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Thread: MuscleTech / Nitro Tech HC

  1. #1
    jmcaldwell92 Guest

    MuscleTech / Nitro Tech HC

    okay, so I've been taking my MuscleTech NT HC for about a month now and I feel like Ive gotten some pretty decent gains from it.
    I went and talked to a guy at GMC today about a few supplement and what he thought and he kinda screwed my head.

    I just ordered USPlabs Jack3d for a pre-workout supplement and I'm also about to start on the USPlabs OxyElite Pro Dietary Super thermogetic supplement

    He told me that those we're great for what I am wanting to do
    I am wanting to lose bf but gain muscle at the same time.

    But he told me that what I am using for protein is Terrible. He told me that MuscleTech USED to be a really great brand but they have gone downhill within the past few years. He said that the ratios on the Nitro Tech are so messed up that the only thing it will do is put weight on me ( FAT WEIGHT ).

    Then he refered me to the GNC product "AMP" for protein because it will give me the exact results for what I am wanting. So I wanted yalls opinion on this. I dont know if he is just trying to sell me their product or what but he said that it is exactly what he uses for his workouts.

    What do you all think? I'm kinda messed up cause I just ordered 4lb of this MuscleTech and I wanna know if I just wasted 45 bucks for it....

  2. #2
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    Jan 2009
    1. Muscletech is overpriced, overmarketed stuff that you end up paying for and it is the last protein I would be spending (wasting) my money on.

    2. I would guess there is some financial incentive for him selling GNC product, so of course he is trying to steer you that way. GNC is another brand I would not touch with a 10 ft pole for a variety of reasons.

    Personally I use EAS, 5lbs for $28 and I know it is good quality. $45 for 4lbs is ridiculous.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    1. Muscletech is overpriced, overmarketed stuff that you end up paying for and it is the last protein I would be spending (wasting) my money on.

    2. I would guess there is some financial incentive for him selling GNC product, so of course he is trying to steer you that way. GNC is another brand I would not touch with a 10 ft pole for a variety of reasons.

    Personally I use EAS, 5lbs for $28 and I know it is good quality. $45 for 4lbs is ridiculous.
    1 and 2 are both great points. Never shop at GNC, you will get ripped off every time. Never take advice to people who are in a position to profit from it. Never buy Muscletech products.

    As far as protein, there are plenty of better options to choose from. Just do some research. I know a lot of us on here are huge fans of Optimum Nutrition.

  4. #4
    jmcaldwell92 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    1 and 2 are both great points. Never shop at GNC, you will get ripped off every time. Never take advice to people who are in a position to profit from it. Never buy Muscletech products.

    As far as protein, there are plenty of better options to choose from. Just do some research. I know a lot of us on here are huge fans of Optimum Nutrition.

    Yeah, Thank you both for the Feedback

    Noo- I know that optimums has a good rep. I wish I hadnt bought this 4lb of Nitro but Im going to go ahead and finish it the mean time I was thinking of saving up and going all out for a 10lb bag of optimums so that I am set for quiet a while. With how much I weight(220) Im going through protein like water.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jmcaldwell92 View Post
    okay, so I've been taking my MuscleTech NT HC for about a month now and I feel like Ive gotten some pretty decent gains from it.
    I went and talked to a guy at GMC today about a few supplement and what he thought and he kinda screwed my head.

    I just ordered USPlabs Jack3d for a pre-workout supplement and I'm also about to start on the USPlabs OxyElite Pro Dietary Super thermogetic supplement

    He told me that those we're great for what I am wanting to do
    I am wanting to lose bf but gain muscle at the same time.

    But he told me that what I am using for protein is Terrible. He told me that MuscleTech USED to be a really great brand but they have gone downhill within the past few years. He said that the ratios on the Nitro Tech are so messed up that the only thing it will do is put weight on me ( FAT WEIGHT ).

    Then he refered me to the GNC product "AMP" for protein because it will give me the exact results for what I am wanting. So I wanted yalls opinion on this. I dont know if he is just trying to sell me their product or what but he said that it is exactly what he uses for his workouts.

