's daily will promote fat loss and muscle growth?
    2) how many iu's do i start at and for how long
    3) how do i up my dose and for how many weeks before uping again...goal is 4iu's
    4) 300mgs of testE a week when should this be started and ended?
    5) when should PCT be started?
    1. 4-5 iu daily will indeed promote fat loss and muscle growth same time, anything over 2-3 iu a day of REAL gh will promote muscle growth.
    2. start with 4 units go up to 5 and stop there. go up to 5 units after few days. little water overall and in hands usually around 5-10 pounds that subside after a while, this water makes you look bigger not fatter! the lower bf% you have the higher dose you can be on to begin with, and you say you are low bf so its fine. anything under 12% is ok for this protocol.
    3. no need to up dose, 5 units of real gh with aas will get you to 220 single digit bf pretty fast
    4. 300mg is hrt dose, hrt dose does nothing for the bodybuilder, it is meant for older guys who cant get hard anymore so it improves the quality of their sex life and energy, you need atleast 500-600mg of real testosterone.

    you can do gh first for couple months or together with aas from the get go, final results will be the same, about 2-3 months overall to look impressive. changes should start taking place within few days if youre on aas too.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    1. 4-5 iu daily will indeed promote fat loss and muscle growth same time, anything over 2-3 iu a day of REAL gh will promote muscle growth.
    2. start with 4 units go up to 5 and stop there. go up to 5 units after few days. little water overall and in hands usually around 5-10 pounds that subside after a while, this water makes you look bigger not fatter! the lower bf% you have the higher dose you can be on to begin with, and you say you are low bf so its fine. anything under 12% is ok for this protocol.
    3. no need to up dose, 5 units of real gh with aas will get you to 220 single digit bf pretty fast
    4. 300mg is hrt dose, hrt dose does nothing for the bodybuilder, it is meant for older guys who cant get hard anymore so it improves the quality of their sex life and energy, you need atleast 500-600mg of real testosterone.

    you can do gh first for couple months or together with aas from the get go, final results will be the same, about 2-3 months overall to look impressive. changes should start taking place within few days if youre on aas too.
    Start with 4 units? isn't this TOO HIGH? right off the bat?

  18. #18
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    i would start at 2 and go to 4

  19. #19
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    4 units china gh is about 2-3 units american gh, he should be ok. little water in hands, sausage fingers for a while, but nothing major, just will look bigger which is good, it subside.
    he is low bf and 190 which is already quite big with numerous cycles, his body will handle it with no problem.

    only side effect i can see for him is vivid dreams and good deep sleep, on gh you sleep so well and so deep yet many times you can remember your dreams well which can be a good thing or a bad thing.. LOL

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    4 units china gh is about 2-3 units american gh, he should be ok. little water in hands, sausage fingers for a while, but nothing major, just will look bigger which is good, it subside.
    he is low bf and 190 which is already quite big with numerous cycles, his body will handle it with no problem.
    I didn't see if he said it was Chinese or American (pharma) GH?

    Even though you're right, it'd still have him ramp up. See how he reacts.

    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    only side effect i can see for him is vivid dreams and good deep sleep, on gh you sleep so well and so deep yet many times you can remember your dreams well which can be a good thing or a bad thing.. LOL
    ^God, I miss the great sleep I had on GH.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    4 units china gh is about 2-3 units american gh, he should be ok. little water in hands, sausage fingers for a while, but nothing major, just will look bigger which is good, it subside.
    he is low bf and 190 which is already quite big with numerous cycles, his body will handle it with no problem.

    only side effect i can see for him is vivid dreams and good deep sleep, on gh you sleep so well and so deep yet many times you can remember your dreams well which can be a good thing or a bad thing.. LOL
    Sausage fingers ='s no gym many times...why push it? why not start out lower and then ramp up? he has all the time in the world to do so plus could make him tired as heck and really keep him out of the gym...

    now VIVID DREAMS???? this is the BEST perk of all...Nothing beats HGH sleep....nothing

  22. #22
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    i'm checking on the pharma.

    also would you suggest GH and Test E or do my usual cycle Sus, tren winn?

