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Thread: SYNERGY: Test Enth, Winny, Proviron, HGH, dbol or abombs(interchangable)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South

    Smile SYNERGY: Test Enth, Winny, Proviron, HGH, dbol or abombs(interchangable)

    This is my 4th cycle. Trying to do some significant cutting. CARDIO!!! Looking for the best synergistic advice on putting these compounds together. Here is what I have so far...

    Pre-cycle 1-6 clen 2wks on 2off
    HGH peptide 171 10 days b4HGH starting week 1 (wanted to give it a shot b4 I really start my gh cycle)

    625mgs Test Enth/wk 1-14

    Anadrol 50mg/ed wk 1-4

    Winny 40mg/ed wk1-12
    Proviron 25mg/ed wk 1-16

    HGH 3iu/day wk 1-18
    T3 50mcg/day may increase to 75
    Adex .5mg EOD
    PCT: Aromasin, HCG, HGH, plus nolva and clomid on hand.
    Considering running the hcg throughout cycle and PCT, or just on cycle or just pct. Let me know what you think!!! Let me know what you think.

    BTW stats: 6ft 210 16%bf this will be my fourth cycle.

    I realize that I am running several 17aa orals.. I can also substitute dbol for the Abombs... plus I am keeping them at a low dose..

    All comments appreciated
    Last edited by jamikehat; 12-03-2010 at 06:31 PM. Reason: change of info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    To clear up a few things..
    I have finished pre-cycle and am currently off clen. I also ran 50mcg t3 during. Just measured..down to 14% bf.

    Any thoughts on decreasing cycle length to 12 weeks and running the test E at 625/wk??
    I only have 3 weeks worth of anadrol
    I do have 4 weeks of dbol though.. so probably will substitute. I don't care for the bloat that comes with it. I'm not exactly thrilled.
    I start December 5th. two days from now.
    Input would be greatly appreciated.

    Sorry! I have rambled so much the most important question has probably been forgotten. Who recommends HCG during cycle or PCT. Not both. For my cycle.Why is always appreciated.
    Again sorry for the rant! Thanks for hanging in there.
    Last edited by jamikehat; 12-03-2010 at 09:23 PM. Reason: typos

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Definitely run the HCG on cycle at 250 iu's twice a week. HCG is best used as preventative medicine rather than a cure for something your going to induce on yourself (hypogonadism). Read Swiftos explanation in the PCT thread (or PM him). I've done it both ways and it's sooo much easier with PCT when you have your balls in order when coming off AAS. IMO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Yeah to me the HCG thing is just so straight forward,

    If you were growing strawberries and you only had a limited amount of water would you rather water a little bit twice a week or just let them shrivel up, then right before you pickem water the hell out of them trying to get them to return to normal? Kind of amazing the way guys will do shit to their balls they would not do to strawberries...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I think a lot of guys are paranoid about the studies where HCG desensitized the subjects, but I think that was prolonged, big doses (1500 iu's a day or something) I would like to see some sort of study done on the 500 iu's a week...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    Thanks for the input fellas! any other comments or critiques on the cycle would also be appreciated. Headed out for the gym Peace!

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