I'm 1 wk into my cjc-1295/GHRP-2 run. I'm using this in conjunction with 750mg/wk test enanthate, 40 mg/day dbol, and 10 iu slin(workout days only, 3-4x/wk) so far here is what I've noticed. Face gets a little flush after pinning it, much more pronounced when pinning 500-1000mcg cjc-1295 at once. I started the cjc @ 100 mcg 3x day, but due to work schedule decided to just go twice/wk on the CJC, so I will begin doing 1000mcg shots 2x/wk. the GHRP-2 is still 3x/day, realistically its probably 150mcg 3x/day, as I go a little above my line. I started this at 236 lbs, been eating like a horse and after 1 wk still 236 lbs. Which tells me the fat loss effects are what I'm seeing first because I would most certainly gain about 8-10 lbs/wk on dbol and test. Also, in the mornings I wake up super energized and feeling good, then about 2 hrs later Im tired as **** and remain that way most of the day. Thats it for now