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Thread: Newbie Hgh cycle critique (hgh)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Newbie Hgh cycle critique (hgh)

    first off......cheers again to this site!!!

    AGE: 28
    HEIGT: 6'2"
    WEIGHT: 205lbs (14%)
    TRAINING: 10+Years (Former College Athlete)

    I use AAS when I am cutting, to allow muscle sustainability during a calorie deficiency. As a result, my weight typically does not vary much (+/- 4 to 6lbs) but my body fat will (-6-8%). My decision to implement HGH is to add new muscle tissue. I do not compete on any amateur/professional bodybuilding circuits (but do some part-time modeling), so I am not looking for or expecting 30+lbs of new muscle.

    I have been researching hgh for the past few months and have thrown together a draft (attached) of what my next cycle will look like. This draft is assuming a 5/2 split. I would like to pull a game plan together prior to starting. I am still learning, as this is relatively new to me, so please give me feedback (negative gladly welcome).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Looks good but I'd start your AAS cycle at week 8, that way you run your hgh in to your PCT.

  3. #3
    First 4 weeks at 2iu 5/2 isn't going to do much. If you can afford it, I'd start at 3iu/ed or 5/2. Like DCannon says, I'd try to run HGH through PCT. You can keep more gains. I'd also do the Anavar little earlier in your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    thanks for the input ScotchGuard/DCann....

    my intent for starting at 2iu's a day is to gradually ramp up to 5iu's. i will take your advice and start 3iu's at week 3. When would you recommend starting the anavar?

    also, should the daily iu dosage be tapered down towards the end of pct or run at 5iu's all the way through?

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    start at 1iu and ramp up .5 every 3-5days

  6. #6
    Anavar's awesome stuff. You can start it almost anytime.

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