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Thread: HGH blast

  1. #1
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    HGH blast

    Is there any benefit to blasting HGH for a month or so? I am currently running 1.5ED just stated..and plan to run for a year...Would it benefit me to jack up to 5iu or so for a month? Trying to kickstart the results...I cant afford to run 4-5iu ever day and thought this could be an alternative
    Last edited by diesel2030; 11-24-2010 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel2030 View Post
    Is there any benefit to blasting HGH for a month or so? I am currently running 1.5ED just stated..and plan to run for a year...Would it benefit me to jack up to 5iu or so for a month? Trying to kickstart the results...I cant afford to run 45iu ever day and thought this could be an alternative
    hope this is a typo!!! ....some people love to blast to mimic childhood growth spurts....up to you I suppose as to your goal.

  3. #3
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    LOL thak s for pointing that out.....IM looking to lose bf%...just wondered if this would kick start that? then fall back to maintenance dose

  4. #4
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    might...but HGH is not a fast quick fix...hence why recommended for at least 6 months

  5. #5
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    I agree and Im gonna run it for a year. Just gettin impatient..LOL...but i should have learned hgh takes awhile to kick in...(from previous cycles)

  6. #6
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    Can i ask how old you are as thats a low dose if your in the 25-35 age range but ok if you are older . You may want to consider slightly higher for say 6 months as if you have good hgh you will see the results .

  7. #7
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    The sides would be very difficult to handle if you suddenly jump up to 5iu.

  8. #8
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    the more GH you use, the freakier/larger/leaner you look as long as steroids are in the picture. the point of diminishing returns is somewhere around 30 iu and you wont reach there. at 10-20 iu a day you create what you see now days on stages depending on the gh purity which is high with any legit gh but still not same.

    5-10iu a day of american/china gh is usually a state competitor
    10-15iu and up is ...well on flex magazines lol

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    Can i ask how old you are as thats a low dose if your in the 25-35 age range but ok if you are older . You may want to consider slightly higher for say 6 months as if you have good hgh you will see the results .

  10. #10
    You won't be able to feel/move your hands if you shoot up to 5 just like that...and if you didn't have issues with sides your stuff is probably not that pure.

  11. #11
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    min dose should be 2iu's per day. Like SlimmerMe stated, people like to use the puberty approach and it works VERY well! 1 week of blasting 10-XX iu's ED then for the remainder days of the month peptides will be used. I personally love the idea of it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable View Post
    min dose should be 2iu's per day. Like SlimmerMe stated, people like to use the puberty approach and it works VERY well! 1 week of blasting 10-XX iu's ED then for the remainder days of the month peptides will be used. I personally love the idea of it.
    what? ...I said "some" love it..not that is works well....the jury is still out on this
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-29-2010 at 08:29 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by inevitable View Post
    min dose should be 2iu's per day. Like SlimmerMe stated, people like to use the puberty approach and it works VERY well! 1 week of blasting 10-XX iu's ED then for the remainder days of the month peptides will be used. I personally love the idea of it.
    Very interesting..has anyone tried this?

  14. #14
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    Hey...I am not promoting this! AT ALL! NOT at ALL!! I have just read some post where some guys do it, that's all. And the theory being as mentioned, to mimic growth spurts. And I have read mixed reviews too. So please do more research on this before even thinking about it please.....PLEASE!

    HGH is not a quick fix. And the mimicking could really backfire with horrible sides. NOT smart to lose a few pounds. It could actually have an adverse result. And BLOAT you up... A LOT. plus keep you out of the gym with fatigue and carpel tunnel.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-29-2010 at 08:32 AM.

  15. #15
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    ps: are you looking to lose fat for BB? or life in general. What specifically are you after? thanks
    and how much fat? and do you want to end up looking bigger or smaller as a result? this is important to know.

  16. #16
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    Just looking to lose fat, I am worried 1.5 ed wont do much(40yo)...I may just add ghrp-2/cjc 1295 to my combo to see if I get extra kick from that..........Thanks for the feedback the sides may be intolerable at a does like that(10iu)....

