Im just curious to see how everyone disposes of their "supplies" once they've been used...
Throw it in your own trash and "hope for the best"
Dispose of it public dumpsters when no one is around
Give it to someone you know who works at a hospital to get rid of properly
Other (Please Post)
Im just curious to see how everyone disposes of their "supplies" once they've been used...
Old protein jars
i store it all in a 10 lb N-Large jug and when it's all full i drive down to the shore on the garden state parkway in nj and throw that shit all the way down to the shore. go Prolab!!!
I keep mine in biohazered jub made for pinz and when it gets full i drop it off at the local drop off for that stuff
Me personally Ive just been feeding them to my dog. Then about 3 hours later I take him for the most painful walk/shit he's ever had...
Keep mine in a biohazard container that you can buy at London Drugs...when full London Drugs will properly dispose the container for you.
For those of you who don't know...London Drugs is a drug store chain.
I mail mine to Big N
Old protein jug taped up with duct tape at the end quite liberally (to say the least) and then taken directly to the transfer station.
I make wind chimes with mine. 21 gg chimes nice on windy day. I think they hang too low though cause the neighbor kids keep on walking into them. Little bastards.
Am I the only one who uses them for acupuncture? Oh yea, don't forget that they are good for popping zits too!
Good poll!...I was dumping them at public dumpsters before. Since I'm nearing the end of a cycle, I've got like 150 syringes in my closet ready to trash. My wife works at a doctor's office so she took them there to include in their medical waste disposal.
I used to throw it in the toilet put some toilet paper on top andd then flush the stuff. I guess it's not the best way but I was freaked out about the guy carrying out the trash from the apartment complex I live in would get hurt by the needles. This time I was thinking of gathering them in an old protein container and dispose them at the pharmacy. Just go in and out fast.
LMAO!Originally Posted by bermich
BUMP! Keep this going this is interesting...
peanutbutter jars,protein containers, non-see thru milk jugs, basically anything with relatively thick plastic, never dispose of them at your home, office or any place that can be connected to you, just do a random drop-off in a public trash can, it is 100% legal for someone to go through your trash, so be smart
the syringes i put in a empty protein tub, when full i taped it and throw it into the bin.
the pins i collect in a biohazard container, when i have enough pins i will bring to a friend who is a blacksmith. he promise me to make me a sword![]()
I store mine in an empty Nlarge tub and when it is full or I have completed my current cycle then i wrap the whole thing up in duct tape and bring in behind wallmart and throw it in there dumpster.
I got this off of Walgreen's website:
Sharps items include needles and lancets, as well as broken glass, razor blades, and any other devices capable of cutting or piercing the skin. Disposal of sharps can be dangerous if not done correctly. Every year more than 1 million accidental needle sticks are reported, and it is estimated that an additional 66 percent per year go unreported. You can do your part to help prevent accidental needle sticks by following a few simple guidelines for sharps safety and disposal:
Place used sharps in a thick, puncture-proof, leak-proof container. Make sure that you can't see through this container, and that it can be tightly sealed.
Before throwing the sharps container away, seal it with heavy-duty tape, and label the container "DO NOT RECYCLE". Keep out of reach of children and animals.
Maybe offers a little insight
Originally Posted by Rastus
Good post.
Am I the only one here who tosses them in the sewer?
Originally Posted by Phreak101
quite possibly the funniest thing ive read in a while............
Dispose it at the FD I work at.
put them in my own trash and throw it away like normal. every now and then i keep just the points so i can put them in halloween candy
Whit that avatar! I beleive him.Originally Posted by sharky
i can't believe so many of u guys just throw your pinz in the trash!!! shame on you.
get "sharps containters" from any drugstore, and leave them in there. when they are full, take them back and they will dispose of them for you, SAFELY.
Won't they be a little suspicsious that some kid off the street is bringing in a ton of syringes with needles? I'd love to be able to do it correctly but I'm paranoid about some self-righteous asshole calling the cops on me for having a bucket of syringes w/o an form of diabetes paperwork or anything else for that matter...Originally Posted by Rayman
you really don't need any paperwork to prove that you have diabetes or any other medical issue for something like this. i understand your concerns but u can't get in trouble for bringing sharps back for proper disposal. otherwise, they'd have hidden cameras at all the downtown needle disposals and whenever a junkie would dump one in he'd get busted. it doesn't make sense. they are there to help. anyways, it's about being safe and respecting other people (garbage men for instance?) who have to deal with that stuff.
Empty protein jugs. Super glue the top on. Write biohazardouz waste all over the container, including DO NOT OPEN. Throw them in the back of shopping centers large trash cans.
I agree with you and I do that.Originally Posted by Rayman
Don't forget AS is legal to posess and use in Canada. Plus we can go into any drugstore and buy syringes. I don't think it's that easy in the US...I would be hesitant to bring used needles back to Walgreens. A quick investigation of the substance and you could be f'ed. I do however recommend for people to check out their options as recycling needles is the right thing to do.
I havent had the pleasure of disposing of needles yet but what my "friend" used to do was go down to the dumpster of the apartment complex he lived in and throw the needle out right after he injected. He just put it in the wrapping that it came in and threw it out...
bury each one in the sand at the beach.
no old protein jug. taped.
Its kinda hard to keep an empty protein jug full of syringes around the house with my grandmother living with me...
hell yeah bro. theres more used pinz on the jersey shore than sand!!!Originally Posted by partyboynyc
Am I the only one who uses an empty gallon jug of Tide?
The pinz fit right in the weird hole on top and it's almost impossible to see in even if someone opened it.
Are you guys joking about throwing your used syringes along the shore, etc. That's fucking scary!
I havent done it yet but my used syringes are in a old protein jug right now . wouldnt the pins eventually melt after being exposed to the hot flames of a fire ??
i was thinking of doing it this way or throw it at the local land fill site with the container labeled (harzardous waste)
So your the one I was driving behind the other day.Originally Posted by partyboynyc
I store them and drop them off at my Dr's office for her to dispose of.
What I do is..Once I get about 5 needles, I bundle them together and wrap them up real good with Duct Tape so nothing is showing, then I toss them in the dumpster.
Bro you're in Canada...they're have nothing to hide. Save the enviroment and go take them to a fire department (or wherever that accepts them) in a puncture proof container. You could spend $2-5 on a biohazard container and drop it off when full like I do.Originally Posted by thegame01
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