1.5 trillion deficit?? 40 cents of every gov. dollar spent is borrowed??? from who? i thoguht china stopped buying U.S. bonds???
1.5 trillion deficit?? 40 cents of every gov. dollar spent is borrowed??? from who? i thoguht china stopped buying U.S. bonds???
No problem we will just print up some new money and pay off our debt...right???? Ugggg its so frustrating and depressing at the same time....
I have to walk away from the tv so many times because of issues like this. I dont blame one side or the other...I blame them both. We have to face the facts that our politicians over the years have become so greedy and corrupt that they have sold our country out and continue to do so at an alarming rate. I've said this before but think about it. When it takes 300 million dollars to get elected president and the job itself only pays approx 400 thou a year but they leave office mulitimillionaires, and it takes millions also to get elected to congress and the senate when they only pay approx 120 to 160 thou a year but yet again they retire multimillionaires. Not only that but who in their right mind would want to fork out all that cash to get elected to a meanial paying job like that if the rewards werent so high. Unfortuately instead of doing the greater good for America and Americans it has shifted to all about greed. Even all of our national secrets are for sale for the right amount of cash. Case in point look no further than Chinas new aircraft. It is the spitting image our our latest ones. And their submarines are identical to ours also. And it just get worse. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but our country is being sold for a song and a dance. Rome is burning while Nero fiddles. Sorry for the depressing post guys.
The UK is doing just that, printing more money with no value to it, and everyone is wondering why our economy hasn't grown and why we're heading for a possible Double Dip recession.
1.5 trillion is a big figure. You consider the GLOBAL GDP is about 15 trillion, that's 10% of what the entire planet turns over. A big, big figure..
Agreed. It is not a Democrat OR Republican problem, it is a Democrat AND Republican problem.
The Obama team recently announced that they are starting their ONE BILLION DOLLAR re-election campaign. How do you spend a billion dollars without owing people? Too bad he doesn't need to "repay" the citizens that give money...only the industries.
Bush ran that deficit up with his war against Iraq.. Obama can't make tough decisions, but aws said earlier it doesn't matter, they are all the same. America is not the country that the founding father's intended it to be. It is so sad to see it slowly sinking since the rest of the world knows that America has the resources and the people to be the best in the world, but greed has gutted it and left it for dead. sad sad sad..
The only thing i can hope for is that the US will fix it's foreign policy and that the hippies finally cave in and let you drill for oil in Alaska..
It's insane and to make matters worse, our illustrius elected officials have made it all legal for corporations to be able to donate unlimited amounts of money for electing whomever they wish to put in office thereby making it impossible for joe schmoe who has real ideas on helping our country and people, to even compete. So now we the people will never ever be able to elect another president to the us as the corporations now have that power. One more nail in middle and lower class coffins.
I have faith in Obama.
The politicians are just puppets. Some are made out to be heroes, some are made out to be villains, but both are the same shit. This whole Republican vs Democrat debate is ridiculous. America has become a get rich party for the elite, they don't really care about anybody. The United States Government has always been controlled by people outside of the scenes. Once you let lobbyists have their way with these people, your looking at a corrupted system. I don't understand, so many good Americans give their vote to these people because they believe in them, yet a lobbyists can buy them out of their promises (Or were they all lies to begin with??).
Republican or Democrats is like:
"Should I get a can of Coca Cola or Pepsi?"
This vid explains how the gov prints money and why there in fact really isn't any at all......It's all borrowed, or interest.
I too would love to know where all this money comes from.
Yes We Can!
Meh...good thing America can just blow everybody up. Bring it on China!
The ironic thing about it is, that China is essential funding our defense as well. They loan us money and we continue to build our global empire. One day China will not be able to loan us more money and we will not be able to repay them. They would have every right to come over here just like a collection agency, and take what they have paid for. Unfortunately for them, the first thing that they would have to deal with is the Military that they funded for us....LOL
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No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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Its actually quite simple...we spend more than we make...America is that guy you know who has 10 credit cards maxed out wearing $200 jeans and a $1000 watch, carrying a $600 phone, driving a $500 car...
Actually LOL'd. China is the quiet guy book maker that is taking mma lessions carrying 3 automatic weapons getting ready to collect his debt.
I see America in 20years much like Russia is now, some filthy rich, majority poor. With still strong military. Doesn't help I'll probably have to start learning mandarin as China rapes my country.
China's biggest export country is America, and it's lending money to America to buy stuff straight back off China. So China at the moment relies on America to buy and borrow off them to grow. As soon as they don't need to rely on Americas market or the American dollar gets stupidly de-valued through inflation ie printing more money, China will make a move to aquire more land. I don't like to be a doomsday man but I don't think we are heading in a nice place. America likes to fight it's way out of trouble, and China want's to take over as the worlds largest super power.
