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Thread: Red5's First Cycle

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Red5
    I don't think you understand me, they are all 12years old and a right pain in the arse! Wanting me to play their stupid board games and shit.Never did get to the gym, now my whole schedule is thrown out.Man that pisses me off.Today has been a right bummer and to top it off i didn't eat that well, maybe scraped in 250g <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a>.Tomorrow will be better.

    Sorry bro I thought you meant as in "your girl" your girlfriend... now I see how wrong I was. Sorry to hear you had such a bad day.

    Peace, and congrats on 20 lbs!
    And yes, Brad Pitt is skinny as fuck.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well here we are at the end of week nine.Strength gains are slowing on most bodyparts, however i did legs today and after warmup I was going to put the same weight I got 6 reps with last week.Then I thought to myself "No, put some more on and force yourself to lift it" and I did 5 clean arse to heel reps with another 20lbs.I could have got 1 or 2 more but didn't have a spotter.Then I went on to arms and couldn't even manage the same reps and weight i used last week.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I know the feelin man... a week ago I did 8reps and then at my next workout I hit 6 clean with 30 more pounds and it was easy... how much are you weighin now? And are you becoming glad with the progress or do you still think you're gaining slow?
    Great job.


  4. #44
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    May 2002
    You know, it's funny.Sometimes I'll look in the mirror and if the light is just right and I stand in the right pose I think I can see an improvement and there are other times when I can't see anything and I feel like a fat bastard.I wish all my bodyparts would gain the same strength increases as my legs.I would love to come into the gym and bench the same reps as last week with 20 more lbs on the bar.I have always thought of myself as a hardgainer, but that's just because it takes time to learn about training and the importance of diet.How many of us have said to ourselves "If only i knew when I started training what I know now I could have saved myself years of struggle" ?
    I will weigh in on Monday and of course will be posting results.
    Although I am further than I would have been without the gear, I'm still a little disappointed with this cycle.Maybe I expected too much for a first cycle.Lack of gains could be due to training or diet, but I was expecting to feel GREAT while on, jacked, confident, agressive, horny all the time, but I feel the same as I always have.
    I'm going to do the same cycle again, but with a different brand of test and will add 300mgs Deca as well.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Final week.
    Took last shot today and only 1cc left in the bottle.Have I been overdosing or is my source underfilling his bottles? Whatever, I stuck it in and everytime I pushed down on the plunger pain up and down my whole thigh.Damm it, I couldn't be bothered to pull out, change needles and go again so I just gritted my teeth and shoved it in.Its only 1cc after all.I'm guessing that I hit a nerve, but that isn't the same as hitting a vein right? I mean you can't inject into a nerve can you?
    Hitting back today and will also weigh myself.Can't believe it's over, just two weeks till clomid therapy and then 10 weeks of recovery before doing it all over again.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I hit a fucking nerve in my leg last week. It is no problem but it will hurt like a bitch for about two days.
    Amazing... seems like yesterday when I read up on your first shot.
    And I remember my own first shot like it was this week... but I've still got 11 to go .


  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I know, it has gone by so fast, I remember when I started thinking 10 weeks was such a long way away and yet here we are.
    Worked chest yesterday started with incline bb only managed same weight and reps as last week for first set, but every set after was a rep more than before.Onto flat bench next my 1rm max at the start of this cycle I got 4 reps and then 3 reps last week.Yesterday I pushed it up for 5 and then again for 6.This is pretty much how my strength has gone up over the last 10 weeks nothing dramatic just a steady climb. Doing shoulders on wed haven't maxed out for a few weeks, wonder how many reps I can get with my 1rm max.
    Oh yeah put on another 2lbs this week, gonna push it this last week and see if I can make 25lbs gained.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by Red5
    You know, it's funny.Sometimes I'll look in the mirror and if the light is just right and I stand in the right pose I think I can see an improvement and there are other times when I can't see anything and I feel like a fat bastard.
    There are plenty of times that I've experienced that very feeling throughout my little adventure to the darkside, and it is a bit frustrating to say the least. I've found that you really have to abandon your own views on the situation and go by feedback from others. To a point, you need to be critical of your own physique, but I think that all too often we are overly so.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hey Red, actually if you're doing 5-6 reps with your old 1RM that is a dramatic improvement. If you were maxing around 275-325 before, and now you are doing 5-6 reps with it, it means that a total increase of about 45-60 lbs. My old max was 270, and now I'm repping 276 for 4, meaning an increase of about 40 lbs.
    Keep pumpin, good luck on 25 bro!