  17. #17
    1.5iu/ed won't do much for fat loss. You should be at 3iu/ed to 4iu/ed if you want to lose some fat. Proper diet and cardio + HGH will burn fat off your body much faster than with HGH along. It's pretty simple math. If your BMI requires you take 3000cal/ed to maintain your weight and you take in 2900 cal/ed you'll lose a pound of fat in 20 days. If you take in 2800 cal/ed you'll lose a pound in 10 days, etc. The HGH just helps the natural fat loss process. You'll be disappointed if you take HGH without the diet and cardio, it takes too long and thus too expensive to lose fat.

  18. #18
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    hgh gives you the ability to eat almost anything you want and lose fat from the first dose that enter your blood, you dont need to wait 2 months or 5 month it all starts the moment you put it in your blood. the igf levels rise and youre back to age 18, ofcourse you need consistancy of daily injections.

    the big advantage and the reason we use hgh, is so we as bodybuilders can have normal life and eat like normal people, not in quantity but in whatever we eat...

    inorder to really see a difference in lean muscle mass that is BIG, you do need steroids....if hgh done by itelf it will grow you lean but slower and it will be more of a fat burner with slow lean growth more of a swimmer type growth, since swimmers are the main users of the high gh very low AAS approach,

    you can just lose fat by doing cardio and take some clen and t3 BUT you will not keep all the muscle and you will NOT be able to eat anything you want unless t3 doses are high but high to very high t3 doses flatten you and make you look worse than a person that never entered a gym. with gh you can jut EAT lol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    the more GH you use, the freakier/larger/leaner you look as long as steroids are in the picture. the point of diminishing returns is somewhere around 30 iu and you wont reach there. at 10-20 iu a day you create what you see now days on stages depending on the gh purity which is high with any legit gh but still not same.

    5-10iu a day of american/china gh is usually a state competitor
    10-15iu and up is ...well on flex magazines lol
    Are u just talking sh*t

    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    hgh gives you the ability to eat almost anything you want and lose fat from the first dose that enter your blood, you dont need to wait 2 months or 5 month it all starts the moment you put it in your blood. the igf levels rise and youre back to age 18, ofcourse you need consistancy of daily injections.

    the big advantage and the reason we use hgh, is so we as bodybuilders can have normal life and eat like normal people, not in quantity but in whatever we eat...

    inorder to really see a difference in lean muscle mass that is BIG, you do need steroids....if hgh done by itelf it will grow you lean but slower and it will be more of a fat burner with slow lean growth more of a swimmer type growth, since swimmers are the main users of the high gh very low AAS approach,

    you can just lose fat by doing cardio and take some clen and t3 BUT you will not keep all the muscle and you will NOT be able to eat anything you want unless t3 doses are high but high to very high t3 doses flatten you and make you look worse than a person that never entered a gym. with gh you can jut EAT lol

  20. #20
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    no im giving you real world facts. thats how hgh works, you go on it and changes happen on A DAILY BASIS, if on streroids, the combination of test tren eq masteron and gh will cause DAILY CHANGES on physiqe. noticable changed every single week to the naked eye. complete body composition change, and the creation of a BB look.

  21. #21
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    let's say for argument sake and to keep the dialogue open, that OP is NOT a BB and wants to lose fat...then why HGH if HGH creates mass? to me if someone wanted to lose weight and not look bigger then why are we recommending he up his dose? when upping his dose might actually make him end up looking bigger after all?

    this is such fine I await for OP to state what his REAL goals are. PLEASE

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel2030 View Post
    Just looking to lose fat, I am worried 1.5 ed wont do much(40yo)...I may just add ghrp-2/cjc 1295 to my combo to see if I get extra kick from that..........Thanks for the feedback the sides may be intolerable at a does like that(10iu)....
    correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this make you hungry?

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