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Thread: Has anyone tried M-Drol + Test-E Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Las Vegas, NV

    Has anyone tried M-Drol + Test-E Cycle?

    I was reading up on Mdrol, and everyone says that it better then dbol. and you get pretty great gains even as a PH.

    So, what I'm wondering has anyone tried adding it in with Test-e? Would that be safe?

    Since Mdrol is used for mass gaining mostly, and dbol is more strength I couldn't imagine what the results would be. studies I read on mdrol the average weight gain was 7-8pounds of dry mass in a 4week cycle.

    Anyone seen this done?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I have and i LOVED IT! i did 30mgs a day of mdrol for 4weeks adn 500mgs of test for 10weeks and it worked great. Im on DBol now and personaly i like the MDrol better... less blotting form it

  3. #3
    Ive worked with some guys who have ran it that way. I must admit it worked real well.

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