Lets face it, without China there will be no WALMART. Without WALMART there will be no more cheap useless crap we dont need and there will be less garage sales to try to dump the stupid crap we bought from WALMART. China runs WALMART and WALMART runs china and we run to WALMART to buy useless crap. It's a dog eat dog world between those two and those dog biscuits come from china sold of course at your neighborhood WALMART..![]()
just make sure you take care of you and yours...
make sure your kids get a damn good education, get great jobs, teach them not to go in debt, be self reliant.....
that's all you can do, right?
Honestly, and i mean honestly do you think the majority of americans know this, or care? Everything at that dam store is made in china...EVERYTHING and it absolutely drives me nuts i fvcking hate it. It's the final product of big business in this country. We can all for the most part band together in support for pointless war in the most remote part of the world but we have not one shred of nationalism when it comes to business. It doesnt matter who the pres is either, that election is based only on which one is for or against gays and abortion and church; things the founding fathers wanted the govt to have no involvement in...
Bro this is an extremely closeminded view of not just america but the entire world in general. (and this post is to everyone not just you)
Everyone is focusing on this greed and how politicians are burying this country but what most people don't understand is we were headed towards a great default regardless of what you've seen in recent years.
But you must take into consideration many other factors that paint a very dark picture for the lenders of america and not just america itself.
First, america is not facing a demographic crisis anything remotely close to what asia is facing.
America is also not facing what western europe is facing with their inability to reach a replacement rate demographically speaking (meaning they are not
thriving or populating fast enough which will criple them the same as asia which is populating way too fast).
Its more than just an economic crisis, you need to factor in demographics and many other things as well.
Economic critics commonly shit dreaded predictions regarding the future of our economy and they are right, the reality is however this is not going to cripple our economy.
Japan and China are not exactly funding the debt like people think. Its the banks investing in the treasuries, not the countries themself.
And Japan has not invested in US treasury in 7 years, our bonds are a very secure investment. And its actually a wealth of smaller
countries that are funding our debts.
But they're not all just going to show up one day and say "gives us our money". Once the bonds mature, they redeem them, and buy
more to replace them.
Also, America has already reached the point of a tax revolt. No more state expansion and the government knows it. Politicians are
not as stupid as we think, in fact America was founded on some of the best traditions in the world and still practices them today.
We have a high tradition of entreupeneurialship (sp).
We can start business very easily.
Our workforce believe it or not is very educated, compare it to asias overall workforce.
We have both geographic and work related mobility.
High levels of charity.
Widespread literacy and perishing trade unions.
Also consider this. Asia cares about the longevity of their economy unlike US, but they don't really give a fvck
about their social predicament. In 20-30 years china, japan, etc are going to be facing a very serious social crisis.
The implications of this imo will be more disastarous then the direction americas economy is heading in.
A nation can grow fast from a small base, it can not grow fast from a large base. And don't say something like
"china will stop having babies", impose laws, do w/e you want they are headed for a ver serious crisis themselves.
Lastly, I do believe we will default. But what happens when a nation like us defaults? Look at history its happened
dozens of times. Bankruptcy wipes the slate clean, our credit is restored, and countries go "hey look at america,
they're big and powerful, have good credit... lets lend!!".
So yeh theres too much greed, and we're selling national secrets, but we are also selling them to countries who
are not exactly better off than we are. People need to really consider the political reality
of lenders stopping to lend us money. Bye bye medicare, bye bye social security, pensions, bye bye 100% of
creditors investments, and lastly bye bye japans mass market of us exports, its simply fantasies and its not happening.
Especially when hyperinflation would be so much easier and effective.
Commerical banks pressure central banks to inflate, central banks inflate, commerical banks turn over their debt to
central banks, tell central banks to stop inflating, central banks inflate, there go all commerical banks.
At that point we will still have our central banks, we will be in our second depression, but it won't be the collapse
of our economy. Whats more important is this "greed" you speak of has been on going since after reagan left office.
But this greed is more a neccessity to shitty political and economic allocations than politicians wanting to fvck over
our country on purpose. Our system was headed for a default... by default, sounds crazy I know but by the time
all this happens, asia will be in their own massive social crisis, and will need to lend to us then more than ever.
And about chinas new aircraft, america doesn't give a fvck. Not because we are sell outs, but because we are a
thousand times more powerful than china will ever be. Is it china controlling weapons of mass destruction? No,
the us does. They lend to us to avoid conflict, because we made them, and because it keeps the world economy
stable. But even when america enters its second depression, china still won't have the balls to do a single thing.
Nor do I think it will even come to that, they are our allies and need us. Especially when in another 20 years their
replacement rate is going to hit the floor, then watch how powerful china becomes, they will be in a worse situation
than us.
Americans are greedy, we are arrogant, but we're not that way because we're a country full of weak incapable ****s
(let other countries think we are, it works that much more in our favor).
I just think a lot of americans are living in some sadistic utopian fantasy and really can't perceive things from a holistic
perspective. Our country is not going in a good spot, but if you really look at things logically, we've been heading there
for a long time. And like after the first depression we only became stronger, same will happen after the second depression,
yet our economy will be much different at that time and much more reliable.
Last edited by Bojangles69; 01-28-2011 at 10:59 PM.
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