I know you like to advise using the smith machine alot I saw this thread what do you think?
I know you like to advise using the smith machine alot I saw this thread what do you think?
Ronnie I have a friend of mine whose idea is to stay on steroids for the rest of his life... doing 12+ week cycles and never doing a PCT and when he is doing his 12+ weeks he just goes on a maintenance dose of 250mg's test/week until his next 12+ week cycle. He is not a professional but just wants to be on all the time, Is this not going to **** his balls up? will his nuts just shut down permanently that is my thought but he seems to think they will be fine. Cause that's the whole reason behind PCT to bring your balls back and keep them working but he is constantly suppressing his HPTA. Your advise please Ronnie would be greatly appreciated. Your body would eventually shut down the production of LH or how exactly would that work?
hi ronnie, my macros are 500g protein, 150g carbs 150g fats, would gluconeogenesis occur if glycogen stores are depleted? the cardio would be done half way through the day so about 300g protein, 75g fats and 150g carbs would be consumed. wouldnt the body use aminos as glucose as opposed to fats? moderate intensity cario heartrate 130-140bpm 40 mins. thanks ronnie. how do you normally perform your cardio and on what macros if you dont mind me asking. thanks for your time.
mr.ronnie rowland...what be yo take on squatting ass to the ground..hard on knees or not???
Ronnie Is doing drop sets, supersets etc.. The only reason why those are dangerous is because when you lower the amount of
Weight then your form begins to get sloppy which increases the risk of injury. Or is there more to it then your form gets sloppy?
Well, I clicked on that link and it was basically saying that when doing chest presses using a smith-"the pectorals are worked the same as free weight barbell bench presses." And even though the medial deltoids are not hit as hard during chest presses on a smith, I do not see the argument since the pectorals are the primary focus.
Dorian Yates figured out that squats on a smith machine allowed him to stimulate his legs much more than free weight squats. You also have a built in spotter with the smith machine, so I think it has it's advantages. It's also easier on the knees and back. The smith machine squat is similar to a leg press in that it enables one to keep their knees behind their toes during the performance and since the bar is already balanced, it takes strain from the knees and lower back allowing you to focus more on the legs.
I know that for me personally, it's helped bring up my chest. My wifes legs are huge from doing smith machine squats/lunges. I think it's a great machine for bodybuilders!
Thanks again Ronnie, Another thing I was just on youtube just messing around checking out videos and I came across some videos of Dorian Yates. Where he believes in doing negatives at the end of a set... here is the link he explains at the beginning that when your muscles have failed in the positive portion of a rep but you could still perform negatives. just wondering what your thoughts are on that?
And here is a guy who actually was in the Arnold Classic, he seems to do drop sets with almost everybody part, almost all of his videos are him doing drop sets but his form is just about flawless.
Last edited by Juicedupmonkey; 11-15-2010 at 01:14 AM.
Hey everyone,
I'm new to this website and I have a question regarding my first cycle coming up in March. I was looking to post a thread under 'Questions and Answers' but it says they are no longer accepting new threads. So I was hoping that if I posted this reply on a highly viewed thread, somebody would see it and maybe provide me with the answer I'm looking for. Also, if anyone knows a better place for me to post a separate thread with my question, please let me know.
I'm a first time user and I decided to go with a friend's advice to stack Anavar with Test Cypionate. I have 100 10mg tabs of Anavar and 15ml of Test Cypionate - so my question is, how should I work my dosages for an 8 week cycle? I heard that I should slowly wean down my dosages of both so as not to increase estrogen and cortisol so quickly.
Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you,
Big ron!
Did you get my PM? looking forward in hearing your opinion on my personal question..
[QUOTE=Juicedupmonkey;5429844]Thanks again Ronnie, Another thing I was just on youtube just messing around checking out videos and I came across some videos of Dorian Yates. Where he believes in doing negatives at the end of a set... here is the link he explains at the beginning that when your muscles have failed in the positive portion of a rep but you could still perform negatives. just wondering what your thoughts are on that? Negatives cause severe muscle damage and they put a tremendous strain on connective tissue. Dorian had to cut his bodybuilding career short from using extreme training methods like negatives. He tore a tricep tendon, he tore his bicep tendon and ripped a pec tendon. Not sure what else!? In short, negatives are just too hard on the body IMO and not worth the risk. You can get the same results by just doing additional straight sets. Stimulate but don't annihilate the muscles, tendons, joints if you want to continue training as you age!
And here is a guy who actually was in the Arnold Classic, he seems to do drop sets with almost everybody part, almost all of his videos are him doing drop sets but his form is just about flawless. ]All forms of training will develop the muscles and the genetically superior will make the most gains regardless of what they do. Still yet, I see no value in using a training method like strip sets that increases the risk for injury and places more demand on the CNS. Go do strip sets on squats and you will get the picture.. Once you are hurt you cannot train. Once your CNS gets burned out you can no longer make good gains. Consistency is the key to muscle growth and staying healthy is a must.[/QUOTE
What exactly are strip sets? I understand drop sets, rest-pause, supersets etc. but I can't figure out what is meant by strip sets. I know one thing for sure, your against them, so I need to know what they are...LOL. By the way, I do straight sets to good failure using the best form I'm capable of...
