Great thread Vette, keep it going!
Great thread Vette, keep it going!
10iu first thing past couple mornings. Same after slin meals.
Keeping pwo slin at 14iu. Same dextrose and meals after with no issues. Ive even been able to lower the dextrose a bit. I assume once over 10iu, it takes a bit for the body to adjust. (for me)
Nice thread Vette!
Im anxious to see your results man. Ive noticed through-out your avatars you have noticably been getting hulked bro...Congrats.
Q: If im about to start a GH burst cycle, would you rec to add insulin or just the GH by itself? Ive heard about the awesome results on the GH/slin combo. This will be my first GH cycle ever.
Hey vettewreck,
Do you think it would be safe taking a pre-workout supplement like jack3d when i am pinning slin immediately post workout?
Thanks in advance
Last edited by yungone501; 01-11-2011 at 05:21 PM.
Youngone, IMO since its your first GH run, id stick to just that.
Denon, using a pre workout drink isnt bad. Just monitor your body closely after your shot and start LOW dose bc it will be hard (for a first timer) to tell the diff between hypo and the shakes from a drink.
Dec11, maybe its not an actual burst but ive read that high dosages up to 10iu (gradually of course) e
EOD could be more beneficial due to actually simulating the bodys method during say puberty...
Sorry vette for the highjack just wanted to clarify what i meant by burst.
And vette, thanks for the response. One step at a time with these compounds, i agree.
have you had any issues with heartburn mate? im fookn crippled with it this past few days.
also noticing that out of the slin window, i could eat the cupboard bare, im ravinous, even just after eating
Last edited by dec11; 01-13-2011 at 01:13 PM.
Na no heart burn for me and I have a hard time eating right now bc of the Dbol. It kills my appetite but I gotta force myself.
However, last slin run I didnt notice any more hunger than usual.
Ive been toying the past 10 days or so with pre workout slin shots and ive decided not to do it anymore. For me, i just generally dont feel good after several hours. I much more like the feeling of the pwo higher dose IU shot.
Currently going Hypo as I write this. Just ate a subway cookie (yum!), a glas of coke and a few spoonfuls of ice cream.
2hours ago I did my 14iu of slin pwo, thinking right now I WAY mis-measured my dextrose. Only put in 81g bc I was thinking of my morning 10iu shot as I mixed my shake. Now im realizing RIGHT NOW i needed 127g -ish..... hypo not fading... headed back to the kitchen for more sugar as above isnt going to cut it!!!
Forgive for my ignorance on slin...but why must u consume so much sugar after injecting and doesnt this kill ur figure?
I understand (vaguely) how the compound is so anabolic but it all just seems so dam confusing to me. Like how do u know how much to start off with and how much sugar to consume to prevent any problems?
It all is dependant on per IU of slin. So The standard to start with is 10g of sugar per 1iu of slin. So 4iu, you drink 40g of sugar. Then, you can start assessing your tolerance by lowering the sugar per gram. Like 8g per 1iu instead of 10g per 1iu. But this is also why it is so dangerous, 1 mistake, like I just made, can kill you. I made my shake according to 10iu... but I actually took a 14iu shot and my sugar was WAY lower than what it needed to be. Luckily, I was home and could raid the fridge for sugar real quick. If you were out you may have passed out, fell into a diabetic coma, and possibly die. That is why everything you do for the next 4 hours after your slin shot must be monitored and calculated.
Well uanswered half of my
How bout why must u consume the sugar and why doesnt this really add any fat?
U say ur actually reducing waist size...
Insulin is like a key that opens up the locks on your body's cells so that glucose (blood sugar) can get inside and be used for energy, as well as bringing amino acids into your muscle cells. So you need to take in sugars/simple carbs so that the insulin you are taking can do its job.
Without sugars and just pure insulin in your body you will become Hypoglycemic. Meaning too much insulin released in the body.
And the reason it doesnt add fat is because you are using Insulin which is basically shoving all the sugars and carbs into your muscles.
In laymans terms... all the sugars and carbs are used due to the insulin. So they are not left to float around in your blood stream, get broken down, then get used and what isnt used... gets stored as fat.
So still on my slin cycle, 10iu in the morning and 14 pwo afternoon. All is going good still however im sitting and holding at 226lbs. I will say i look great though. But, ive also started tapering down my test bc im coming off everything at the end of this month for a few months break before spring/summer cycle.
Honestly I wouldnt raise the morning slin on your first run. Just let it work, get me?
Yeah I literally cant raise cals anymore. Im on the verge on throwing up as it is every 2/3 hours. Im maxed out. Its all good. Im strong as hell and bigger than most, hard, and thicker than ive ever been. Im happy.
have you ever went IM with the slin mate? i was think of tryin afew in bi's for the quicker release and to cut down on the injection volume to the stomach as im on gh aswell
no i havent man. No clue how thats gonna work man. Just be ready!
Id guess it would be alot faster than 1.5hours... Id guess like 45min
great log vette, looks like you are doing great! Props
Thanks buddy! Im off my dbol now and I have 1 week left of test-e, which ive been tapering down for the past 3 weeks, then im off everything for a few months.
I just posted new pics in the members pics section
Dunno why youre running masteron with Dbol. Dbol gives bloat and masteron is a looks drug. Kinda fight eachother. Id end with Tbol over Dbol or Anavar.
have you had any headaches while on the slin mate? ive had a nagging pain every day around my right temple for afew weeks now
Na man, not that I can contribute to the slin at least.
Ok guys. my 2nd Humalog Insulin cycle has come to an end. Went up to 10iu in the morning and 14iu post work out. Honestly have to say I didnt notice any difference at 14 than I did at 10 pwo from my firtst slin run. In fact I ended at 225lbs compaired to 229 on my first run with lower IUs. However, I was stronger this time around but I also wouldnt say any leaner than my first run. Dunno. Im off everything now, test, dbol, and slin.. off for a few months to let my body recover. I expect to lose some weight since I will be off the test and slin at the same time. However I will maintain and hold alot bc I usually always have. Thank you guys for reading and hope you learned some new stuff.
great log vette... definitely learned a bit from your experience = thanks you def look like a beast now!
Job well done mate! I'm still fine tuning mine in my head..... I want my next go to put me over the top. we shall see
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