first off......cheers again to this site!!!
AGE: 28
HEIGT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 205lbs (14%)
TRAINING: 10+Years (Former College Athlete)
I use AAS when I am cutting, to allow muscle sustainability during a calorie deficiency. As a result, my weight typically does not vary much (+/- 4 to 6lbs) but my body fat will (-6-8%). My decision to implement HGH is to add new muscle tissue. I do not compete on any amateur/professional bodybuilding circuits (but do some part-time modeling), so I am not looking for or expecting 30+lbs of new muscle.
I have been researching hgh for the past few months and have thrown together a draft (attached) of what my next cycle will look like. This draft is assuming a 5/2 split. I would like to pull a game plan together prior to starting. I am still learning, as this is relatively new to me, so please give me feedback (negative gladly welcome).