Hi Ronnie,
I need some help buddy. About 5 weeks ago whilst training back on wide grip pull downs I felt pain in my right forearm. Now when I train back I can't go heavy and I have to stick to close grip, as wide grip and pull downs behind the neck are just to painfull on my forearm. I use grips whenever I train back and I have even taken a couple of weeks off training back to see if that makes any difference, but it hasn't. The other problem is that it hurts when I do bicep curls and hammer curls are impossible for me to perform. I don't know what to do. I'm halfway through a reload and really don't want to take time off. I have been taking glucosamine capsules for a few weeks now to see if that helps but nothing yet. Do you have any advise for me? I'm desperate my friend.
From all I have read, the recommended time on is a 20 week cycle of reloads and deloads. However this seems to be more for ensuring fertility than anything else. I'm 51, so making babies isn't a major priority. Would there be any problems with extending the cycle even longer?
Titan strip sets are drop sets. They can be referee to either, the idea is if you had a barbell with 3 plates a side on it you do one set of say bench press with 315 then you STRIP a plate off for 225 and do as many at that weight. Exactly the same as a drop set just called something different
Ronnie I was over on bodybuilding(dot)com just to see what ideasthey have on training over there... Side every forum is different! And I saw somebody had posted something on STS and they seem to think that if your doing 12 sets of cheat for a reload at say 8-10 to good failure then when it's time to do a deload that you cutthe
Volume in half and do pretty much warm up sets of 12-15reps... Not to failure. So if they were to fail with bench press at 225lbs/12... They would do say 150lbs/12 not reaching failure... I said the idea
Of a deload and reload is to go goodfailure for both and the main thing is to cut the volume in half. Seems to me like they have your Program a little mixed up like they are reloading then doing a prime instead of a deload... So they just keep on reloading and priming.......
heres an example of a strip set: You get under 315 lbs and do 10 reps to failure on squats. Two training partners strip the weight down as fast as they can to 225 lbs and you crank out another 10 reps to failure. They strip it down again and you do 135 lbs for 10 reps to failure. Lastly, they take off all the weight and you do as many reps as possible with just the bar. All that work constitutes 1 strip set. (it's a nauseating workout that causes people to become ill and/or pass out!!!)
I agree with you that Results can only be measured against your baseline exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. For example: squats for the thighs! Alternating leg presses with squats every other week would not be as beneficial as sticking with squats for most of your leg training sessions unless squatting every week caused joint pain. By using the same key exercises most, if not all the time (during reloads) your results will be better. It's during the deloads you should consider changing exercises! I WANT TO DRIVE THIS POINT HOME!!!!!!!!!
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It could be your bicep tendon causing the pain. Start with close grip pulldowns and do only those if the next exercise I am about to describe to you hurts. If you have access to a dual cable pulldown machine attach two handles and keep palms facing away as you pull. Your hands should spread out towards the bottom of the pulldown. Stay away from wide grip pulldowns or pullups as they will irritate the tendon. Later on when it heals you might be able to go back to wide grip but for me personally the other two exercise work better.
Yes so far me describing how a deload properly works is turning into an argument that I don't know what I'm talking about and my proper explanation of how a deload works is here is a quote from what one of the I guess experienced kid members said "I don't think the idea of a deload is to lift to failure...that is actually completely contrary to the point of a deload" I do recall you saying there were alot of know it all kids over there a while ago... I should have listened LOL
Yes, it can be total chaos..Keep in mind you can stop before reaching all out muscular failure during deloads but the idea is to maintain all your muscle and if you loaf too much you can lose. I usually stop about a rep shy of total failure during deloads but I still train hard enough to maintain my hard earned gains.
hi ronnie, ive severly torn my pec/front delt the other day and waiting for a mri scan so hopefully no tendon damage. im into week 6 of of my reload 1.5g test and 750mg tren and have gone upto 123kg but stayed low on carbs and doing well. if i stay deloading during the recovery time will i be able to maintain gains? 1 was thinking of doing 600mg test with hcg and nolva during this time, hcg/nolva for 2 weeks though, is this ok? or would a higher dose be needed. i was thinking of keeping carbs at 150g fats at 90g and protein at 500g.
thanks so much.
Many thanks Ronnie, I will try what you have suggested. Could do with some clarification on the excersise you descibed though. Sorry to be a pain but I don't fully understand what you mean "palms facing away"?? Will I be ok to continue training biceps as normal or should I stop or drop the weight? If I do need to drop the weight, will I still make progress in terms of mass gain?
Thanks again.
