is it common that the heart grows from steroid? or is it just a natural growth from just having more muscles ? like more muscles more blood needed to get pumped out = bigger heart?
is it common that the heart grows from steroid? or is it just a natural growth from just having more muscles ? like more muscles more blood needed to get pumped out = bigger heart?
schwarzeneger has a pig vavle in his heart.
Interested about this also.... would this side effect occur as quickly as 1,2 basic 10week test cycle?
probably not to an extent that would be noticeable.. but most definitley in the 10-12 cycles range.. They did an autopsy on one BB, i can not remember his name, and his hear t was like 2x.5X the size that it should be.. Doctors would geraky agree that this is a health hazard, but that is up for debate.
I really would take this with a grain of salt. I don`t buy this type of comment, show me some evidence. I`m not saying it can`t happen but to claim 10 cycles will cause it is simply a moronic statement. Also how badly was the bb that had the autopsy abusing steroids?? Did he have a large heart to begin with? how do you know? please don`t spread your un-backed bogus opinions on here.probably not to an extent that would be noticeable.. but most definitley in the 10-12 cycles range.
just pointing out ... he DID say nobody knows 100%... cardiac hypertrophy occurs as a chronic effect of cardiovascular training... so you can get an enlarged heart NATURALLY. a bigger concern would be hdl/ldl levels, hypertension, and other bad stuff. hypertrophy? idk that i've heard of anyone dying from a bigger heart, but that just means i haven't heard of it
your heart is enlarged when lifting , cardio etc... and most athletes have enlarged hearts
How about this; schedual an appt with your cardiologist and have him look at your heart with one of those instruments used to see a baby in the womb. Tell him about a cycle your planning, get his take and have him monitor your heart.
you must have read the argument wrong im saying thats a cover because it is from roids and bb so yea i dont think he wants people using steroids. he still backs bb dont know what makes you think he doesn't theres the arnold classic, he is the cheif editor of two muscle magazines im looking at an october 2010 muscle and fitness magazine right now with him on the cover. and his political power only means better things for bb and the fitness community arnold would never turn his back on bb simply because of the money he earns from it.
Steroids and other drugs taken in huge doses have a miriad of negative health effects, keep in mind many of those who are in the press were the ones taking grams per week non-stop for years and years on end. They did this without the benefit of the knowlege we have gained through their sacrifice, while longterm usage of huge amounts of AAS is likely to cause changes in the heart the implication for the occasional user is probably not nearly as dire. As far as Arnold having a pig valve in his heart..lots of people his age particularly those engaged in lifestyles as stressful as politics have heart problems.
If you are really concerned about this and you have the financial means why not get some imaging done so that you will be able to detect any changes before they become exaggerated, of course as has already been stated hard physical excersize also causes heart enlargement so you physician will need to look for ventricular inbalance, it is the left ventricle of the heart that becomes enlarged from extended AAS usage in some individuals.
the enlarged left vent is a GOOD thing though, the thickened tissue walls are what create the force and increased volume of the blood being ejected into the body (stroke volume).
there's a certain point where too big of a ventricle will be bad though. i would say that if you cycle more than 1x a year, get an echo on your heart once every 1-2 years. you can claim murmurs or palpitations to get it under insurance
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