    What do you all think? I'm kinda messed up cause I just ordered 4lb of this MuscleTech and I wanna know if I just wasted 45 bucks for it....
    Don't take advice from the peeps at GNC buddy, their sales are commision driven. And muscle Tech gears their product toward the 17 year old kid who thinks their going t look like Jay Cutler after taking some cell tech and nitro tech, (they're outlandish with their claims.) As far as protein goes- I recall reading in an issue of Muscular Development magazine, chemists were brought in to test the quality of Optimum Nutrition protein powder- long story short- it rated very good. Most if not all of the ingredients in the serving sizs were present. Can't go wrong with ON, bud. Opt for that one, no pun intended!

  6. #6
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    Bro, GNC is waaaayyyy overpriced.....and besides, friends don't let friends use muscle tech, I mean protien is protien, go get some EAS or hell, go get Body Fortress at Wally World...or hell, go eat a bunch of meat....even better.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    1. Muscletech is overpriced, overmarketed stuff that you end up paying for and it is the last protein I would be spending (wasting) my money on.

    2. I would guess there is some financial incentive for him selling GNC product, so of course he is trying to steer you that way. GNC is another brand I would not touch with a 10 ft pole for a variety of reasons.
    1) completely agree, screw Muscletech
    2) fyi...unless it's a manager, there's usually no financial incentive for a GNC employee to sell almost all of the GNC branded products. Only a few GNC items actually have a commission on them. And there's no commissions on any of the AMP line from them.

    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Don't take advice from the peeps at GNC buddy, their sales are commision driven. And muscle Tech gears their product toward the 17 year old kid who thinks their going t look like Jay Cutler after taking some cell tech and nitro tech, (they're outlandish with their claims.) As far as protein goes- I recall reading in an issue of Muscular Development magazine, chemists were brought in to test the quality of Optimum Nutrition protein powder- long story short- it rated very good. Most if not all of the ingredients in the serving sizs were present. Can't go wrong with ON, bud. Opt for that one, no pun intended!
    As per above, selling a GNC product rarely benefits a non-managerial GNC employee fact, they get almost all their commissions from selling third-party products. Another FYI, MuscleTech gives some of the best commissions...easy way to tell whether or not a GNC employee gives a crap about the customer ask if MT or ON is better: nice commission on MT, no commission on ON.

    Also, if you want to compare protein as far as the quality goes: if you like Optimum's protein then by definition you must like GNC's protein too.
    Last edited by Lnh; 11-30-2010 at 12:15 PM. Reason: clarification

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The beach is that way -->
    be careful with that stuff,
    My best friend mixed a muscle tech product with a diet coke and died/
    One time the label on NanoVapour said do not shake,, Like an idiot I did and the bottle exploded in my hands and I had to get 37.5 stiches

  9. #9
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    be careful with that stuff,
    My best friend mixed a muscle tech product with a diet coke and died/
    One time the label on NanoVapour said do not shake,, Like an idiot I did and the bottle exploded in my hands and I had to get 37.5 stiches
    yes, one time i took cell tech and punched a hole through the wall and ripped my shirt, it will turn you into jay cutler.

  10. #10
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    Wow REALLY

  11. #11
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    1. Muscletech is overpriced, overmarketed stuff that you end up paying for and it is the last protein I would be spending (wasting) my money on.

    2. I would guess there is some financial incentive for him selling GNC product, so of course he is trying to steer you that way. GNC is another brand I would not touch with a 10 ft pole for a variety of reasons.

    Personally I use EAS, 5lbs for $28 and I know it is good quality. $45 for 4lbs is ridiculous.
    i use the same protien and even though its not the latest greatest protien available i feel it serves its purpouse and is priced right...besides it should be used to supplement your protien intake which should be mostly whole foods...

  12. #12
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    MuscleTech is probably the most overrated / overpriced supplement company today. I never buy their products, nor shop at GNC.

    I have heard good things about usp labs. My sister is on a cycle of oxypro and loves it. Good source of energy & appetite suppressant.

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    ON is a good choice, i personally use reflex, it wins hands down on everything but dont know if its available in the USA?

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