here are the pics!!! please give usefull feedback!!!
here are the pics!!! please give usefull feedback!!!
Last edited by rmalouf; 11-19-2010 at 11:30 AM.
great size... You should benefit big time when the sauce kicks in.
Have you given more consideration to your pct?
why isn;t the other guy wearing a shirt while you guys are in a purple room
Looking solid buddy.
nice log man,
funy stuff you black out your face and leave your buddies that is taking the pic haha
For sure looking thick seems your calfs are about like mine! LOL Damn the calfs just cut my legs off at the knee and I will be fine!
Day 6
power clean + press
behind the neck press
front bb shrugs dropset
behind the back shrugs (high reps)
ok workout...was tired today, had to wake up early. i guess i got used to the 8+ hours of sleep every day. got the job done though.
Aromasin is an AI, clomid and nolva are SERMS.One of reasons that you would want to run aromasen with hcg during pct is the fact that hcg has the ability to convert natty testosterone into estrogen.In other words it can give you gyno.It also can down regulate the LH receptors This is one of the reasons that it is frowned upun by some BB for use in pct as it can be counterproductive if not treated properly in pct.Aromasin (Exemestane) is a steroidal suicide aromatase inhibitor, which means that it lowers estrogen production in the body by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for estrogen synthesization.This should also still be run with nolva.exemestane is very effective at both lowering estrogen and raising testosterone.
Most of this info can be found in steroid profiles on the home page of this site.If you do an advanced search on any of theese topics you will find out all you need to know.The topic has been discussed many times.
Keep up the log I am following your progress..
another great week!!! I ate slightly less becuase the bloating in week 1 was too sever at times and would interfere with my training. This week was better in terms of bloating, though i think i can fit in a little more food, will incraese cals just a bit this week and feel it out.
weight at start of week 1
weight at end of week 1
weight at end of week 2
thats another 7 pounds...i really dont know if its the gear kicking in or just the high cal intake, maybe both together doing there job. i would like to note, that last jan i was at 235lbs at the peak of my bulk, however i wasnt nearly as hard and muscular as i am now, so i am very happy about that. Hopefully the results keep on coming!!!
ps: today is indenpence day here in lebanon and so gym is closed...****in ill be back at the gym tomorrow for some chest.
Day 1
yoga in the morning
bench press (heavy til failure)
machine chest press dropset
push ups till failure
machine fly (heavy till failure)
ab roller
rope crunches
my workout buddy wasnt there today, so i didnt do dropsets on everything. I definately ntocied the strength gains as of today. I put 315lbs on the bench which i ussually do 3-5 reps, and did 8 reps. went to 365 for 2 and finally attempted 405 for 1 (almost got it, just a little help before lockout). pump was great!!!! workout took about 55 min. I will be doing a 1 RM workout week 5, so we'll see what happens then.
a little sensitivity on my left nipple, not sure if its worth throwing any anti estrogen yet. if this worsens and i start gettin lumps, i will start nolva or arimidex if needed.
lol at your buddies face in the 1st pic!
Excellent foundation and great size, your going to be a big guy if you carry on down the same route, well done
Day 2
Squats 3x10
leg press high reps
lunge/leg extensions superset
calf press
seated calf raise
tibialis anterior work
i learned something very important today, squats are not like riding a bike!!!!! at least for me...i took a break from squats for 2.5 months, and i only did 3x10x225lbs today, it just felt funny. i guess in another week or two ill get the hang of it again..also, my gym doesnt have a full rack, so i wont be going heavy, ill rpobably be working with 225lbs for 20+ reps or so (that always seemed to promote leg growth for me in the past). besides the squats, good workout overall. the pump was insane after the leg presses that i was barely able to continue the workout, had to strech in between sets which i dont normally like to do...
workout time 50 min
-a little sensitivity on my left nipple, will probably start nolva or arimidex soon
-slight increase in acne, nothing too bad
Day 3
wide grip pull ups dropset
bb rows dropset
behind the back pulldown dropset
seated cable row dropset
crazy pump!!!! i was really tired today, i had some friends from out of town and was showing them aroud, so i was tired as shit when i got to the gym. i was supossed to do abs but was to freaking tired, i almost passed out after the cable row dropset.
on another note, cal intake was probably at around 6k since i ate out yesterday and today, though it was healthy food ( just alot of it!!!!).
workout time 50 min
same as previous
One more week till progress pics right?(not gay) just think its great when a member follows up with pics to show their dedication is paying off.
