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Thread: Thoughts on A Winstrol Only Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Thoughts on A Winstrol Only Cycle?

    This will be my first cycle. I have decided that I should probably start slow with a smaller cycle on one of the less potent steroids.
    I will be taking tabs at 50mgs a day for 6 weeks - Is this a good idea?

    Would I expect much gains from a winny only cycle? I have seen a lot of cycles with winny combined with something else, but not by itself.

    Also, what extra suppliments should I be taking to counter any side-effects the cycle may bring about? I'm looking at taking fish oil tabs throughout the cycle to keep my joints lubricated. Milk thistle to be kind to my liver (as they are going to be tabs and quite harsh on the liver), and Tamoxifen for the PCT.

    Reason for asking these questions is I have really struggled to find any info on Winstrol-only cycles.

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Bad idea imo, winstrol will still shut you down, test is all that is needed for a first cycle....

    What are your stats.

    Years Training?????
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    winnie fvcked me up.... i'm a little older but it dried up my joints and i'm betting is why my knee blew out. I ended up tossing out 8 grams straight into the crapper

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Age: 20 (I know, underage, but IMO I have reached my max - Haven't grown since I was 18, have be fluctuating between 60 - 65kgs for the last year even with intense training and changing diet)
    Weight: Around 60-65kgs
    BF%: About 8-9%
    Height: 5"4'
    Years Training: 4 (Started at 16, started slow for a year - 17 to 20 have been training hard with increasing strength gains yet very slow weight gains. Diet has been increasingly changed (I eat very well))

    Have been the smallest kid all my life, and this "small" thing is really getting to me, I'm in good shape and workout has made me quite a lot bigger, yet my gains are slowing and I'm starting to plateau.

    By "Shut you down" what exactly do you mean? I was looking into taking it with test, by was worried that still being young, that would be too much? I know I am too young etc. but thought with just a smallish Winstrol cycle and good PCT it wouldn't have such a negative effect? Am I completely wrong?

    Thanks for the advice, I have read a lot about it, but am still learning, so will take any negative feedback as constructive!

    Cheers lads.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    winnie fvcked me up.... i'm a little older but it dried up my joints and i'm betting is why my knee blew out. I ended up tossing out 8 grams straight into the crapper
    Were you taking supps to lubricate joints? I have heard it messes up joints, but with enough suppliments to lubricate joints and enough down time after cycles it would be alright? How many cycles did you use with winny?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young to take steroids, you have a high amount of natural test at your age to build decent amounts of muscles tissue, by taking steroids and that means winny and test you will shut down production of your natural testosterone and your body hasn't fully developed yet and by shutting down these hormones could result in you have some nasty sides what could be with you for the rest of your life. Your HPTA isn't full developed yet and if you shut this system down it may never run at peak again or you may never fully recover again, being on hrt at your age isn't a happy time, not being able to get a hard on isn't going to go down well with your girlfriend. So use what you have, if you cant put weight on at your age its all down to your diet.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your to young to take steroids, you have a high amount of natural test at your age to build decent amounts of muscles tissue, by taking steroids and that means winny and test you will shut down production of your natural testosterone and your body hasn't fully developed yet and by shutting down these hormones could result in you have some nasty sides what could be with you for the rest of your life. Your HPTA isn't full developed yet and if you shut this system down it may never run at peak again or you may never fully recover again, being on hrt at your age isn't a happy time, not being able to get a hard on isn't going to go down well with your girlfriend. So use what you have, if you cant put weight on at your age its all down to your diet.
    Would a decent PCT not combat this though and get my system back to its original state? I didn't think winny would have such a strong effect on my natural test in the long run?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markyd View Post
    Would a decent PCT not combat this though and get my system back to its original state? I didn't think winny would have such a strong effect on my natural test in the long run?
    You have a hormonal system whats not fully developed and by shutting it down you can cause serious problems what would be with you for the rest of your life, the risk is still there even if you conduct a proper pct, read this it may help

    of course effects your HPTA and you also said you was running it with test!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Alright, thanks for the adivce mate, will have a read of that

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