Does this sound familiar too you ronnie? they seem to be doing alot of low volume stuff like 5x5 over on Bodybuilding(dot)com.. but they might incorporate these styles with STS kind of. It's confusing they do weeks to months of low volume training then do a deload where they do pretty much warm up sets... and then go back to heavy weights. Does this make any sense you or i'm thinking they aren't so much trying to gain mass but strength. It's kind of like STS but switched up for mainly strength gains?? Sorry i keep talking about there forum i'm just trying to get your perspective of this situation
Here is part of a thread that is teaching in full how to do a deload... This is just a portion of it but it sums it up :
How to De-Load:
A de-load is a planned reduction in either volume or intensity, usually a week long (or one training cycle of your split). How you do it is up to you. The main thing is to back off your total effort to about 50-60% of what you would do during a normal training week. A few examples of how to train during a de-load week:
* Do your normal routine and normal volume (sets & reps) but reduce the weight you use to about 50-60% of what you normally work out with for each exercise.
* Use the same weight as you normally would, but drop your number of total volume (sets x reps) to 50-60% of your normal volume. (Note that you should stick to an 8+ rep scheme here.)
* Train muscle groups that normally don't get a lot of attention
* Use light weight and focus on refining your form and technique
* Decrease your lifting and increase your cardio
,P.S Ronnie i'm curious did you come up with the term deload? or was it being used long before you came out with STS? I understand they show your way of deloading by just reducing the sets by half but what about the other way by keeping volume the same but like how i was saying doing pretty much warm up sets... the intensity is cut in half...?
Last edited by Juicedupmonkey; 11-17-2010 at 07:18 PM.
Hi Ronnie
First off GREAT thread and awesome read, i learned so much by just reading this thread you posted.
My question is that im planning to start a test,deca and primo cycle first off what are your thoughts on that cycle in general? im 5'9, 170lbs 8-9%bf been lifting for 8 years im 27 years old. My goals are to gain 8-10 pounds of clean muscle while keeping the side effects to a complete minimum. I read it said that after 8 weeks the body doesn't respond to AAS as well unless i up the dosage, i was planning on running this cycle for 12 weeks but after reading your post it got me thinking that i might be completely wrong with this. Please advise if possible
Yo ronnie, the advice you gave to me on my last cycle proved such a success, im back to ask for more help for my next cycle. My previous cycle was
reload deca 400mg and andropen275 at 550mg
deload andropen275 at 275mg a week
reload tren e 300mg and supertest400 at 800mg
deload supertest400 at 400mg
I worked out just like you preach, none of that supersetting or drop sets, doing the basic exercises, and the right number of sets. Im currently on pct for that last cycle i just showed to you.
The compounds i want to use for the 2nd cycle are eq250, prop200 ,supertest400, and primabol200. i want to use a pill also but im not sure to use halotestex,anadrol, or anavar. Could u help set up my next cycle so i can achieve maxium muscle gains? Thanks ronnie your help will be appreciated.
As you probably remember, I've been priming, bridging and doing cardio for almost a month following surgery and as you can imagine, lost some fat, but lost some muscle mass too. About 5 kg. @$%#!!!! I'm planning my new reload and was wondering what you thought of it. Here are some pics I took yesterday and I can't help noticing my arms look small. I know they're long, but still they seem under developed. I had a guy suggest training them twice a week, but I wondered whether that might be over training. Also, before you told me not to train shoulders on the same day as chest, but I couldn't figure out where else to put it so I did anyway. As it turned out, I think my delts turned out the best of all. So I was wondering at the idea of bi's on Wednesday and then again on Friday. I know you say not to exceed 12 sets a week and was wondering how you would set this up. I read your section on training body parts twice a week (heavy the first time, higher reps the second time) but what about changing exercises? Anyway, here's the workout I did for the last 3 reloads and here's the new one. Any suggestions will be followed religiously. I'm also limited because I have to use my own equipment, but I should be getting a full set of dumbbells soon!!
Mon - Chest/Shoulders -Flat Bench Press 3 x 4-6,8,10 Incline Bench 3 x 8,8,9 - Decline bench - 3 x 8,9,10- - Shoulders - Vert Rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 Side Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 Rear Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 AM Cardio 30 Min
Tues - Back - Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - Supported one hand Rows 3 x 8,8,10 - Deadlift, Prep, 3 x 2-4,6,8 Shrugs 6 x 8,9,10,11,12,13 AM Cardio 30 Min
Wed - Abs - Weighted Decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 Weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - Leg raises 3 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
Thurs - Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 Leg Extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 Leg Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 AM
Fri - Arms -Spider Barbell Curls 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Hammer Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Over Head Tricep Extensions 3 x 6,8,10 Dips 3 x Failure No Cardio
Sat - OFF
Sun - 30 Min Cardio
Monday - Chest/Tri's - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Tuesday - Back/Traps Back Width Close Grip Underhand Pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EX Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Dead lifts Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Wednesday - Shoulders/Bi's Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Up, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Standing Barbell Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Preacher Curls EZ Bar Wide grip/Incline Dumbbell Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Thursday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extentions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio
Friday - Arms/Abs Biceps Standing Barbell Curls Warm up sets x 2, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets 12-20 No Cardio
Saturday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
Sunday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
Last edited by The Titan99; 11-20-2010 at 11:49 PM.
Here's a few more... Also, whats your estimate on my BF%. Trying to figure a new TDEE...
Last edited by The Titan99; 11-20-2010 at 03:38 AM.
there are alot of great post on this site but id have to say this takes the cake. thank you alot
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