I remember playing Doom for the first time and being like, Holy Shiat these graphics are insane!
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
Depressed? Healthy Way Out!
Tips For Young Lifters
MuscleScience Training Log
I use to play Wolfenstein 3D and say the samething.
nice lil history lesson
Awesome video!
So many memories
I used to fake sick when I was young so I could stay home from school and play Quake online
i played every game in that video except the very first
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
Depressed? Healthy Way Out!
Tips For Young Lifters
MuscleScience Training Log
Loved Doom. I had the version that was on the Sega 32x.
Wow, sooo many memories. Remember playing a LOT of Doom, Doom II, Golden Eye and Perfect Dark with friends years ago. To be fair Doom and Doom 2 are still fun to play now.
Quake 3 was my first online gaming experience.
What a great video! I swear I welled up watching it. Really brought me back to simpler times.
I was a HUGE Half-Life guy, couldn't get enough of that game! When they FINALLY released HL2, well, it was worth the wait.
My all time fav though was Team Fortress Classic. It originally was a Quake mod and ran on that engine, and later they ported it over to Sierra and it was packaged with Half-Life.
I miss those days, thanks for the memories DSM!
Last edited by gbrice75; 01-22-2011 at 11:06 AM. Reason: iPhone auto correct sucks sometimes! =P
I woulda kicked your ass in TFC! Sniper..... no contest. I could double conc jump 2forts bridge and infect you with the medic before you could even know whats commin.....
That game consumed a large part of my life LOL..... i'd love to play it again. Had a clan too..... 1st place OGL gold
Yea..... I had no life for a couple years lol
Pfft, you're calling me out in my number one class? On the best sniper map in the game? I would have hit you with jump headshots all over 2fort! My name was xXHead$hotXx - lol remember those types of names with the X's, like they were supposed to intimidate people? =P
Sadly, I can't remember the name of my effing clan. Most wound up moving over to CS which I never liked much - I was stuck in TFC forever lol!
Man, i've tried connecting in hopes to find SOMEBODY running a server - i'd give ANYTHING to play that game again, it was the funnest shit ever. You could spend whole days and not even feel the time go by. My God, Dustbowl, Avanti... remember those?
Yeah, Golden Eye was a massive hit for Nintendo and RARE. It came out shortly after Quake and Turok, when FPS games were finally going full 3D, and because of the depth, variety of modern weapons and (for the time) more advanced engine graphics, it was insanely popular. It was easily one of the most successful and popular games on the N64. I would say GoldenEye was the game that became the for-runner for more, realistic FPS games later on like Call of Duty and Modern Warfare.
Quake 3 Online probably has the most badass soundtrack to any game, fvcking loved that game. No nonsense, fast, high octane frag fest.
Last edited by Flagg; 01-22-2011 at 11:18 AM.
Anyone here play BFBC2?
meh, don't get me started on how console ports are ruining pc gaming...as for modern war fps's, i like bf2's physics the most of all i've played....the newer games have more bling/eye candy but bf2 runs fast as hell and the physics are good...the newer games (which tend to be console written games that are then ported to pc) are dumbed down for all the kids and their gamepad controllers...all the stupid noobs have left bf2 for the newer games which leaves the vets and that makes bf2 gaming all the more better
I would normally agree but like i posted before BFBC2 set a new bar and that bar is destruction.
The game play is different and while i agree with you (i LOVE BF2) i will be disappointed if BF3 doesn't have destruction (which rumor is they will have it). You don't know what you are missing with not having this addition to the game. No more snipers camping in windows killing everything that walks by with god like protection from drywall. Now you see a sniper in a window and if you are the right class, send an RPG right into the wall and BOOM dead.
I am a true BF fan and absolutely love the BF series but BFBC2 isn't a BF squeal. It's a totally different game with different gameplay and i guess my point is that its def worth taking a look at.
How about Rainbow Six? OMFG, nobody mentioned Medal of Honor?
i can't wait to see what my kids are gonna be playin in 10 years, wonder how far technology will take us
LMAO! My name was [Rabid]Hazard - Rabid was the name of our clan. Not to be confused with the Counter Strike clan. I was the founder lmao!
ok..... Theres no effin way you were a better shot then me LOL! I was a jump sniper..... i'd jump into a crouch and could headshot a scout durring a conc jump.
I definately remember avanti and dustbowl..... I can't remember the map right now but if you were an engineer you could goto the enemies respawn and use an EMP grenade to get you up into the rafters. There was enough room to build a sentry gun up there..... I used to LOVE pissin people off up there LMAO! I'll post up some screen shots of my playing days if I can find em.
we should start an AR clan
^^^^ LMAO
Clan Juice Head..... it has a nice ring to it.....
Lmao, we'll never know Haz, we'll just never know!
Man, I love taking strolls down memory lane like this. I can't remember the name of that map either, but I know what you're talking about. Speaking of engineer's, they were fun as hell too when you know where to set your sentry gun's up. In fact, most classes were fun to play except Heavy Weapons, the ultimate n00b class!
Lmao, remember when somebody would be acting like a dick, and the admin of that server would make it so that everything the dude typed would come out like "BLEAAAPPP" and all kinds of sh!t! lol!!! Such a great game, I can still hear all of the sounds in my head... spawning..... the sound of those blasts in the distance.... the medic infecting somebody....
Are you aware of ANY way possible to play? I suppose the game could be installed and played on a LAN, but that's no fun - I want to play in cyberspace like the old days!
Wow, it's kinda funny this thread was made a few days ago, which makes this announcement even cooler.
It's been about 15 years in the making, but the Sequel to DUKE NUKEM is arriving, in May. Here's a Trailer:
It's getting better and better
better and better
This is how i roll, ROFL
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