  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Yeah I know.I keep moaning that I don't see any results, but when I look back at what I was lifting 3-4 months ago I realise just how far I've come.I put my 6rm into one of those calculators to see what my new 1rm would be and it came out 40lb more than my old 1rm so thats not bad at all.I'm doing chest tomorrow so I will see how accurate that estimate is.
    My seated military press 1rm is up 20lb and I can get that for 3 reps, and because my sqaut has suddenly started improving in leaps and bounds the last few weeks I actually started looking forward to leg day and that has never happened before.
    Not sure if I will hit 25lb as my diet has been a bit off the last 5 days due to domestic problems.Most of that weight has gone onto my thighs,back, chest and shoulders however some of it has found its way to my waist which has shown the same kind of growth as the rest of me.Even stranger is my wrist is growing evidenced by the fact that I had to open my watch strap a couple of holes in order to get on without cutting of the circulation.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hey bro why don't you just post your lifts?
    Like what was your bench before and what is it now?



  12. #52
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Its been one week since final shot and it was nice not having to get up this morning and worry about sticking myself.On the other hand I am really enjoying being on and lifting heavier and heavier weights that I am tempted to extend the cycle.However I am not going to fall into that trap, I am going to cycle sensibly with plenty of time off.I can see why some people have trouble coming off though.
    Did chest yesterday and had a great workout.Went for 1rm and ended 50lb up on my max before cycle.I was amazed, I never thought I could lift that much.That's probably because I always start my chest workout with incline press and then move to flat, however yesterday I started with flat and because my muscles weren't already fatiuged from the incline my normal weights felt easy.So I kept doing 1 rep sets and adding more and more weight, it felt so good.
    Weighed myself today 218lb which is 23lb more than start weight.I don't think I will gain anymore, just going to try to hold onto as much as I can when I start clomid next week.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    How much did you get up bro?
    Lets hear some actual numbers!!!

    Congrats on the 23 pounds that's an enourmous amount.


  14. #54
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    May 2002
    Two weeks since last shot and starting clomid today.Took two tabs this morning and almost threw them straight back up.That is the nastiest tasting shit I have ever tried.
    I am a little concerned about the emotional sides it can bring on.I am going through a really bad patch with my wife right now and am seriously thinking about leaving.I think I might have already if I had somewhere to go.Add the stress and emotional turmoil of a failing marriage and throw in clomid and I think you'll agree that there is some cause for concern.
    If I feel like energy is lacking or strength starts to fade I have some ECA to help give me a boost.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Two weeks after final shot and weight 217lb.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I crammed my weeks workout into two days last sun/mon and then took the rest of the week off.Been taking clomid six days and so far no sides.No acne, emotional outbursts and have had no trouble getting an erection or having sex.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well I'm not sure if my week off did me any good or not, weight down to 214lb.Also strength is dropping, did squats today and managed same weight and reps as last week, but it sure felt a lot harder really struggled with the last rep.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Keep pushing bro. Good luck on keeping your gains. I'm sure it's a pain getting all big and then losing it but make sure you keep working hard and you will maintain most of it (hopefully) .