  23. #23
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    its that good or bad?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    i'm checking on the pharma.

    also would you suggest GH and Test E or do my usual cycle Sus, tren winn?
    gh and tren ace....talking about dreams haha

    anything that has gh and tren ace in a mix creates a nasty lean beast

    there is nothing better for growth than test tren eq and gh in a cycle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    its that good or bad?
    they got a thread here about china gh, many veterens write in it and its good thread, read it.

    you HAVE to trust your source and there are china gh which are very good and close to american gh, you just need to have the source and thats the harder thing to do.

  26. #26
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    no what i was saying is i would do GH and test or no GH and do sus, tren and win.
    which would produce better results?
    trust my source 100% hes family.

  27. #27
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    gh is for taking your physiqe to the next level, after gh therapy your 'body surface' will be larger, you will have more muscle fibers to blow up on a steroid cycle. its just like you were born larger. also, gh puts you back at age 18 which steroids do not.

    AAS only cycle is good to blow up or harden what ever god gave you, your own beef, you can blow it with water from within, and grow and harden your own muscle, but you will not advance, meaning you will always play with same numbers...190 8% going up to 210 10% going down to 185 6% ect

    gh let you grow lean....because you add new muscle fibers so you grow new beef cell you never had before and this by itself reduces your bodyfat.

  28. #28
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    i think you sold me hahahaha

    now another question i know i have to shhot twice a day. i can do it first thing in the morning 7am but wont be able to again at least 630pm. i work in an office, i also train around 730-8pm

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    i think you sold me hahahaha

    now another question i know i have to shhot twice a day. i can do it first thing in the morning 7am but wont be able to again at least 630pm. i work in an office, i also train around 730-8pm
    you do not have to pin 2x's a day if that is a concern..

  30. #30
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    ok great just trying to do it right

  31. #31
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    when doing really high doses, that is usually when guys split up the doses
    Many prefer to do AM only for convenience too.. because it is amazing how life just gets in the way for that 2nd shot.
    Also...many here believe it is best to pin early in the morning as in: get up in the wee hours of the morning and then go back to sleep for a couple hours....this is what most consider to be IDEAL

  32. #32
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    ideal...but i like my sleep haha

  33. #33
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    couple of more questions.
    how do you come off HGH?
    also do i stop the test before the HGH or stop the HGH before the test?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    ideal...but i like my sleep haha
    good point...I got tired of this...but when I did do it, I prepared my injection and had it ready so I did not wake up SO much....just make sure you wait to eat for an hour after injection...especially carbs since hgh and carbs can influence your glucose/insulin down the road....

  35. #35
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    no what my meant is when my 6 month gh cycles come to an end how do i comj e off properly, i'm also going to be on test and i need to know how to come off that as well. im not sure if i come off gh or test first.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    no what my meant is when my 6 month gh cycles come to an end how do i comj e off properly, i'm also going to be on test and i need to know how to come off that as well. im not sure if i come off gh or test first.
    nothing is needed to come off of PCT required
    as far as test? and PCT? that is a good question for the PCT forum so you might start a new thread there to get info just for your situation

  37. #37
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    should i come off the GH before the test or come off the test before the gh?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay007 View Post
    should i come off the GH before the test or come off the test before the gh?
    I'd prefer to run GH throughout my PCT.

  39. #39
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    been doing some research now i'm getting a little worried.
    4IU's for 6 moths do i have to worry about organ, jaw bone, eye brow, feet or hand growth?
    also i read it can cause diabetes? diabetes runs in my family, my parnets dont have it but a few uncles, cousin and grand parents do. do i have to worry that GH will bring this out in me?

  40. #40
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    If you have diabetic concerns, then get a glucose monitor to keep track. This will help ease your mind.

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