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Thread: seasoned weightlifter contemplating use of AAS (long post)

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  1. #1
    we're all still learning man. that's why I posted on this board. for instance, I have no experience with AAS so I realize the fact that someone like you would probably have a lot of advice to offer. But please, don't try and tell me you weren't being cocky - everything about what you said was cocky. sorry to have reacted that way and "reeled in the childish attitude," but it annoys me when people say things over message boards that they probably wouldn't say in person.

    and I'd be hard pressed to say that my diet isn't up to par for what I'm doing right'd better believe it's different when I'm tryin to pack on mass (and this is something I said)...not to mention on a cycle - calories would increase 3-fold at least

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    we're all still learning man. that's why I posted on this board. for instance, I have no experience with AAS so I realize the fact that someone like you would probably have a lot of advice to offer. But please, don't try and tell me you weren't being cocky - everything about what you said was cocky. sorry to have reacted that way and "reeled in the childish attitude," but it annoys me when people say things over message boards that they probably wouldn't say in person.

    and I'd be hard pressed to say that my diet isn't up to par for what I'm doing right'd better believe it's different when I'm tryin to pack on mass (and this is something I said)...not to mention on a cycle - calories would increase 3-fold at least
    you need to understand that things in text form can be perceived wrongly, which you did. 1st off, 200mg EQ is a total and utter waste, your diet needs to be varied and what in the hell is 'good sleep hygene'? think of 'you need to learn how to eat properly' as being said calmly and friendly instead of immediately getting on the offensive and taking it wrongly. stick on some motorhead and relax lol

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