  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Two weeks into the clomid and weight 213lb.No acne or mood swings from the clomid, but my sex drive is non-existant.Strength is still holding up just.I can get the same weight and reps, but it feels so much heavier.I'm suprised that I am keeping as much weight and strength as I am because my training and diet have been terrible the last two weeks.
    I have decided that a cutting cycle will be next due to the fact that I blew up to a 40" waist and 20% bf during this bulking cycle.I am so tempted to start it now rather than wait 10 weeks, I guess this stuff really is addictive.I will try and wait as long as I can, but it's so hard knowing that the stuff is sitting in my sock drawer just waiting for me to use it.

  20. #60
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    May 2002
    Just two more days of clomid left.This post cycle period hasn't been anything like I thought it would be, depression, lack of energy and loss of strength.I feel pretty much the same as while on, althougth the sex drive isn't the same, it's almost back to normal.

  21. #61
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    May 2002
    I think I spoke to soon about the loss of strength.Just got back from the gym, lost another pound this week down to 212lb.Strength is going down as well, losing a couple of reps on most exercises, but worse is how heavy everything feels now.

  22. #62
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Glad to see you're keeping this up into PCT...i think a lot of journals are updated well when things are going well and tend to diminish when things aren't so well; namely, in PCT.

  23. #63
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Yeah I know, you hear a lot of people say " I gained 20, 30 or whatever lbs on my cycle" but nothing about how much they kept 2 months down the road.
    This whole PCT has been so much easier than I had feared.I heard other members talking about how depressed they got, no energy, loss of strength and the one I feared the most acne, but I have not experienced any of these, well a little strength loss, but that's to be expected.I have finished clomid now and hopefully I will not lose anymore weight.Once my weight levels off I will start trying to get rid of this huge gut hanging over my belt.

  24. #64
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    Apr 2003
    I think sometimes people go a little overboard and say the PCT is hard and this and that..I had no prob. after any cycle...My strength does dip a little bit...but by the next cycle i'm a little strong and ready to battle again!

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Nice updates bro... keep us updated on the PCT.



  26. #66
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well it's now one week since I finished the clomid and weight is the same as last week 212lb and strength is going up again.Sex drive, which had all but disappeared for the last couple of weeks, has come back now.It's very reassuring to be getting spontaneous erections again.
    I am going to start taking ephedrine/caffiene now and try and get rid of this fat, haven't seen my abs in a long time.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    May 2002
    It's now 7 weeks since my last injection and 2 weeks since I finished clomid.The past week has been really good.My training is going really well and I'm feeling better within myself.I feel like I have fully recovered, although only a blood test will say for sure.
    This week I have started taking Ephedrine25mg and caffiene200mg first thing in the morning and again an hour before I hit the gym(I train around 12-1pm).Also doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, three times a week for 30 mins.So imagine my suprise when I got on the scales today and saw that I had actually GAINED 2lbs back up to 214lb.

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    a positive attitue will go a long way- and so will pent up anger in the gym. either way keep the pressure on...

  29. #69
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Another week gone and strength is going up.Did chest today and am back up to my strongest during cycle.Still doing cardio first thing on an empty stomach and E/C as well yet weight continues to climb.Added another pound this week, now 215lb.I'm not eating as much as during my cycle so this weight gain is suprising, although I'm not complaining.To soon to tell if I've lost any fat although I think I can almost see my top abs now, if the lights right and I pull the skin across my stomach tight.

  30. #70
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think it's time to end this thread now.I just got some clen and winny and will be starting a new cycle in a couple of weeks.It will be a cutting cycle, and as much as I want/need to keep bulking, I really need to lose a little (alright a lot of) fat.
    I started out in April at 195lb ended 10 weeks later at 218lb and weighed in today at 213 so I would think it's safe to say that I kept most/all of my gains.
    Looking at it in those terms this cycle has been a success, but numbers don't tell the whole picture.I still don't think I look any different than before, except for the expanded waist line.
    I guess that's another lesson learned, that your not going to turn into Arnold with one cycle, rather it's going to take years of hard, consistant training and dedicated nutrition before I realise my physique goals.
    Coming in two weeks, Red5 II:The second cycle.

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