Well done mate good work keep it up and about the hcg I'd start it in the last 4 weeks of the cycle at 500iu per week. Keep up the hard work I'll be following.
keeping an eye on this one....
Week 3
Day 4
vbar pressdown dropset
rope pressdown dropset
single arm cable pressdown dropset
staight bar cable curl dropset
bicep ladders dropset (brandon curry style)
single arm cable curl dropset
my buddy wasnt there today, so i did mainly cables for the dropset. tricep pump was crazy!!!! im glad that my tris are finally growing and starting to catch up to my bi's, thats always been my problem. i didnt do any additional forearm forearm work cuz they were crazy pumped, and felt like doing anything else would be too much.
workout time 50 min
Yoga in the morning today
did a ****ing headstand today woohooo lol!!!! first time ever and im at my heaviest!!! i still need to practice it some more, but good enough for now...thanks to kai on this one for motivation!!!
same as previously reported, nothing has gotten worse as of now.
another great week!!! cal intake went a little too high on a few days, i was not able to train abs due to the bloating. this week i will try to keep better control of my cals even when i eat out. At least most of the cals are from clean foods. notcied some good strength gains this week as well!!!!
weight at start of week 1
weight at end of week 1
weight at end of week 2
weight at end of week 3
end week 2 weight was taken with food in my system, while end week 3 weight was taken first thing in the morning. weight goes up to 242lbs with food as of today.
Day 1
leg ext (warm up)
leg press
calf press
good workout...was a little short on time cuz my buddy wasnt there today and it took me a while to get spotter for the heavy squats/leg presses. squats were much better this week, though i wont be going too heavy considering we dont have a full squat rack, so safety first.
On another note, i find it inconvenient to dropset for legs!!! anyone has this problem?? what intensity techniques have worked for u guys for legs specifically??? i know high reps works for me, but its gettin old...maybe supersets or something?? lemme know what u guys think.
workout time 60 min
same as previously reported
Day 2
bench press dropset
db chest press dropset
machine chest press dropset
doesnt look like much, but i freaking died!!!!! i started the bench dropset at a higher weight (315/275/225) for (8/4/4) reps..thats a new record for benching 315 in the first place!!! so yeah, these dropsets have been kicking my ass!!! hope i can make it for another 6 weeks lol!!!!
workout time 45 min
same as previously reported
I can't wait to see what the trash talkers say when you walk away from this cycle 40lbs heavier. Keep it up, and show them how a serious newbie does a first cycle. And remember, it's only just kicking in!
I too respond to high reps on legs, and latley I have been doing three way supersets.
Squats, then leg press, then extensions.
Or squats, hack squats or front squats, then presses.
I try to get about 8-10 a segment for a total of 25-30 reps per set. And you will be in pain!
Last edited by Duckhombre; 12-01-2010 at 11:25 AM.
thanks for the motivation!!!! currently my weight has been heavily dependant on my diet....and like i said earlier, the heavier i get the more i gota eat...its becoming a challenge to get all the cals in, but ive been for gaining 40lbs, we'll see, i know i could if i want to, it all just depends on the quality of the gains..
as for leg training, i think i may just do super/trisets and such.
Thanks for posting!!
