Hi, I am 26 years old and currently weigh 210 lbs. I'm 6'3.5" and would consider myself pretty lean but am not 100% sure on my body fat percentage. Definitely in the lower healthy range (15%ish maybe?). Im getting in about 5k healthy cals a day and lots of protein and carbs. I currently have the gear as follows:
20cc Testosterone Ethanate 250ml
10cc Masteron 250 ml
and 30 ml liquid tamoxifen citrate at 20mg per ml (liquinolva)
Kind of new to the whole steroid thing and just need some suggestions at how I could properly run this cycle within 10 weeks to keep most of my gains and not cause harm to my body. Mostly focused on getting good PCT information because administering the injections is something I am somewhat educated in and am thinking 2cc per week for 10 weeks of test ethanate but really wanna know when i should add in the masteron, when i should add in the nolva, and if i can inject the masteron and test in the same injection/needle. thanks for your time!