what do you guys think of that zyzz guy? he's supposed to be a "celebrity" on bodybuilding.com but i was wondering what you guys think of him. he is nowhere near natural btw. only 21 years old and been on gear since 19..
what do you guys think of that zyzz guy? he's supposed to be a "celebrity" on bodybuilding.com but i was wondering what you guys think of him. he is nowhere near natural btw. only 21 years old and been on gear since 19..
You really started a thread to ask what we think of another member on this site?
Not impressed
He is
Well member of site or not who cares.
I don't know the guy so any decision I make would be based on a couple of pics and a shit video.
My first impression was he was just another misinformed juvenile who juiced too young, and is going through those predictable
phases of having a body he doesn't know how to act in. But I doubt hes really all that different from a lot of guys on here.
And the only thing that makes him a "celebrity" imo is the people dumb enough to write that word alongside his name.
For fvcksake I looked better, and got way more female attention at that age not because I dressed emo, but because I had a
tangible personality. All I see him doing is dancing around like I tend to do (off video when I'm alone), but he seems to be doing
it more as a ploy for attention as he likely has no real personality to engage people with instead.
Still, I'm not gonna bash the guy because I have more than 1 friend who acts just like him, more than 1 friend who cycled too
young like him, and more than 1 friend who thinks they're gods gift to women but in reality couldn't pull ass if their life depended
on it. Either way what I'm more provoked to understand is why the fvck this thread was made in the first place?
One thing I will say however is he has good taste in music. Hes really just looks like another overly excited hystrionic on juice.
And like I said it would far too easy to bash on him, and being as though I live in NJ I happen to have a lot of idiot friends just
like him. Just that they are a bit more cultivated in the way they act.
What is the purpose of this thread ?
To make someone who wasn't important before the thread more important after the thread.
I could understand if he had even a twisted celeb value like the jersey shore crew... but what is he other than some random
dude who posts on steroid forums?
Is he in magazines? A model maybe? I was curious about that myself.
If all he has is a youtube vid why not make a video of every in shape guido/emo/juicehead with their own youtube video?
Not a rarity, Just a skinny kid that took steroids got some muscle and thinks he is gods gift. Not a rare thing.
Also alot of this video is tongue in cheek I believe, making fun of the way lebo's act in Sydney.
Not to mention the "veni vedi veci" thing on the right pec is just soo fvckn cliche. This is why I never got tatoos when I was young
because you don't realize how cliche shit like that is till you get older.
I can also guarantee at that age the only thing he came, saw, and conquered, was his mothers basement that he's likely still
living in. wtf. Ok see I said I wouldn't bash on him thats why I need to just let threads like this die in the future.
You're talking about lebanese people? Is it really that bad I've never been to australia?
I do hear a lot of terrible shit from friends who live/go there. But they do come from a poor country in war (after effects really), can't go home,
so in a way they're almost forced to hate australians. Well I'd imagine their parents teach them that shit, not to adhere to australian culture and all, cause one day
they'll be going back "home" to a place thats nothing but ashes/rubble/poverty. Jokes really on them in a sadistic way.
Last edited by Bojangles69; 01-30-2011 at 09:21 PM.
They run wild in Sydney's west, so much trouble since they started flooding in after the civil war in Lebanon. The Lebanese Gov wanted to clear out their country filth and jails so they cleared their records and we took them in in droves. The majority came here and have no respect for the place. I personally have had alot of trouble with them, my friends and family too. I could go on for a long time about this but I won't. I don't know where their hatred for this place comes from them. All other nationalities that come here embrace the place. I know of people that got bashed just for being "aussie" girls getting raped the organised crime............................So sad to see
Not going to hate on the kid. He could be a calvin or Tommy Hilfiger model or even abercrombie or gay porn.....
Why would anyone start a thread like this?
This thread was a dead topic from the start but this topic somewhat revived it imo. I'm so interested in this for some reason I wouldn't mind if you made a seperate thread and ranted for pages, really. But if its something that bothers you a lot its likely better just leaving it off there like you said.
Sorry to hear that man I'm not going to try to play the "one up" game on you but america has its fair share of assholes who like breaking customs/laws and making idiots of themselves, like rapping in the middle of streets and not moving for cars, yelling/shouting/screaming in movie theatres and the second you say something they pull the race card. I'd rather not even turn it into that honestly. But crimes like this love to get ignored in america:
I just can't stand hearing shit like that. Go back to fvckn lebanon where your country is torn to pieces otherwise have some fvckn respect for the people
who actually have a decent country to live in. Thanks for sharing even that much though, appreciate it.
hes a member on here, his user name was azizz or azzy something... his friends have accounts on here to like supaturk, all running 300mg of tren and prop eod and multiple cycles.
funny thing is, this site taught them all how to use gear properly.. if it wasnt for this site they would all look like shit.
you mad? lol
oh C'MON..... lol
who gives a fvck?!
i think this is the gayest video i have ever seen..
Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz SteroidsZyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids Zyzz Steroids
Last edited by MACHINE5150; 02-09-2011 at 10:33 AM. Reason: trying to bump so first on google
this guy belongs in the guido section.
"veni vedi veci"?????
more like "in the closet"
i honestly cant get over how sad that video is at 2:22
Im not impressed. Anyone can have abbs at 185lbs. Hell, you SHOULD have abbs at anything sub 200lbs if you ask me.
Lean he is, but so was I as 21, and I WASNT using gear. If i was on tren and prop at 19/20/21 I would have looked like that too. Oh well. I prefer to be very big and slightly lean as opposed to small and very lean.
I'm not gonna watch the video, but his physique is great if he is going for the underwear model look. Depends really on what his goal is. He does look like a douche tho and I would most likely slap the taste out of his mouth.
seems most the good looking girls seem to agree with you Vette.. i am assuming this by comparing your ex gf's in the girl next door thread to the chicks this fool has chasing him around. Girls like a fit guy, but most of them want one that can kick their friends boyfriends asses or any other guy for that matter.. chciks get off on this.
I agree machine. You dont need to be shredded ( i am not) but I am lean-ish lol WITH size but not too big where girls find it freaky. Most just want to feel safe and protected.
He is lean, however he is also 21y/o, and 6'1"or 2" so overall its not thaaaat far fetched to be like that at 185/195lbs.
Zyzz bares a close resemblence to vette..... hmmmmm
Never heard of him or even seen him anywhere but to me he looks like a right cvnt and needs a slap
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