Day 3
wide grip pull ups (failure)
front pulldowns dropset
behind the back pulldown dropset
db rows dropset
bent over cable rear delt dropset
workout time 45 min
good workout. great pump!!!! the pump was so strong that when i stretched after the workout, i immediately yeah, i wasnt able to properly stretch, oh well..pull ups are getting harder and harder, guess that one of the downsides of gettin bigger...
workout intensity has been extreme...ive been having a hard time recovering...despite all the sleep and food, the fatigue still gets starting to understand why people do short burst cycles, cuz training at maximum intensity for more than 10 weeks is brutal!!!! hopefully i can keep it up...
same as previously reported
You motivate me, I love to dedicated, informed BBers like yourself racking on weight and succeeding on cycle. Let me know how that leg workout goes, if you are like me, the quads can be hardgainers, but they will respond to brutality.
I think you should start taking proviron before the end of your cycle, in some people, it can supress the HPTA in some, plus it will block the action of estrogen and tie up Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), thus making your test seem stronger, and dry you out a little.
Definitely start taking it the Deca affects your sex life. Conversely, if are trying to be a good Muslim, proviron can really make you like a ram in spring time.
first off, im actualy christian....second the deca hasnt at all affected my sex drive..and third, my awesome girlfriend is acutally back in the US, so no sex for me
on another note, i dont mind if the proviron dries me out a little, i think that would be good, so i can really see the quality of the gains post cycle..i got hamstrings todays, and ive been doing good with them, all the pressing stuff for legs will be next monday so ill let u know how that goes..but yeah, my quads respond to brutality...simple, yet so complicated![]()
Good work...Will be keeping an eye on this.
If your nips are showing/feeling signs of gyno I would run a low dose AI to keep it under wraps. Arimidex work great for me. The last thing you want it to wake up with developed gyno then having to run an agresive reversal which may take a toll on your cycle. I learnt this the hard way.
Double post.
Last edited by gypsy; 12-02-2010 at 07:05 PM.
Day 4
Romanian dead lifts (short rest periods)
single lying leg curs with negative-dropset
hyper x
seated calf press
standing claf raise
seated calf raise
good workout!!! the rdl's were good, did them with short rest intervals and felt great!!! after the leg curls, i was dead, seriously, the hamstring workout was over!!!!! negatives on every rep, plus dropset every 5 reps for 3 drops is killer!!! i did the hypers to just kinda stretch out the hams a bit...since all that took like 15 min, i spend another 35 min on calves, which was good for a change..did some good stretching too.
workout time 50 min
same as previously reported
week 4 pics
note (light quality was bad this time, so pics didnt come out that good, but u can still size the added size)
Feedback is always appreciated!!!! thanks!!!
Day 5
V bar press down droset
overhead cable extension dropset
single arm cable pressdown dropset
db curls dropset
rope cable curls dropset
single arm cable curls dropset
good workout. tricep pump was crazy!!!!! im glad to see my triceps coming along...the bicep workout was ok, something was missing, i guess ill throw some bb curls next time and see what happens. workout time 60 min
same as previously reported
Day 6 (yesterday)
power clean and press
front bb shrug dropset
behind the back smith shrug
cable shrug
calf press
seated calf raise
good workout....traps were crazy pumped...workout was short so decided to do some extra calf work. i think ill be doing that more often.
workout time 60 min
same as previously reported
another great week!!! seeing some solid strength gains for sure!!!! ive been filling out my weak spots which is good (chest, middle back and such). BF is a a little, but that is expected anyways.
weight at start of week 1
weight at end of week 1
weight at end of week 2
weight at end of week 3
weight at end of week 4
244.2 (considering i ate a 1.3lbs burger last night of course)
setting the goal to be around 255lbs to 260lbs so that when i get off, i can hopefully stay around 250ish....
day 1
Squat/leg ext (superset/high rep)
seated calf press
standing calf raise
seated calf raise
i superseted squats with leg ext today, i was doing 15/20 reps. after 3 sets, my quads were going to blow up and i felt satisfied enough to jump to calves..crazy overall leg pump today!!! workout time 45 min.
-left nipple same as before, just some sensitivity (usually in the morning then goes away)
-acne: a little more acne on my shoulder/upper back area...nothing crazy, but i can definately tell the difference....i guess i should prepare myself from harsher compounds in the future.
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